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Munafa ebook

Read Ebook: Hoisting Appliances by International Correspondence Schools

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Ebook has 175 lines and 37451 words, and 4 pages


The system has been in successful operation since 1877, and experiments made on it have determined that, with a rope passing only one-half turn around the drum sheave, the coefficient of adhesion with clean ropes is about .3. If the ropes are oiled, the adhesion becomes less, and sometimes slippage occurs, producing not only wear of the driving sheave lining but giving an incorrect reading of the hoist indicator and thus possibly producing overwinding, unless the position of the cage is indicated by marks on the rope, or unless the engineer can see the cage.

At the end of the hoist, if the upper cage is allowed to rest on the keep, its weight and the weight of the tail-rope are taken from the hoisting rope, and there is then not enough pull on the hoisting rope to produce sufficient friction with the drum sheave to start the next hoist. To prevent this trouble, the keeps are dispensed with, or the rope is made continuous and independent of the cage. To do this, crossheads are placed above and below each cage and connected by ropes or chains outside of the cages. The bridle chains are then hung from the top crosshead, and when the cage rests on the keeps, the weight of the winding and tail-ropes remains on the driving sheaves.

The system permits a perfect balance of rope and cage, so that the work to be done by the engines is uniform, except for the acceleration, and consists only in lifting the material and overcoming the friction.

There is no fleeting of the rope, so the rope wheels can be placed as close to the shaft as may be desired.



A clutch is often used to change the length of the hoisting rope when hoisting from two or more lifts or levels. In this case the shaft carries two drums, one of which is fixed to the shaft, while the other is provided with a friction clutch. When it is desired to change the length of the rope, the cage attached to the loose drum is brought to, say, the upper landing. The cages both resting on the wings, the clutch is loosened and the other cage attached to the fixed drum is now brought to the desired level, when the clutch is again tightened and hoisting proceeds. The change is made in 2 or 3 minutes.


An objection to both the block and the post brake is the fact that, if the drum surface to which the brake is applied is not perfectly round, the resistance of the brake will not be uniform when applied while the drum is in motion.

The most efficient forms of strap brakes are those in which the strap or straps are in contact with 270? or more of the circumference of the drum. The greater the arc of contact, the more securely is the drum held by the brake. A single strap is sometimes used, but this is only satisfactory with small drums, say 8 feet or less in diameter; on large drums two straps are generally used, each extending half way around the drum. The levers for transmitting the power from the hand lever or treadle to the brake strap are variously arranged. In some cases, the force is multiplied by several short levers; in others, by one long lever. The treadle or foot-lever, however, has been replaced almost entirely by the hand lever.

Block brakes are usually run dry, but in band brakes and post brakes with ample surfaces and proper leverage the wood may be occasionally slightly oiled with black oil, which greatly adds to the durability of the blocks without unduly lessening the power of the brake.

This brake is self-acting when the drum revolves so as to pull on the shorter arm, as indicated by the arrows; that is, the motion of the drum helps to set the brake when the latter is once applied. When, however, the drum revolves in the opposite direction, the action of the brake is opposed, instead of being assisted, by the motion of the drum. As a consequence, this particular form of brake is not adapted to hoisting drums that revolve in opposite directions at each alternate hoist. Differential brakes are not generally used.

A differential lever may be advantageously used in connection with any band or post brake and on a drum running in either direction. Such levers are considered by many preferable to the differential brake.


Serial 851D Edition 1



This sheave is cheaper than a combined cast-iron and wrought-iron or steel sheave, and for many purposes it is entirely satisfactory. Its great weight is an objection, because it adds to the weight on the journals and also offers considerable resistance to being set in motion and stopped.

If a sheave is merely used to carry the rope or to deflect it only a little, the contact and pressure between the rope and the sheave is small; consequently, the power of the rope to turn the sheave will be slight. In such a case, when the rope starts or stops quickly, as it usually does in modern hoisting plants, the heavier the sheave the more will it lag behind the rope and the greater will be the wear on the rope due to slipping.

If a hoisting rope changes its course from a straight line, even if the deflection is only a small amount, a roller is not advisable and a sheave should be used, if possible.



