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The second form of the propyl derivative belongs to the rhombic system, and a similar rhombic form of the ethyl compound was once obtained, but lost again on attempting to recrystallise.

These interesting relationships of the homologous methyl, ethyl, and propyl derivatives of triphenyl pyrrholone thus appear to form a connecting link between cases of isogonism or morphotropy and of true isomorphism.

Now these two beautiful minerals are obviously analogous compounds of the same metal, silver, with the sulpho-acid of two elements, arsenic and antimony, belonging strictly to the same family group, the nitrogen-phosphorus group, of the periodic classification of the elements according to Mendele?ff. Consequently, they should be perfectly isomorphous. Miers has shown in a most complete manner that they are so, that they occur in very perfect crystals of similar habit belonging to the same class of the trigonal system, the ditrigonal polar class, both minerals being hemimorphic, that is, showing different forms at the two terminations, in accordance with the symmetry of the polar class of the trigonal system. But the angles of the two substances were not found to be identical, although constant for each compound within one minute of arc, there being slight but very real differences, which are very well typified by the principal angle in each case, that of the primary rhombohedron. In the case of proustite it is 72? 12?, while the rhombohedron angle of pyrargyrite is 71? 22?.

The interval between the morphotropic work described in the last chapter and the present time has been remarkable for the completion of the geometrical and mathematical investigation, and the successful identification, of all the possible types of homogeneous structures possessing the essential attributes of crystals. It has now been definitely established that there are 230 such types of homogeneous structures possible, and the whole of them conform to the conditions of symmetry of one or other of the thirty-two classes of crystals. This fact is now thoroughly agreed upon by all the authorities who have made the subject their special study, and may truly be considered as fundamental.

There has long been a consensus of opinion that the crystal edifice is built up of structural units which can be likened to the bricks or stone blocks of the builder, but which in the case of the crystal are so small as to be invisible even under the highest power of the microscope. The conceptions of their nature, however, have been almost as numerous as the investigators themselves, everyone who has thought over the subject forming his own particular ideas concerning them. We have had the "Mol?cules int?grantes" of Ha?y, the "Polyh?dres" of Bravais, the "Fundamentalbereich" of Sch?nflies, the "Parallelohedra" of von Fedorow, and the fourteen-walled cell, the "Tetrakaidecahedron" of Lord Kelvin, and again the "Polyhedra" of Pope and Barlow. Ideas have thus been extremely fertile, and indeed almost every variety of speculation has been indulged in as to the shape and nature of the unit of the structure which can exhibit such remarkable evidences of organisation and such extraordinary optical and other physical properties as those of a crystal.

There is one inherent difficulty, however, which renders all such speculations more or less chimerical, until we know very much more as to the structure of the chemical atom, and the organisation of the corpuscles composing it. Such speculations, however, are deeply interesting, and the difficulty alluded to accounts largely for the great variety of conception possible. It is this, that the matter of the molecules, and again that of the atoms composing them, is not necessarily, nor even probably, continuous and in contact throughout, but that on the contrary the space which may legitimately be assigned to the unit of the structure is partly void. How much of this unit space is matter and how much is unoccupied, and how the one is related to the other as regards its position or distribution in space, we have yet no means of knowing, although there are signs that the day is not far distant when we shall know at least something concerning it. The recent brilliant work of Sir J. J. Thomson and his school of physicists has rendered it clear that the chemical atom is composed of cycles of electronic corpuscles, the orbital motions of which determine its boundaries.

In this condition of our knowledge obviously the only safe course is to consider each atom of the chemical molecule as occupying a "sphere of influence," within the limits of which the material parts of the atom, the corpuscles in organised motion, are confined. The "Fundamentalbereich" of Sch?nflies and the "Sphere of Influence" of Barlow, are the conceptions which in all probability have the greatest value in the present state of our knowledge, and if we adopt the latter we shall not be committing ourselves to anything more than the experimental facts fully warrant.

