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Munafa ebook

Munafa ebook

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o has a daughter of surpassing beauty, resembling the full moon. One day I went to the city in the way of business, and happened to pass by the dwelling of Harith the merchant. The daughter was at that moment looking out at one of the windows, and all at once my eyes were attracted towards her. The instant I beheld this beauty my heart rebelled beyond my control, and reason abandoned my mind; in a word, I was taken captive in the fetters of love.

"I inquired of some of the people in the city, 'Pray, sirs, whose house is this?'--'It is,' said they, 'the residence of Harith's daughter.' I asked them further, 'Can you tell me whether the lady be married or not?' They replied, 'Truly, sir, she is unmarried as yet; her father has three questions, and has resolved to bestow his daughter on that man only who can answer them.' My uneasiness was so great that I straightway went to Harith's gate, and sent him a message announcing my object. Harith replied, saying, 'I have no control over my daughter in this case, she is left to choose for herself. She has three questions to propose, and she will accept as her husband the man who can answer them to her satisfaction.'

"I thence proceeded to the door of the apartment of Harith's daughter, and by message announced my attendance. The lady invited me to enter, and having caused me to be seated in an elegant chamber, she sent me word to this effect: 'First you must sign an agreement with me, and then I will converse with you.' To this I replied, that I was ready to obey whatever she should command. The lady then informed me, 'If you solve my three questions, I shall become entirely yours; but if you succeed not, all your wealth shall be mine.' In my ardor I at once agreed to these conditions, and requested her further commands.

"She proceeded, saying, 'My first question is this: in the vicinity of our city is a cave the inside of which no one has hitherto explored, nor is it known how far it extends; examine this cave, and let me know the result.

"'My second question is as follows: on the night of Jumat a voice is heard in the wilderness of some one who exclaims, "I have done nothing which can benefit me this night." Bring me an account of this person, and tell me why he reiterates such an exclamation.

"'My third question: There is a fairy named Mahpari, who has in her possession the precious stone called the Shahmuhra; find out this fairy's abode, and procure for me the jewel.'

"When she had finished her commands, I returned to my house and conveyed to her the whole of my wealth, of which she is now in possession. I then quitted the city, and made my way into this desert. Here I wander involved in calamities: on the one hand, I have parted with all my substance, and have deprived myself of a home; and on the other, the arrow of love still pierces my heart."

Hatim, on hearing the young man's history, said to him, "Let your mind be easy as to this affair; only conduct me to that city, and I shall endeavor to put you in possession of your mistress, and restore to you your lost property." The youth said, "In my present state my wealth would be useless; let me but gain my mistress, for without her my life will be insupportable."

Hatim took the youth by the hand, and both set out for the city. When they arrived, they rested a little at a caravansera?; there Hatim left his companion, and having gone to the gate of Harith's daughter, he addressed the porter, saying, "Tell your mistress that I wish to speak with her on matrimonial affairs." The attendants immediately conveyed the intelligence to their mistress, that a youth had arrived at the gate who longed to converse with her. The lady, on hearing this, threw on her veil, and gave orders that Hatim should be introduced. She then stated to him the three queries above-mentioned, concerning which Hatim replied, "If your father will enter into a written agreement with me, I will solve your questions. The terms are as follows: when I shall have brought satisfactory answers to your questions, you must submit to be bestowed by me on whomsoever I please, and the choice of your disposal shall be left entirely with me."

Hatim took leave of the lady, and taking with him some of her people as guides, he set out from the city, and soon arrived at the mouth of the cave, which was situated about three farasangs distant. When the guides had brought Hatim to the mouth of the cave, he said to them, "Now, whether will you return to the city, or remain here till I come out?" They answered him, saying "We are ordered not to quit this spot till you come out, so here we shall remain; meanwhile one of us shall return to the city, in order to procure food."

Hatim threw himself into the cave, and began to explore his way. For the whole of that, and several successive days, he continued to advance, till at last he saw a glimmering light. He then supposed that he had reached the extremity of the cave, and bethought himself that he ought to return. But on further consideration, he said in his own mind, "If people ask of me aught concerning the mysteries of its interior, what answer can I give?" He therefore issued out from the extremity of the cave, and continued to advance. Before him lay a boundless desert, through which flowed rivulets of water. Hatim had brought with him from the city two bags full of kernels of almonds, and a flask full of water. Of these he ate a few every day, and after expressing his thanks to the Creator, he pursued his route, and when his flask full of water was exhausted, he supplied himself from the streams that flowed through the desert.

After journeying for several days, Hatim beheld a lofty and extensive rampart, and after examining it all around he discovered that there was a town within it. He entered within the walls, and as he advanced towards the town found traces of its being inhabited; and when he approached still nearer, he saw that the natives were demons.

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