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Read Ebook: Frank Reade Jr. with his new steam horse in the great American desert or The sandy trail of death by Senarens Luis

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Ebook has 1456 lines and 56135 words, and 30 pages

Transcriber's Notes

Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variations in hyphenation have been standardised but all other spelling and punctuation remains unchanged.


The subscription Price of the FRANK READE LIBRARY by the year is .50; .25 per six months, post-paid. Address FRANK TOUSEY, PUBLISHER, 34 and 36 North Moore Street. Box 2730.


With His New Steam Horse in the Great American Desert; OR, THE SANDY TRAIL OF DEATH.


When it became noised about that Frank Reade, Jr., the distinguished inventor, was about to make a trip to the far West with his wonderful Steam Horse, public interest became greatly excited.

For those of my readers who may never have read any of the accounts of his wonderful adventures, I will state that Frank Reade, Jr., was a wonderful inventor of marvelous things; that his father was a famous inventor before him, and that Frank, Jr., took to the trade as naturally as a duck does to water.

And there had erected large machine shops, to which the younger Reade greatly added in later days.

The new Steam Man, invented by Frank Reade, Jr., had made a great furore.

But apropos of this came the New Steam Horse, and for a marvel of ingenuity and mechanical skill, it simply could not be surpassed.

For the benefit of certain of my readers, I will give a brief description of the New Steam Horse; a better idea of which, however, can be gathered from a study of the artist's picture upon the front page of this book.

Then we will proceed to the exciting incidents of this story, which will describe a most exciting trip into a strange region.

The Steam Horse was the pattern of an ordinary equine done in steel. The body was made of steel plates, ingeniously fastened with various joints and bosses.

It is easy enough to make the likeness of a horse thus, but to make it mechanical, to gallop and display other evidences of life, is by no means so easy.

Frank Reade, Jr., realized this, but he was not one to be baffled in a given undertaking.

He was some while in studying out the problem.

But it came at last.

Of course, to go with the Horse there must be a wagon.

But first Frank designed the mechanism of the Horse.

In the plan which he drew, he located the furnace in the chest of the Horse, with a door to open so that coal could be thrown in.

The main body of the Horse contained the boiler. It was an easy matter thus to get up steam.

Upon the saddle was placed the steam gauge and indicator. Between the Horse's ears was placed the whistle.

The nostrils contained the escape valve, and the lower jaw of the Horse connected with the throttle and whistle valves, so that pressure upon a long pair of reins would regulate the speed of the Horse.

The most difficult matter, however, was the delicate armatures and driving rods of the legs.

The cylinders were placed upon the shafts of the wagon.

These propelled the driving rods, which in turn worked heavy armatures, which caused the Horse's legs to take a long and quick stride.

The hind legs were worked in the same manner by means of driving rods connected with the armature of the forward legs.

It was astonishing to note with what marvelous rapidity the Steam Horse would pick up its feet and gallop.

Steel spikes upon his feet enabled him to go all the faster.

We have imperfectly described the Horse; now, let us take a look at the wagon.

In this the travelers were to ride, and it was necessary that it should be safe and strong.

It was made with four strong iron wheels with grooved tires of rubber, so that the roughest ground could be traveled over.

The body of the wagon was of thinly rolled but tough steel.

The interior was quite spacious and vigorously divided up into various uses.

A coal bunker was provided upon the sides of the wagon.

Over these were cushioned seats, easily made into sleeping bunks.

Forward by the high dasher was a compartment for the storing of provisions and any necessary stores.

But the most wonderful of all was the canopy or top which covered the wagon.

This was made of thin but bullet-proof plates of steel arranged like a window-lattice, so that by touching a spring the four sides would promptly roll up, leaving the wagon open on all sides.

When the lattice work was down loopholes were provided in it by means of which shots could be fired at an attacking foe.

Altogether the new Steam Horse was a wonderful invention and quite a safe equipage to travel across the plains of the wild West with.

At least Frank Reade, Jr., thought so, and did not hesitate to risk the trip.

His only traveling companions upon his famous trips were two faithful servants, a jolly Irishman known as Barney O'Shea, and a comical moke of a negro called Pomp.

Barney and Pomp were unique characters to a certainty.

While the best of friends in reality, they were constantly engaged in badgering and teasing each other.

One was as well gifted in this direction as the other, so they generally came out about even.

The object of Frank Reade, Jr.'s proposed trip to the West was a thrilling one.

His attention had one day been claimed by a singular statement in a newspaper.

The statement read thus:

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