The cams, or dogs, may be placed at any point along the upright post of the cage, and in some cases two sets of cams are used on each side, one set at the top and another in the middle, both sets being connected by rods so that they work together. Practical tests of these catches, made by allowing the cage to drop, show that they are, as a rule, very efficient devices. The cams usually take hold at once, the cage dropping only a few inches, or, at most, a few feet if the guides are dry and free from oil. When the guides are very greasy or wet, the cage may drop several feet before the cams take a firm hold and stop it, and with ice-covered guides, instances are given where the cage has fallen 15 feet before the cams ploughed their way through the ice and took firm hold of the guides; but in so doing the momentum the cage acquired was so great that the guides were destroyed. Fortunately for the utility of safety catches, ropes are usually broken while a loaded cage is being raised, and the cage has an upward momentum; if a rope breaks when the cage is descending at a speed of 30 or 40 feet a second, its momentum is so great that either the catches or guides break. The catches generally hold and either the guides or cage suffer more or less injury under such circumstances. Instead of being placed near the top of the cage the dogs are frequently placed near the center, or near the bottom; in some cases two sets of dogs have been used, one set being at the top and the other at the bottom. Instead of being cam-shaped with a number of small teeth on the rim of the cam, as shown in Fig. 7, the dogs are now frequently made consisting of one or more strong straight teeth on each side of the guide. These teeth are operated similarly to those shown in Fig. 7, and are driven into the guides if the rope breaks, thus holding the cage more firmly than the cam-shaped guides, particularly where the guides are wet.



These carriages are sometimes built to run on a slope track of the same gauge as the mine cars, but to insure stability they have generally a broader gauge. The headroom necessary is governed not so much by the form of the carriage as by the length of the car and the inclination of the seam. This height is less when the cars are placed on the carriage with their length across the slope than when they are run on lengthwise; but this arrangement increases the width of the slope. When the inclination is very steep, the wheels are sometimes placed on the sides of the carriage and above its center of gravity and run between two tracks or guides, on each side of the slope.

Slope carriages usually have the tracks running crosswise so that the car is pushed on from the side instead of from the end.





Wooden guides are always rectangular in cross-section and in the United States are usually made of yellow pine or other long-grained wood that does not splinter easily; in some localities, oak or some of the other harder woods are used. There is no fixed size for cage guides, but 4" x 4", 6" x 8", 8" x 10", and 4 1/4 " x 11" timbers are frequently used.



A head-frame must be strong enough to bear the strain brought on it due to the total load hoisted and the pull of the engine in hoisting this load; it must also be rigid in construction to withstand the severe vibration and shock to which it is subjected on account of the rapid hoisting and the jar due to the landing of the cages.

Wherever permanency of head-frames is required, if steel is obtainable at a price at all comparable with wood, steel structures are being used, as timber frames rot.


Fig. 33 shows the construction of the ordinary timber gallows frame used at many ore mines.

Springs are sometimes placed under the journals of the head-sheaves to lessen the strain on the rope while starting the load; the 15-foot head-sheaves of the Robinson deep mine at Johannesburg have locomotive springs under the journal boxes, the actual load on each spring due to the weight of the sheave, rope, skip, and rock being equal to about 20,000 pounds; it was estimated that the sheave would thus be lowered by the load on it, about 3 inches, which would be equal to an action of a spring giving motion of 6 inches at the cage. Springs can often be used both on the rope and under the sheave in the same plant to advantage.


Builder agrees to guarantee structure to withstand strains specified on drawings with factor of safety of 10, to provide for possible overwinding or sticking in shaft.

No steel shall be used less than 1/4 inch thick except for lining or filling vacant places.

The rivets used shall generally be 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and 7/8 inch in diameter.

The distance between edges of any piece and the center of rivet hole shall not be less than 1 1/4 inches, except for bars less than 2 1/2 inches wide; when practicable it shall be at least two diameters of the rivet. All rivet holes shall be spaced and punched, so that when the several parts are assembled together a rivet of ?/?? inch less diameter than the hole can be entered hot into any hole, without reaming or drifting. The rivets when driven should fill the holes. The heads must be rounded; they must be full and neatly made, and be concentric to the rivet hole, and thoroughly pinch the connecting pieces together. Field riveting must be reduced to a minimum. All joints and connections shall be neatly made, the several parts to be brought together without twists, bends, or open joints.

The contractor shall furnish a location plan and also two copies of the detail shop drawings for convenience in making future alterations and repairs.

Price includes all material for completion of work delivered, erected, and riveted in place and painted.


In England, detaching hooks are used quite commonly, and also in certain parts of the Central Basin in the United States, but they have not yet been generally adopted throughout the United States.


I had found a candle in my bedroom, and this I took to light me. But it revealed nothing to me except a double row of unused rooms, with dust on the handles of all the doors. I scrutinized them all; for, young as I was, I had wit enough to see that if I could find one knob on which no dust lay that would be the one my husband was accustomed to turn.

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