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Munafa ebook

Munafa ebook

Read Ebook: Uit de dierenwereld van het water Schetsen in woord en beeld van het lever der lagere diersoorten by Snijders A J C Anthony J C

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Ebook has 426 lines and 92738 words, and 9 pages

PREFACE What This Book Is About, and Why.


What We Have in the West. What We Are Doing With It. Does It Pay?

Importance of Forests as a Community Resource. Wealth Their Manufacture Brings to All Industries. Value as Source of Tax Revenue. Our Interest as Consumers. Real Issue Not Property Protection but Conditions of Life For All. Particularly Favorable Natural Forest Conditions on Pacific Coast. Present Policy of Waste. Fire Loss. Idleness of Deforested Land. Action We Must Take. Fire Prevention. Reforestation. Tax Reform. Public Responsibility. Essentials of Needed State Policy. Duty of the Average Citizen.

Economic Principles Governing Forest Production. Supply and Demand. Lumberman Must Consider. Both Profit of Forestry and Popular Demand for Its Practice. Consumer Must Pay for Growing Timber. Attitude of State Will Become More Encouraging. How All This Affects the Lumberman. Should Plan for Meeting the Situation. Circumstances that Determine Profit. Who Can Afford to Reforest Cut-over Land?

Technical and Practical Problems. Elementary Principles of Forest Growth. Fundamental Systems of Management. Nature as a Model. Logging to Insure Another Crop. Natural and Artificial Reproduction. Details of Management for Each Western Species. Seeding and Planting. Costs and Carrying Charges. Rate of Growth. Probable Financial Returns. Hardwood Experiments.

The Slashing Menace. Brush Piling. Slash Burning. Fire Lines. Spark Arrestors. Patrol. Associate Effort. Young Growth as a Fire Guard.

Cutting Methods on the Wooded Farm. Best Use of Poor Forest Land. The Handling of Fire in Clearing. Planting on Treeless Farms. Species Most Promising for Fuel and Improvement Material. Windbreaks to Prevent Evaporation of Soil Moisture. Methods and Cost of Tree Growing.

Tax Reforms to Permit Reforestation. Opinions of Expert Authorities.

The Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Its Organization and Objects.





These are actual money losses to the community. So is the failure of revenue through the destruction of a tax resource. Equally important, and hardly less direct, is the injury to agricultural and industrial productiveness which depends upon a sustained supply of wood and water.


Practically all this loss is unnecessary. Other countries have stopped the forest fire evil. Other countries have found a way to make forest land continue to grow forest. Consequently we can. It is clearly only a question of whether it is worth while. Let us consider this question, not only in its relation to posterity or to the lumberman, but from the standpoint of the average citizen of the West today.



That it is essential to the prosperity of every citizen to have this contribution to his livelihood continue requires no argument. From the manufacturing point of view alone, our forest resources are as important to everyone of us as to the lumberman, and in many ways more so, for if they are exhausted he can move or change his business; while the dependent industries cannot. But our welfare is at stake in a dozen other ways also.


Similarly, the cost to the consumer of most articles of every day necessity is directly affected by the connection of forest material with their production. Wood and water are almost as essential to mining as are, hence influence the price of metals. In the form of fuel, buildings, or boxes, if not as an actual constituent of the product itself, wood supply bears a like relation to almost every industry.

Every reduction of the lumber traffic which helps support our railroads, or of their supply of poles, ties and car material, tends to raise the cost of our groceries and other rail-transported commodities.


Most of our western states have immense areas of forested grant lands, the sale of timber from which supports the public schools and other state institutions. Destruction of this asset is a direct blow to these institutions which can be only partially met by increased taxation.


The conservation thus suggested does not mean non-use of ripe timber, but does mean protecting it from useless waste and destruction, and replacing it by reforestation when it is used.



The one waste is as unnecessary as the ot 53 Eenspierigen 133 Elysia viridis 115 Emarginula 130 Ephydatia fluviatilis 26 Eremietkreeft 177 Erwtenschelp 15 Euplectella aspergillum 201 Euspongia officinalis 199

Fissurella graeca 129 Flustra foliacea 99 Fluweelslak, groene 115 Fuikhorenslak 127 Fungia patella 195

Galatea strigosa 72 Gammarus pulex 3 Gaper, stompe 143 Gaperschelpen 143 Garnaal 64 Gatschelp 100 Geleikorst, stervormige 97 Geleikorst, vioolblauwe 97 Geodia gigas 201 Geweikoraal 194 Glasbuisspons 201 Glassponsen 199, 201 Glasspons van Siebold 202 Gordius aquaticus 49 Gorgonia verrusca 192 Goudkam 88

