Read Ebook: Women wanted: The story written in blood red letters on the horizon of the Great World War by Daggett Mabel Potter
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next PageEbook has 709 lines and 100082 words, and 15 pagesI GLIMPSING THE GREAT WORLD WAR 13 II CLOSE UP BEHIND THE LINES 48 V THE NEW WAGE ENVELOPE 147 VI THE OPEN DOOR IN COMMERCE 201 X THE RING AND THE WOMAN 338 PAGE THE STAFF OF THE WOMEN'S WAR HOSPITAL, ENDELL ST. W. C., LONDON 64 MRS. H. J. TENNANT OF LONDON 96 VISCOUNTESS ELIZABETH BENOIT D'AZY OF PARIS IN THE RED CROSS SERVICE 120 LADY RALPH PAGET, CELEBRATED WAR HEROINE 128 MRS. KATHERINE M. HARLEY OF LONDON, WHO DIED AT THE FRONT 136 MISS ELIZABETH RACHEL WYLIE OF NEW YORK 202 MLLE. SANUA AT THE HEAD OF THE PARIS SCHOOL OF COMMERCE FOR WOMEN 224 DR. ELIZABETH GARRETT ANDERSON, ENGLAND'S FIRST WOMAN PHYSICIAN 256 MISS NANCY NETTLEFORD OF LONDON 264 MME. SUZANNE GRINBERG OF PARIS, FAMOUS LAWYER 272 DR. ROSALIE S. MORTON OF NEW YORK 276 MRS. MILLICENT GARRETT FAWCETT OF LONDON 290 MME. CHARLES LE VERRIER OF PARIS 298 DR. SCHISKINA YAVEIN OF PETROGRAD 304 HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH 320 WOMEN WANTED GLIMPSING THE GREAT WORLD WAR "Who goes there?" I hear it yet, the ringing challenge from the war offices of Europe. Automatically my hand slides over my left hip. But to-day my tailored skirt drapes smoothly there. The chamois bag that for months has bulged beneath is gone. As regularly as I fastened my garters every morning I have been wont to buckle the safety belt about my waist and straighten the bag at my side and feel with careful fingers for its tight shut clasp. You have to be thoughtful like that when you're carrying credentials on which at any moment your personal safety, even your life may depend. As faithfully as I looked under the bed at night I always counted them over: my letter of credit for ,000, my blue enveloped police book, and my passport criss-crossed with vis?s in the varied colours of all the rubber stamps that must officially vouch for me along my way. Ah, they were still all there. And with a sigh of relief I was wont to retire to my pillow with the sense of one more day safely done. The long steel lines I have passed, I cannot forget. "Who goes there?" These that speak with authority are men with pistols in their belts and swords at their sides. And there are rows of them, O rows and rows of them along the way to the front. See the cold glitter of them! I still look nervously first over one shoulder and then over the other. This morning at breakfast a waiter only drops a fork. And I jump at the sound as if a shot had been fired. You know the feeling something's going to catch you if you don't watch out. Well, you have it like that for a long time after you've been in the war zone. Will it be a submarine or a Zeppelin or a khaki clad line of steel? He brushed aside the magazine "lay out" before him, and lifted his eyes to the horizon of the world. And he too saw. Among the feminists of New York he has been known as the man with the vision. "Yes," he agreed, "you are right. It is the wonder that is coming. Will you go over there and find out just what this terrible cataclysm of civilisation means to the woman's cause?" And he handed me my European commission. The next morning when I applied for my passport I began to be written down in the great books of judgment which the chancelleries of the nations keep to-day. Hear the leaves rustle as the pages chronicle my record in full. I must clear myself of the charge of even a German relative-in-law. I must be able to tell accurately, say, how many blocks intervene between the Baptist Church and the city hall in the town where I was born. They want to know the colour of my husband's eyes. They will ask for all that is on my grandfather's tombstone. They must have my genealogy through all my greatest ancestors. I have learned it that I may tell it glibly. For I shall scarcely be able to go round the block in Europe, you see, without meeting some military person who must know. Even in New York, every consul of the countries to which I wish to proceed, puts these inquiries before my passport gets his vis?. It is the British consul who is holding his in abeyance. He fixes me with a look, and he charges: "You're not a suffragist, are you? Well," he goes on severely, "they don't want any trouble over there. I don't know what they'll do about you over there." And his voice rises with his disapproval: "I don't at all know that I ought to let you go." But finally he does. And he leans across his desk and passes me the pen with which to "sign on the dotted line." It is the required documentary evidence. He feels reasonably sure now that the Kaiser and I wouldn't speak if we passed by. And for the rest? Well, all governments demand to know very particularly who goes there when it happens to be a woman. You're wishing trouble on yourself to be a suffragist almost as much as if you should elect to be a pacifist or an alien enemy. There is a prevailing opinion--which is a hang-over from say 1908 --that you may break something, if it is only a military rule. Why are you wandering about the world anyhow? You'll take up a man's place in the boat in a submarine incident. You'll be so in the