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INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 1. Christianity rests on a Basis of Historic Facts inseparably connected from First to Last--2. This Basis to be maintained against Unbelievers--3. General Plan of Inquiry--Christ's Advent the Central Point--From this We look forward and backward to the Beginning--4. Importance of viewing Revelation as a Whole--5. Fragmentary Method of Objectors--Particular Order of the Parts in this Investigation

UNCORRUPT PRESERVATION OF THE GOSPEL NARRATIVES. 1. What is meant by an Uncorrupt Text--2. Ancient Materials for Writing--Palimpsests--Uncial and Cursive Manuscripts--3. The Apostolic Autographs have perished, but We have their Contents--This shown from the Agreement of Manuscripts--From the Quotations of the Fathers--From Ancient Versions--Character of the "Various Readings"--They do not affect the Substance of the Gospel--4. The Ancient Versions made from a Pure Text--This shown from the Public Reading of the Gospels from the Beginning--From the Multiplication of Copies--From the High Value attached to the Gospels--From the Want of Time for Essential Corruptions--From the Absence of all Proof of such Corruptions--5. The Above Remarks apply essentially to the other New Testament Books

AUTHENTICITY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE GOSPEL NARRATIVES. 1. General Remarks--2. Their Authors Sincere and Truthful--3. Competent as Men--4. And as Witnesses--5. Character of the Works which they record-- Supernatural Character of our Lord's Miracles--They were very Numerous and Diversified, and performed openly--6. And in the Presence of His Enemies--7. The Resurrection of Jesus--Its Vital Importance--8. The Character of Jesus proves the Truth of the Record--Its Originality and Symmetry--It unites Tranquillity with Fervor--Wisdom with Freedom from Guile--Prudence with Boldness--Tenderness with Severity--Humility with the Loftiest Claims--He is Heavenly-minded without Asceticism--His Perfect Purity--His Virtues Imitable for All alike--Our Lord's Character as a Teacher--His Freedom from the Errors of His Age and Nation--His Religion One for All Men and Ages--This explained by its Divine Origin--Our Lord's Manner of Teaching--His Divine Mission--Divinity of His Person--Originality of its Manifestations--God His Father in a Peculiar Sense--He is the Source of Light and Life--He has Inward Dominion over the Soul--He dwells in Believers, and they in Him--The Inference--His Power over the Human Heart--Supernatural Character of the Gospel--A Word on Objections

THE DISPUTED BOOKS. 1. The Question here simply concerning the Extent of the Canon--2. The Primitive Age One of Free Inquiry--3. Its Diversity of Judgment no Decisive Argument against a Given Book--4. The Caution of the Early Churches gives Weight to their Judgment--This Judgment Negative as well as Positive

INSEPARABLE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE OLD AND THE NEW TESTAMENT. General Remarks--1. Previous Revelations implied in Christ's Advent--2. In the Character of the Jewish People--3. Proved from the New Testament-- Christ's Explicit Declarations--4. The New Testament based on the Facts of the Old--The Fall of Man--The Abrahamic Covenant, which was conditioned on Faith alone, and fulfilled in Christ--Christ the End of the Mosaic Economy--In its Prophetical Order--In its Kingly Office--In its Priestly Office--5. The New Testament Writers the Interpreters of the Old

AUTHENTICITY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE PENTATEUCH. 1. Its Historic Truth assumed in the New Testament--This shown by Examples--2. It was the Foundation of the Whole Jewish Polity--And could not have been imposed upon the People by Fraud--Contrast between Mohammed and Moses--3. Scientific Difficulties connected with the Pentateuch--4. Alleged Moral Difficulties--Exclusiveness of the Mosaic Economy--Its Restrictions on Intercourse with Other Nations--5. Its Numerous Ordinances--The Mosaic Laws required Spiritual Obedience--6. Objections from the Toleration of Certain Usages--7. Extirpation of the Canaanites--8. The Mosaic Economy a Blessing to the Whole World

REMAINING BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 1. General Remarks--2. The New Testament assumes their Divine Authority--Historical Books--3. Books not strictly Historical or Prophetical--4. Prophetical Books--Argument from Prophecy for the Divine Origin of the Old Testament--5. Christ the Fulfilment of Prophecy--In his Office as a Prophet--as a King--as a Priest--6. The Jewish Institutions and History a Perpetual Adumbration of Christ preparatory to His Advent--7. Remarks on the Canon of the Old Testament--8. Principle of its Formation--9. Inspiration of the Old Testament

EVIDENCES INTERNAL AND EXPERIMENTAL. 1. External Evidences Important, but not Indispensable to True Faith--2. Internal Evidences--View which the Bible gives of God's Character--3. Code of Morals in the Bible--It is Spiritual, Reasonable, and Comprehensive--Obedience to It the Sum of all Goodness--4. All Parts of the Bible in Harmony with Each Other--5. Power of the Bible over the Conscience--6. Argument from Personal Experience--7. From the Character of Jesus--8. From General Experience--The Love of Jesus the Mightiest Principle of Action--Persecution first winnows, then strengthens the Church--The Church corrupted and weakened by Worldly Alliances--9. The Gospel gives an Inward Victory over Sin--It purifies and elevates Society--10. Its Self-purifying Power--11. The Argument summed up



NAMES AND EXTERNAL FORM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 1. Origin and Meaning of the Word Bible--Jewish Designations of the Old Testament--2. Origin of the Terms Old and New Testament--Earlier Latin Term--2. The Unity--Scripture has its Ground in Divine Inspiration--Its Great Diversity in Respect to Human Composition--4. Classification and Arrangement of the Old Testament Books--Classification of the Hebrew: of the Greek Version of the Seventy; of the Latin Vulgate--No One of these follows entirely the Order of Time--5. Original Mode of Writing called Continuous--6. Ancient Sections--Open and Closed; Larger Sections called Parshiyoth and Haphtaroth--7. Chapters and Verses--Caution in Respect to our Modern Chapters

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