Haarster, rozeroode 158 Haarsterren 157 Haliotis tuberculata 111 Hamerschelpen 134 Hartschelpen 141 Heliactis bellis 177 Helmslak 124 Hermione hystrix 89 Hermione, stekelvarken 89 Hippopodius luteus 182 Hirudo medicinalis 48 Holothuria tubulosa 154 Holothuri?n 153 Holtedieren 20, 165, 183 Homarus vulgaris 59 Hoornkoraal, lariksvormig 194 Hoornkoraal, wrattig 192 Hoornslakken 122 Hoornsponsen 199 Hoornwier, bladerig 99 Hyalea tridentata 117 Hyalonema Sieboldi? 202 Hydra fusca 23 Hydra viridis 23 Hydractinia echinata 178 Hydractinia, gestekelde 178

Ilea nucleus 68 Ilea, pitvormige 68 Inachus chiragra 79 Inachus K?mpferi 80 Infusiediertjes 35 Inktvisch, gewone 106 Inktvisschen 101, 102 Isocardia 137

Jacobsmantel 135 Janthina communis 125

Kalkkokerwormen 87 Kalksponsen 199 Kamkieuwigen 119 Kamkieuwwormen 88 Kamschelp, gemarmerde 140 Kamschelpen 135 Kamster, oranjekleurige 162 Kaphorenslak 17 Kauri's 123 Kegelslak, gemarmerde 128 Kelk-sterkoraal 195 Keverslak, sierlijke 111 Kielpootigen 115 Kieuwloozen 113 Kieuwpoot 39, 43 Kiezelsponsen 199, 200 Kinkhoren 128 Klapschelp 136 Klitkomkommer, klevende 156 Klokdiertje 36 Kluizenaarskreeft 177 Knotspoliepen 186 Kogelegel, gekorrelde 152 Kokerworm, goudharige 88 Kokerworm, spiraalvormige 86 Kokhanen, Kokkels 141 Koordworm 49 Koppootigen 101, 102 Koraaldieren 189 Krabben 73 Kraken, gewone 101, 107 Kreeften 3, 27, 59 Kreeften, kortstaartige 74 Kreeften, tienpootige 59 Kristalslak 117 Kruisdraagster 93 Kuifcelpoliep 5 Kurkspons 200 Kwallen 165 Kwalpoliepen 167, 183, 184

Lambrus mediterraneus 80 Langoeste 63 Langworm 93 Lans-tulband, wrattige 151 Lazarusklep 136 Lederkoraal 193 Lepas anatifera 53 Limnaea auricularia 51 Limnaea palustris 51 Limnaea peragra 51 Limnaea stagnalis 41 Limnoria terebrans 82 Limulus moluccensis 56 Limulus polyphemus 56 Lineus gesserensis 93 Lineus longissimus 93 Lithodomus dactylus 140 Littorina littorea 120 Loligo vulgaris 107 Lucernaria Leuckarti 171 Lucina jamaicensis 142 Lumbriculus variegatus 38

Mactra solida 142 Madrepora corymbosa 194 Maja squinado 77 Mantel-aktinie 178 Manteldieren 95 Mantelschelpen 135 Medusahoofd 164 Meduse, spiesvormige 184 Medusen 165 Meerknotspoliep 186 Meleagrina margaritifera 135 Meloenkwal 170 Mesheft 144 Messcheede 144 Millepora nodosa 187 Milleporidae 187 Mitra episcopalis 127 Modiola 139 Moerashorenslak, levendbarende 18 Moeraspoelslak 51 Mosdiertjes 5, 99 Mossel, gewone 138 Mossels 10, 131 Muntslakken 123 Murex brandaris 110 Murex erinaceus 110 Murex tenu?spina 110 Muts-meduse 184 Muts, Poolsche 124 Mya arenaria 143 Mya truncata 143 Mytilus edulis 138

Naaktkieuwigen 113 Narrenkap 137 Nassa reticulata 127 Natica 121 Nautilus pompilius 108 Nemertes gracilis 93 Nemertinen 93 Nephelis vulgaris 9 Nephrops 67 Neptunuskrab 80 Neptunus Sayi 80 Nere?s pelagica 90 Neteldieren 27, 165 Netelkwallen 168 Netelkoraal, celvormig 99 Nootje 140 Notenslak 127 Nucula rostrata 140

Obliehorens 113 Octopus maximus 107 Octopus vulgaris 107 Oculina diffusa 195 Oerdieren 35 Oester 11, 133 Olifantstand 117 Olijfslak 127 Oliva 127 Oogkoraal 195 Ophiotrix fragilis 163 Ophiura albida 163 Orchestia littorea 82 Ossenhart 137 Ostrea edulis 133

