Read Ebook: Recoil by Smith George O George Oliver Orban Paul Illustrator
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next PageEbook has 301 lines and 16499 words, and 7 pagesTHE MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF LIVING SUBSTANCES PAGE Mechanical response--Different kinds of stimuli--Myograph --Characteristics of response-curve: period, amplitude, form--Modification of response-curves 1 ELECTRIC RESPONSE Conditions for obtaining electric response--Method of injury--Current of injury--Injured end, cuproid: uninjured, zincoid--Current of response in nerve from more excited to less excited--Difficulties of present nomenclature--Electric recorder--Two types of response, positive and negative--Universal applicability of electric mode of response--Electric response a measure of physiological activity--Electric response in plants 5 ELECTRIC RESPONSE IN PLANTS--METHOD OF NEGATIVE VARIATION Negative variation--Response recorder--Photographic recorder--Compensator--Means of graduating intensity of stimulus--Spring-tapper and torsional vibrator--Intensity of stimulus dependent on amplitude of vibration--Effectiveness of stimulus dependent on rapidity also 17 ELECTRIC RESPONSE IN PLANTS--BLOCK METHOD Method of block--Advantages of block method--Plant response a physiological phenomenon--Abolition of response by anaesthetics and poisons--Abolition of response when plant is killed by hot water 27 PLANT RESPONSE--ON THE EFFECTS OF SINGLE STIMULUS AND OF SUPERPOSED STIMULI Effect of single stimulus--Superposition of stimuli--Additive effect--Staircase effect--Fatigue--No fatigue when sufficient interval between stimuli--Apparent fatigue when stimulation frequency is increased--Fatigue under continuous stimulation 35 PLANT RESPONSE--ON DIPHASIC VARIATION Diphasic variation--Positive after-effect and positive response--Radial E.M. variation 44 PLANT RESPONSE--ON THE RELATION BETWEEN STIMULUS AND RESPONSE Increased response with increasing stimulus--Apparent diminution of response with excessively strong stimulus 51 PLANT RESPONSE--ON THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE Effect of very low temperature--Influence of high temperature--Determination of death-point--Increased response as after-effect of temperature variation--Death of plant and abolition of response by the action of steam 59 PLANT RESPONSE--EFFECT OF ANAESTHETICS AND POISONS Effect of anaesthetics, a test of vital character of response--Effect of chloroform--Effect of chloral--Effect of formalin--Method in which response is unaffected by variation of resistance--Advantage of block method--Effect of dose 71 RESPONSE IN METALS Is response found in inorganic substances?--Experiment on tin, block method--Anomalies of existing terminology--Response by method of depression--Response by method of exaltation 81 INORGANIC RESPONSE--MODIFIED APPARATUS TO EXHIBIT RESPONSE IN METALS Conditions of obtaining quantitative measurements--Modification of the block method--Vibration cell--Application of stimulus--Graduation of the intensity of stimulus--Considerations showing that electric response is due to molecular disturbance--Test experiment--Molecular voltaic cell 91 INORGANIC RESPONSE--METHOD OF ENSURING CONSISTENT RESULTS Preparation of wire--Effect of single stimulus 100 INORGANIC RESPONSE--MOLECULAR MOBILITY: ITS INFLUENCE ON RESPONSE Effects of molecular inertia--Prolongation of period of recovery by overstrain--Molecular model--Reduction of molecular sluggishness attended by quickened recovery and heightened response--Effect of temperature--Modification of latent period and period of recovery by the action of chemical reagents--Diphasic variation 104 INORGANIC RESPONSE--FATIGUE, STAIRCASE, AND MODIFIED RESPONSE Fatigue in metals--Fatigue under continuous stimulation--Staircase effect--Reversed responses due to molecular modification in nerve and in metal, and their transformation into normal after continuous stimulation--Increased response after continuous stimulation 118 INORGANIC RESPONSE--RELATION BETWEEN STIMULUS AND RESPONSE--SUPERPOSITION OF STIMULI Relation between stimulus and response--Magnetic analogue--Increase of response with increasing stimulus--Threshold of response--Superposition of stimuli--Hysteresis 131 INORGANIC RESPONSE--EFFECT OF CHEMICAL REAGENTS Action of chemical reagents--Action of stimulants on metals--Action of depressants on metals--Effect of 'poisons' on metals--Opposite effect of large and small doses 139 ON THE STIMULUS OF LIGHT AND RETINAL CURRENTS Visual impulse: chemical theory; electrical theory--Retinal currents--Normal response positive--Inorganic response under stimulus of light--Typical experiment on the electrical effect induced by light 148 INORGANIC RESPONSE--INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS CONDITIONS ON THE RESPONSE TO STIMULUS OF LIGHT Effect of temperature--Effect of increasing length of exposure--Relation between intensity of light and magnitude of response--After-oscillation--Abnormal effects: preliminary negative twitch; reversal of response; transient positive twitch on cessation of light; decline and reversal--R?sum? 158 VISUAL ANALOGUES Effect of light of short duration--After-oscillation--Positive and negative after-images--Binocular alternation of vision--Period of alternation modified by physical condition--After-images and their revival--Unconscious visual impression. 170 GENERAL SURVEY AND CONCLUSION 181 INDEX 193 FIG. PAGE Walt looked at the pointing tube and said: "All right! Go ahead and point!" Don Channing smiled at Arden. "Mrs. Channing," he said, "must you persist in keeping me from my first love?" Arden smiled winningly. "Naturally. That's what I'm here for. I intend to replace your first love entirely and completely." "Yeah," drawled Don, "and what would we live on?" "I'll permit you to attend to your so-called first love during eight hours every day, providing that you remember to think of me every half-hour." "That's fine. But you really aren't fair about it. We were on Terra for two weeks. I was just getting interested in a program outlined by one of the boys that works for Interplanet, and what happened? You hauled me off to Mars. We stayed for a week at the Terraland Hotel at Canalopsis and the first time that Keg Johnson came to see us with an idea and a sheaf of papers, you rushed me off to Lincoln Head. Now I'm scared to death that some guy will try to open a blueprint here; at which I'll be rushed off to the Palanortis Country until someone finds us there. Then it'll be the Solar Observatory on Mercury or the Big Glass on Luna." Arden soothed Don's feelings by sitting on his lap and snuggling. "Dear," she said in a voice that positively dripped, "we're on a honeymoon, remember?" Don stood up, dumping Arden to the floor. "Yeah," he said, "but this is the highest velocity honeymoon that I ever took!" "And it's the first one I was ever on where the bridegroom took more time admiring beam installations than he took to whisper sweet nothings to his gal. What has a beam transmitter got that I haven't got?" "One: Its actions can be predicted. Two: It can be controlled. Three: It never says anything original, but only repeats what it has been told. Four: It can be turned off." Arden caught Don on the point of the chin with a pillow and effectively smothered him. She followed her slight advantage with a frontal attack that carried him backward across the bed, where she landed on top viciously and proceeded to lambaste him with the other pillow. Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page |
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