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Ebook has 140 lines and 8884 words, and 3 pages

eggs 1 small tea-spoon baking powder

Beat the butter and sugar together to a cream. Beat in the cornflour. Add the eggs and beat all well together. Then stir in the baking powder carefully. Bake in well buttered patty pans, in a moderate oven, until they are a delicate golden colour.

Beat the butter to a cream, add the sugar gradually. When the mixture is very light and creamy add the ginger. Dissolve the soda in the milk and add it with the flour. Grease a perfectly clean baking tin. Spread the mixture as thinly as possible over it with a knife. Bake in a moderate oven till brown. Cut into squares while hot and slip off the tin.

Fluffy Cakes

?/? lb. cornflour ?/? lb. castor sugar 6 ozs. butter 2 eggs 1 table-spoon milk 1 tea-spoon essence of vanilla 1 tea-spoon baking powder

Beat the butter and sugar to a cream. Beat the eggs thoroughly and mix them with the butter and sugar. Sift in the cornflour, mixed with the baking powder, gradually, and mix well. Stir in about a table-spoonful of milk mixed with a small tea-spoonful of essence of vanilla.

Grease the patty pans with lard and sprinkle a little ground rice in each. Half fill them and bake in a quick oven for ten minutes.

Beat the sugar and butter together. Add the flour and the beaten yolks. When well mixed add the cream or milk. Cut the paste thus made into strips and form it into different shapes. Brush over with the white of egg. Blanch and chop the almonds and strew them over the biscuits. Bake on a greased tin.

?/? lb. butter 1?/? lbs. flour ?/? lb. powdered sugar ?/? oz. ginger ?/? nutmeg grated 10 ozs. treacle

Sift the flour. Rub the butter finely into it. Sift the sugar and add it to the butter and flour. Add the rest of the ingredients . Mix well together. Shape into little cakes. Bake on oiled paper in a slow oven.

Ginger Snaps

Mix altogether, dissolving the soda in a very little hot water. Add sufficient flour to make a fairly stiff dough. Roll out thin and bake in a quick oven.

Ground Rice Biscuits

?/? lb. ground rice ?/? lb. flour ?/? lb. castor sugar ?/? lb. butter 2 eggs 1 tea-spoonful of baking powder

Mix the baking powder with the flour and ground rice, and then rub the butter into it. Add the well-beaten eggs. Roll out on a board and cut into rounds about the size of a five-shilling piece. Bake on a floured tin.

Hazel Nut Biscuits

Blanch the nuts and pound them, but not very finely. Beat the whites to a stiff froth. Mix them with the nuts. Add the sugar. Mix in sufficient flour to make a paste. Roll it out on a board as thin as possible. Cut into small rounds. Bake on buttered tins in a slow oven.

Mix sugar and butter together. Add the flour and the almonds blanched and chopped. Divide into small cakes. Bake in a quick oven.

?/? lb. flour 2 eggs ?/? lb. butter ?/? lb. powdered sugar A small tea-spoonful baking powder A small wine-glass of sherry

Put the flour, sugar and baking powder into a basin and stir well together. Rub in the butter and add the well beaten eggs. Mix with the wine into a paste just firm enough to roll out on a paste-board. Cut out in little rounds with a small wine-glass. Bake on a floured tin until a delicate colour, like nicely baked pastry.

Mix the butter and sugar thoroughly together. Add the flour. Flavour with a few drops of vanilla. Beat the yolks and add them to the mixture. Roll out the paste. Shape it into rings. Dip each in the white of egg and sprinkle over them the chopped almonds.

Louisa Cakes

Beat the butter to a cream and add the sugar. Then add one egg at a time, beating thoroughly. Stir in the flour and beat well. Bake in greased patty pan in a quick oven from 15 to 20 minutes. Ice when nearly cold with plain icing, p. 65, and ornament with crystallised cherries.


Blanch and pound the almonds, adding to them a little rose water. Put in a basin, cover and set aside for twenty-four hours. Then beat the whites to a very stiff froth. Stir in the sugar lightly and add the almonds and arrowroot gradually. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture on buttered paper, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake on a tin sheet in a quick oven until a delicate brown. One or two sliced almonds can be stuck into each biscuit.


Blanch and pound the almonds, add to them a little rose water. Mix thoroughly with the sugar over a fire. Whisk the whites to a stiff froth. Add to the almonds. Grease a paper and spread it on a baking sheet. Put the mixture on by spoonfuls. Bake in a rather slow oven for twenty minutes.


?/? lb. butter 14 ozs. flour 1 lb. powdered sugar 6 eggs 1 dessert-spoon orange flower water

Melt the butter and pour it into a basin. Add to it gradually, beating all the time, the flour and sugar. Beat the yolks and whites separately. Add the yolks first, then the flavouring, and, lastly, the whites. Butter a number of little tin shapes, fill them and bake in a moderate oven.

Oat Cakes

Mix oatmeal and soda, adding hot water to make a soft dough. Knead till smooth. Press into a round cake ?/? inch thick, then roll out as thin as required with a roller. Divide into cakes with a cutter. Place them on a hot griddle and bake till firm. Take them off, rub them with meal and toast before the fire till they curl.

Orange Biscuit

Several Seville oranges Their weight in powdered sugar

Boil the oranges whole, three times, changing the water each time. Cut them in halves and take out all the pulp and juice. Beat the outside very fine in a mortar and add to it the sugar. Mix into a paste. Spread very thinly on glass or plates and set in the sun to dry. When nearly dry cut into shapes and turn over. When quite dry put away in an air-tight tin.

?/? lb. sugar ?/? lb. flour 4 eggs ?/? orange 1 lemon

Grate the yellow rind from half an orange. Put it in a cup and squeeze the juice of a whole lemon over it. After half-an-hour strain off the juice.

Beat the sugar and yolks until light and creamy. Add the strained juice and the whites whipped to a stiff froth. Sift in the flour and do not beat any more. Drop by the spoonful on to greased paper and bake quickly. Spread half of the wafers, when baked, with marmalade and put the others on top of them, pressing them lightly down.

Rice Cakes

Cream the butter and add the sugar. Mix the baking powder, flour and rice flour together and add to the butter and sugar. Whisk the eggs till light and frothy. Beat all well together. Bake in buttered patty pans.

Rock Cakes--I

?/? lb. flour 2 ozs. butter 3 ozs. moist sugar 2 ozs. currants 2 eggs ?/? tea-spoon baking powder

Rub the butter into the flour. Add the sugar and currants. Beat the eggs well and add to the mixture. Mix well together and drop in irregular shapes on a buttered tin. Bake in a moderate oven.

Rock Cakes--II

?/? lb. self-raising flour 1 egg ?/? lb. Demerara sugar ?/? tea-cup milk ?/? lb. butter and lard mixed 2 ozs. currants Candied peel 1 table-spoon desiccated cocoanut

Mix flour, sugar, butter, currants and cocoanut well, then add the egg and milk. If the butter is soft it will not require all the milk, for they are better mixed as dry as possible. Put the mixture in rough pieces on a tin, and bake in a rather quick oven for fifteen or twenty minutes.


Soften the butter a little and cut it into the flour. Knead in the sugar. Roll out. Cut into shapes. Bake in a tin, on buttered paper, until a delicate brown.

Rub the butter into sifted and dried flour. Add the sugar and the egg slightly beaten.

Moisten with a very little cream or milk. Roll out thin. Cut into rounds. Bake on tins in a quick oven.

Snow Cakes

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