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Parentage and birth of Scott--Precocity--Enters William and Mary College--Leaves college and commences the study of law with Judge Robinson--Attends the trial of Burr at Richmond--Impressment of American seamen and proclamation of President Jefferson--Joins the Petersburg troop--Leaves for Charleston--Returns to Petersburg--Appointed captain of artillery--Trial of General Wilkinson--Scott sends in his resignation, but withdraws it and returns to Natchez--Is court-martialed--On staff duty at New Orleans--Declaration of war with Great Britain--General Wade Hampton and the Secretary of War--Hull's surrender--Storming of Queenstown--March to Lewiston--Scott's appeal to the officers and soldiers--Indians fire on a flag of truce--Incident with a Caledonian priest--Letter in relation to Irish prisoners sent home to be tried for treason 1

Scott ordered to Philadelphia--Appointed adjutant general with the rank of colonel--Becomes chief of staff to General Dearborn--Death of General Pike--Leads the advance on Fort Niagara--Anecdote of Scott and a British colonel--Commands the expedition to Burlington Heights--March for Sackett's Harbor--Meets a force at Cornwall--Retreat of Wilkinson--Scott appointed brigadier general--Attack on and surrender of Fort Erie--Battle of Chippewa--Lundy's Lane and wounding of Scott--Retreat 23

Is received and entertained by prominent civilians and military men in Europe--Marries Miss Mayo--Offspring--Thanks of Congress--Thanks of the Virginia Legislature voted, and also a sword--Controversy with General Andrew Jackson and correspondence--Prepares general regulations for the army and militia--Controversy with General Gaines and the War Department about rank--In command of the Eastern Division--War with the Sac and Fox Indians--Black Hawk--Cholera breaks out among the troops 41

Troubles in South Carolina growing out of the tariff acts apprehended, and General Scott sent South--Action of the nullifiers--Instructions in case of an outbreak--Action of the South Carolina Legislature 60

Events that led to the war in Florida--Treaty of Camp Moultrie and its stipulations--Complaints of Indians and whites--Treaty of Payne's Landing--Objections of the Indians to complying with the latter treaty--Councils and talks with the Seminoles--Assiola--Murder of mail carrier Dalton--Murder of Charley Amanthla--Dade's massacre--Murder of General Thompson and others--General Clinch--Depredations by the Indians on the whites and by the latter on the Indians--Volunteers--Military departments of Gaines and Scott 72

Review of the army by General Gaines--Arrival of General Gaines at Fort King--Lieutenant Izard mortally wounded--Correspondence between General Gaines and Clinch--General Scott ordered to command in Florida--Disadvantages under which he labored--Preparations for movements--Commencement of hostilities against the Indians 103

Scott prefers complaint against General Jesup--Court of inquiry ordered by the President--Scott fully exonerated by the court--Complaints of citizens--Difficulties of the campaign--Speech in Congress of Hon. Richard Biddle--Scott declines an invitation to a dinner in New York city--Resolutions of the subscribers--Scott is ordered to take charge of and remove the Cherokee Indians--Orders issued to troops and address to the Indians--Origin of the Cherokee Indian troubles--Collision threatened between Maine and New Brunswick, and Scott sent there--Correspondence with Lieutenant-Governor Harvey--Seizure of Navy Island by Van Rensselaer--Governor Marcy 122

Annexation of Texas--Causes that led to annexation--Message of the President--General Scott's letters regarding William Henry Harrison--Efforts to reduce General Scott's pay--Letter to T.P. Atkinson on the slavery question--Battle of Palo Alto, and of Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista--"The hasty plate of Soup"--Scott's opinion of General Taylor--Scott ordered to Mexico--Proposal to revive the grade of lieutenant general, and to appoint Thomas H. Benton--Scott reaches the Brazos Santiago--Confidential dispatch from Scott to Taylor--Co-operation of the navy--Letters to the Secretary of War as to places of rendezvous--Arrival and landing at Vera Cruz, and its investment, siege, and capture--Letter to foreign consuls--Terms of surrender--Orders of General Scott after the surrender 149

General Santa Anna arrives at Cerro Gordo--Engagement at Atalaya--General Orders No. 111--Reports from Jalapa--Report of engagement at Cerro Gordo--Occupation of Perote--Account of a Mexican historian--General Santa Anna's letter to General Arroya--Delay of the Government in sending re-enforcements--Danger of communications with Vera Cruz--Troops intended for Scott ordered to General Taylor--Colonel Childs appointed governor of Jalapa--Occupation of Puebla--Arrival of re-enforcements--Number of Scott's force 175

General Quitman's movements to San Antonio and Coyoacan--Movements of General Pillow--General reconnoissance by Scott--Chapultepec--Scott announces his line of attack--Surrender of the Mexican General Bravo--Preparations to move on the capital--Entry of General Scott into the City of Mexico--General Quitman made Military Governor--General Scott's orders--Movements of Santa Anna--General Lane--American and Mexican deserters--Orders as to collection of duties and civil government 223

Scott's care for the welfare of his army--Account of the money levied on Mexico--Last note to the Secretary of War while commander in chief in Mexico--Army asylums--Treaty of peace--Scott turns over the army to General William O. Butler--Scott and Worth--Court of inquiry on Worth--The "Leonidas" and "Tampico" letters--Revised paragraph 650--Army regulations--General Worth demands a court of inquiry and prefers charges against Scott--Correspondence--General belief as to Scott's removal command--The trial--Return home of General Scott 254

General Taylor nominated for the presidency--Thanks of Congress to Scott, and a gold medal voted--Movement to revive and confer upon Scott the brevet rank of lieutenant general--Scott's views as to the annexation of Canada--Candidate for President in 1852 and defeated--Scott's diplomatic mission to Canada in 1859--Mutterings of civil war--Letters and notes to President Buchanan--Arrives in Washington, December 12, 1861--Note to the Secretary of War--"Wayward sisters" letter--Events preceding inauguration of Mr. Lincoln--Preparation for the defense of Washington--Scott's loyalty--Battle of Bull Run--Scott and McClellan--Free navigation of the Mississippi River--Retirement of General Scott and affecting incidents connected therewith--Message of President Lincoln--McClellan on Scott--Mount Vernon--Scott sails for Europe--Anecdote of the day preceding the battle of Chippewa--The Confederate cruiser Nashville--Incident between Scott and Grant--Soldiers' Home--Last days of Scott--His opinion of noncombatants--General Wilson's tribute 289

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