way in a bombardment. And you'll eat as much sugar in a day as a soldier. So, do your dotted lines as you're told. The gangway lifts in Hoboken. We are cutting adrift from the American shore. Standing at the steamship's rail, I am gazing down into faces that are dear. Slowly, surely they are dimming through the ocean's mists. Shall I ever again look into eyes that look back love into mine? I think, right here, some of the sparkle begins to fade from the great adventure on which I am embarked. We are steaming steadily out to sea. Whither? It has commenced, that anxious thought for every to-morrow, that is with a war zone traveller even in his dreams. A cold October wind whips full in my face. I shiver and turn up my coat collar. But is it the wind or the pain at my heart? I can no longer see the New York sky line for the tears in my eyes. And I turn in to my stateroom. There on the white counterpane of my berth stretches a life-preserver thoughtfully laid out by my steward. On the wall directly above the wash-stand, a neatly printed card announces: "The occupant of this room is assigned to Lifeboat 17 on the starboard side." It makes quite definitely clear the circumstances of ocean travel. This is to be no holiday jaunt. One ought at least to know how to wear a life-preserver. Before I read my steamer letters, I try mine on. It isn't a "perfect 36." "But they don't come any smaller," the steward says. "You just have to fold them over so," and he ties the strings tight. Will they hold in the highest sea, I wonder. The signs above the washstands, I think, have been seen by pretty nearly every one before lunch time. When we who are taking the Great Chance together, assemble in the dining-room, each of us has glimpsed the same shadowy figure at the wheel in the pilot house. We all earnestly hope it will be the captain who will take us across the Atlantic. But we know also that it may be the ghostly figure of the boatman Charon who will take us silently across the Styx. Whatever else we may do on this voyage, we shall have to be always going-to-be-drowned. It is a curiously continuously present sensation. I don't know just how many of my fellow travellers go to bed at night with the old nursery prayer in their minds if not on their lips. But I know that for me it is as vivid as when I was four years old: Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And should I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. We read our Mr. Britlings but intermittently. The plot in which we find ourselves competes with the best seller. Subconsciously I am always listening for the explosion. If the Germans don't do it with a submarine, it may be a floating mine that the last storm has lashed loose from its moorings. What is this? Rumour spreads among the steamer chairs. Everybody rises. Little groups gather with lifted glasses. And--it is a piece of driftwood sighted on the wide Atlantic. That thrill walks off in about three times around the deck. But what is that, out there, beyond the steamer's path? Right over there where the fog is lifting? Surely, yes, that shadowy outline. Don't you see it? Why, it's growing larger every minute. I believe it is! Oh, yes, I'm sure they look like that. Wait. Well, if it were, it does seem as if the torpedo would have been here by now. Ah, we shall not be sunk this time after all! Our periscope passes. It is clearly now only a steamship's funnel against the horizon. Then one day there is an unusual stir of activity on deck. The sailors are stripping the canvas from off the lifeboats. The great crane is hauling the life rafts from out the hold. Oh, what is going to happen? The most nervous passenger wants right away to know. And the truthful answer to her query is, that no one can tell. But we are making ready now for shipwreck. In these days, methodically, like this it is done. It has to be, as you approach the more intense danger zone of a mined coast. You see you never can tell. I go inside once more to try the straps of my life-preserver. But we are sailing through a sunlit sea. And at dinner the philosopher at our table--he is a Hindu from Calcutta--says smilingly, "Now this will do very nicely for shipwreck weather, gentlemen, very nicely for shipwreck weather." It is the round-faced Hollander at my right, of orthodox Presbyterian faith, who protests earnestly, "Ah, but please no. Do not jest." The next day when the dishes slide back and forth between the table racks, none of us laugh when the Hollander says solemnly, "See, but if God should call us now." Ah, if he should, our life boats would never last us to Heaven. They would crumple like floats of paper in Neptune's hand. Eating our dessert, we look out on the terrible green and white sea that licks and slaps at the portholes and all of us are very still. The lace importer from New York at my left, is the most quiet of all. For eight days and nights we have escaped all the perils of the deep. And now it is the morning of the ninth day. You count them over like that momentously as God did when he made the world. What will to-morrow bring forth? Well, one prepares of course for landing. I sit up late, nervously censoring my note book through. The nearer we get to the British coast, the more incriminating it appears