Paalworm 145 Paardevoet, gele 182 Paarlemoer-nautilus 108 Paarlemoerneut 140 Paarlemoerschelp 135 Paddestoelkoraal, schotelvormig 195 Pagurus bernhardus 177 Palaemon squilla 66 Palinurus vulgaris 63 Palmipes pentagonaster 162 Paludina vivipara 18 Papiernautilus, gewone 108 Parelmossel 135 Parelschelp 135 Patella vulgata 109 Patrijs 124 Pecten jacobaeus 135 Pecten maximus 136 Pectinaria auricoma 88 Pectunculus glycymeris 140 Pelagia noctiluca 168 Pelgrimsschelp 136 Pelikaansvoet 122 Penaeus 66 Pennatula phosphorea 192 Pentacrinus caput Medusae 164 Peperschelp 142 Perspectiefslakken 126 Phallusia, bultige 97 Phallusia, doorzichtige 97 Phallusia, mammillata 97 Pholaden 144 Pholas dactylus 144 Phronima sedentaria 83 Phyllosomae 64 Physa fontinalis 42 Physophora hydrostatica 180 Pijlinktvisch 107 Pijltongigen 128 Pinna nobilis 139 Pisa tetra?don 78 Piscicola geometra 9 Pisidium amnicum 15 Pissebed, zoetwater 54 Plaatkieuwigen 15 Planaria gonocephala 33 Planaria torva 33 Planorbis corneum 40 Planorbis vortex 32 Platschelpen 92 Platwormen 8, 33 Plooikwal, zachte 183 Plooislak 126 Pluimdrager, vijver 18 Plumatella fungosa 5 Plumatella repens 5 Poelslak, begroeide 51 Poelslak, gewone 41 Poelslak, moeras 51 Poelslak, oorvormige 51 Polia crucigera 93 Polycelis nigra 39 Poolsche muts 124 Pori?nkoraal, gelobd 194 Porites furcatus 194 Porseleinslak, getijgerde 123 Posthorentje 41 Pterotrachea coronata 115 Puntkoralen 187 Purperslak 128 Purpura lapillus 128 Pyrosoma atlanticum 83, 98

Rankpootigen 54 Retepora cellulosa 99 Reuzenpoliep 107 Reuzenschelp 137 Reuzenschorsspons 201 Rhizostoma pulmo 168 Rhynchonella, papegaai-snavelige 100 Rhynchonella, psittacea 100 Ribkwallen 169 Rijenvoet, koninklijke 155 Rijstkorrel 127 Ringkreeften 81 Ringwormen 8, 45, 85 Rissoa costata 121 Rissoa, geribde 121 Rivierfijnschaal 15 Rivierhorenschaal 32 Rivierkreeft 27 Riviermossel 15 Rivierparelmossel 31 Rivier-zoetwaterspons 31 Roeislakken 116 Rogkreeft 56 Rondmondslak 130 Roofborstelwormen 89 Rugpootkrabben 69

Sabella gracilis 86 Sabella, sierlijke 86 Salpa maxima 99 Salpe, tonvormige 99 Salpen 95, 98 Scalaria preciosa 126 Schaaldieren 3, 27, 68, 73 Schaalhoren, gewone 109 Schaamkrab 68 Scheepsboot 108 Schelpdieren 10, 131 Schelpkokerworm 87 Schermkwallen 168, 183, 184 Schijfhoren, gewone 40 Schijfhorenslak 32 Schijfzwempoliep 182 Schildkrab 70 Schipperkreeft 83 Schorskoralen 191 Schroefslak, gevlekte 129 Scrobicularia piperata 142 Scyllarus latus 67 Sepia officinalis 106 Serpula contortuplicata 86 Serpula, gewrongen 86 Sertularia argentea 185 Sertularia pumila 185 Sint Jacobsmantel 135 Siphonophoren 180 Sipunculus nudus 95 Slakegel, tweeoogige 10 Slakken 16 Slangenkop 123 Slangster, witte 163 Slangsterren 162, 163 Sleutelgathoren, Grieksche 129 Slibworm, broze 38 Sluierslak 113 Smaltongigen 126 Snijder 177 Snoerworm, gegroefde 93 Snoerworm, sierlijke 93 Solen ensis 144 Solen vagina 144 Sphaerechinus granularis 152 Spirographis Spalanzani? 86 Spondylus gaederopus 136 Spongilla lacustris 25 Sponsen 25, 197 Sprinkhaankreeft 71 Spuitworm, naakte 95 Squilla mantis 71 Steekmossel 139 Steenboorders 144 Steendadel 140 Steenkoralen 191, 194 Steensponsen 199, 201 Stekelhoren 110 Stekelhuidigen 149 Stekelkrab 77 Stekelpurperslak 110 Stekelslangster, broze 163 Sterkoraal 195 Sterreslak, knobbelige 114 Sterworm, groene 94 Steurkrab 66 Stichopus regalis 155 Stormhoed 124 Strandgaper 143 Strandkrab 75 Strandschelp 142 Strandspringer 82 Strandvloo 82 Strombus gigas 123 Strombus pes pelecani 122 Stroommossel 60 Struikkoraal 194 Suberites massa 200 Succinea 40 Sycones capillosum 199 Sympodium corallo?des 193 Synapta inhaerens 156