to be familiar with so much as the German woman movement. I dig my blue pencil deep through the name of Frau Cauer. I rip open the package of my letters of introduction. What will they do to a person who is going to meet a pacifist by her first name? That's a narrow escape. Another letter is signed by a perfectly good loyal American who, however, has the misfortune to have inherited a Fatherland name from some generations before. Oh, I cannot afford to be acquainted with either of my friends. I've got to be pro-ally all wool and yard wide clear to the most inside seams of my soul. I've got to avoid even the appearance of guilt. So, stealthily I tiptoe from my stateroom to drop both compromising letters into the sea. Like this a journalist goes through Europe these days editing oneself, to be acceptable to the rows of men in khaki. So I edit and I edit and I edit myself until after midnight for the British government's inspection. I try to think earnestly. What would a spy do? So that I may avoid doing it. And I go to bed so anxious lest I act like a spy that I dream I am one. When I awake on the morning of the tenth day, all our engines are still. And from bow to stern, our boat is all a-quiver with glad excitement. We have not been drowned! There beside us dances the little tender to take us ashore at Falmouth. FACING THE STEEL LINE OF INQUIRY The good safe earth is firm beneath our feet before the lace importer speaks. Then, looking out on the harbor, he says: "On my last business trip over a few months since, my steamship came in here safely. But the boat ahead and the next behind each struck a mine." So the chances of life are like that, sometimes as close as one in three. But while you take them as they come, there are lesser difficulties that it's a great relief to have some one to do something about. At this very moment I am devoutly glad for the lace importer near at hand. He is carrying my bag and holding his umbrella over me in the rain. For, you see, he is an American man. The more I have travelled, the more certain I have become that it's a mistake to be a woman anywhere in the world there aren't American men around. In far foreign lands I have found myself instinctively looking round the landscape for their first aid. The others, I am sure, mean well. But they aren't like ours. An Englishman gave me his card last night at dinner: "Now if I can do anything for you in London," he said, and so forth. It was the American man now holding his umbrella over me in the rain, who came yesterday to my steamer chair: "It's going to be dark to-morrow night in London," he said, "and the taxicabs are scarce. You must let me see that you reach your hotel in safety." And I felt as sure a reliance in him as if we'd made mud pies together or he'd carried my books to school. You see, you count on an American man like that. But the cold line of steel! That you have to do alone, even as you go each soul singly to the judgment gate of heaven. I grip my passport hard. It has been removed from its usual place of secure safety. Chamois bags are the eternal bother of being a woman abroad in war-time. Men have pockets, easy ones to get at informally. I have among my "most important credentials"--they are in separate packages carefully labelled like that--a special "diplomatic letter" commending me officially by the Secretary of State to the protection of all United States embassies and consulates. When they handed it to me in Washington, I remember they told me significantly: "We have just picked out of prison over there, two American correspondents whose lives we were able to save by the narrowest chance. We don't want any international complications. Now, do be careful." I'm going to be. The Tower of London and some modern Bastille on the banks of the Seine and divers other dark damp places of detention over here are at this minute clearly outlining themselves as moving pictures before my mind. I earnestly don't want to be in any of them. We have reached the temporary wooden shack through which governments these days pass all who knock for admission at their frontiers. Inside the next room there at a long pine table sit the men with pistols in their belts and swords at their sides, whose business it is to get spies when they see them. We are to be admitted one by one for the relentless fire of their cross-questioning. They have taken "British subjects first." Now they summon "aliens." To be called an alien in a foreign land feels at once like some sort of a charge. You never were convicted of this before. And it seems like the most unfortunate thing you can possibly be now. Besides, I am every moment becoming more acutely conscious of my mission. The rest of these my fellow travellers, it is true, are aliens. I am worse. For a journalist even in peace times appears a most suspiciously inquiring person who wishes to know everything that should not be found out. But in peace times one has only to handle individuals. In war-times one has to handle governments. The burden of proof rests heavier and heavier upon me. How shall I convince England that in spite of all, I can be a most harmless, pleasant person? Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page |
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