Talitrus locusta 81 Tandhorenkoraal, kleine 185 Tandhorenkoraal, zilverwitte 185 Teerlingkwal 169 Tellina virgata 142 Tepelhoren 121 Terebella nebulosa 87 Terebra maculata 129 Terebratula vitrea 100 Teredo navalis 145 Tethys leporina 113 Tiara pileata 184 Tonslak 111, 124 Torenslak, schroefvormige 121 Trekmossel 15 Tridacna gigas 137 Trilworm, bruine 33 Tritonium lotorium 124 Tritonium variegatum 125 Tritonshoren 124 Trompethoren 125 Tubularia larynx 186 Turbo pica 130 Turritella terebra 121 Tweespierigen 138

Uitsnijdingsslak 130 Unio margaritifera 31 Unio pictorum 50

Valvata piscinalis 18 Vedertongigen 125 Veeloog, zwarte 39 Velella spirans 182 Venusgordel 171 Venusschelp, echte 143 Venusschelp, maagdelijke 142 Venus virginea 142 Verfmossel 50 Vermetus gigas 110 Vijvermossel 14 Vingerschelp 144 Vinpootigen 116 Vioa celata 200 Vischegel 9 Vlakpootigen 109, 119 Vleugelslakken 122 Vlookreeften 3 Voluta scapha 126 Voorkieuwigen 109, 119 Vorticella 36 Vuurkoraal 187 Vuurlijven 83, 95, 98

Waaierkoraal 192 Waaiertongigen 129 Walvischaas 116 Walvisch-vleugelslak 116 Wasbloem, vliezige 176 Waschspons 199 Waterkanspons 201 Waterspin 45 Wenteltrap 126 Wolkrab 70 Wormslak 110 Wulk 128

Zakpijpen 96 Zandgarnaal 64 Zandschelp, eetbare 141 Zandschelpen 141 Zandspringer 81 Zandworm 90 Zee-anemone, gegroefde 175 Zee-anemonen 173 Zee-anjelier 176 Zeeappel, groote 152 Zee-augurk, klimmende 156 Zee-augurken 153 Zeebeurs 156 Zeebeurzen 153 Zeeduizendpoot 90 Zee?gel, eetbare 152 Zee?gels 151 Zeegarnaal 64 Zeehaas 112 Zeeklit, hartvormige 153 Zeekomkommer, buisvormige 154 Zeekomkommers 153 Zeekrab, gewone 75, 76 Zeekreeft 59 Zeekurk 193 Zeekwal, lichtende 168 Zeeleli?n 157 Zeelong 168 Zeemuis, fluweelen 89 Zeenere?s 90 Zeeoor, knobbelige 111 Zeepaddestoel 168 Zeepen, lichtende 192 Zeepier 90 Zeepok 55 Zeepoliep 107 Zeeroos, gewone 176 Zeerozen 176 Zeerups 89 Zeeslakken 109 Zeespin, groote 77 Zeester, breedvoetige 162 Zeester, IJszee 162 Zeesterren 161 Zeetand 117 Zeetulp 55 Zeeveder, lichtende 192 Zeevlinders 116 Zeevloo 81 Zee-zwemslakken 115 Zoetwatergarnaal 5 Zoetwater-pissebed 44 Zoetwaterpoliepen 20 Zoetwaterspons, gewone 25 Zoetwaterspons, rivier- 26 Zonne-zee-anemone 177 Zwaardscheede 144 Zwaardstaart 56 Zwamkoraal, schotelvormig 195 Zweepgarnaal 66 Zwemslak, gekroonde 115


Onze ontdekkingsreis voert ons voorloopig nog slechts in het zoetwater en het tooneel van dezen eersten watertocht verplaatst ons te midden van vlookreeften, mosdiertjes, vischegels, mossels en slakken, een bedrijvig leven, vol afwisseling.

Welke vreemdsoortige, veelpootige, kleine monstertjes zwemmen daar, links boven in fig. 1 en 8, zoo vroolijk in hun element rond? Het zijn een paar exemplaren van de ~vlookreeft~ , dus, in elk geval, een lid van het gilde der

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