It may be quite definitely stated, however, that there is a considerable amount of experimental evidence that the unit of the space-lattice of the crystal structure is certainly not more complex than the chemical molecule, the idea of an aggregation of chemical molecules to form a "physical molecule" acting as a structural unit having proved to be a misleading myth.

Fortunately, however, there is no necessity whatever to introduce the subject of the actual shape of the unit, and the greatest progress has been effected by disregarding it altogether, and agreeing to the representation of the unit by a point. This leads us at once to perceive the importance of the brilliant work of the geometricians, who have now completed their theory of the homogeneous partitioning of space into point-systems possible to crystals, the structural units of the latter being regarded as points. The investigations extend from those of Frankenheim in the year 1830 to the finishing touches given by Barlow in 1894, and prominently standing forth as those of the greatest contributors to the subject, besides the two investigators just mentioned, are the names of Bravais, Sohncke, Sch?nflies and von Fedorow.

Bravais, perfecting the work of his predecessor Frankenheim, made us acquainted with the fourteen fundamentally important space-lattices, or same-ways orientated arrangements of points. If we regard each chemical molecule as represented by a point, disregarding the separate atoms of which it is composed, then these fourteen space-lattices represent the possible arrangements of the molecules in the crystal in all the simpler cases; three of these lattices have cubic symmetry; the tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, rhombic and monoclinic systems claim two space-lattices each; while one space-lattice conforms to the lack of symmetry of the triclinic system.

The fourteen space-lattices of Bravais thus represent the arrangement of the chemical molecules in the crystal, and determine the systematic symmetry. The points being taken absolutely analogously in all the molecules, and the whole assemblage being homogeneous, that is, such that the environment about any one spot is the same as about every other, the arrangement is obviously a same-ways orientated one, the molecules being all arranged parallel-wise to each other.

But the fact that the structure is that of a space-lattice also causes the crystal to obey the law of rational indices. To enable us to see how this comes about it is only necessary to regard a space-lattice. In Fig. 59 is represented the general form of space-lattice, that which corresponds to triclinic symmetry. It is obviously built up of parallelepipeda, the edges of which are proportional to the lengths of the three triclinic axes, and their mutual inclinations are those of the latter. As we may take our representative point anywhere in the molecule, so long as the position chosen is the same for all the molecules of the assemblage, we may imagine the points occupying the centres of the parallelepipeda instead of the corners if we choose, for that would only be equivalent to moving the whole space-lattice slightly parallel to itself. Hence, each cell may be regarded as the habitat of the chemical molecule.

The space-lattice arrangement of the molecules in the crystal structure thus causes the crystal to follow the law of rational indices, by limiting and restricting the number of possible facial forms which can be developed. It also determines which one of the seven systems of symmetry or styles of crystal architecture the crystal shall adopt. It does not determine the details of the architecture, however, that is, to which of the thirty-two classes it shall conform, this not being the function of the molecular arrangement but of the atomic arrangement that is, of the arrangement of the cluster of atoms which form the molecule, and this leads us to the next step in the unravelling of the internal structure of crystals.

The credit of this next stage of further progress is due to Sohncke, whose long labours resulted in the discrimination and description of sixty-five "Regular Point-Systems," homogeneous assemblages of points symmetrically and identically arranged about axes of symmetry, which are sometimes screw axes, that is, axes about which the points are spirally distributed. Sohncke's point-systems express the number of ways in which symmetrical repetition can occur. Moreover, the points may always be grouped in sets or clusters, the centres of gravity of which form a Bravais space-lattice.

This latter fact is of great interest, for it means that Sohncke's points may represent the chemical atoms, and that the stereometric arrangement of the atoms in the molecule is that which produces the point-system and determines the crystal class, while the whole cluster of atoms forming the molecule furnishes, as above stated, the representative point of the space-lattice.

This, however, is not the whole story, for the sixty-five Sohnckian regular point-systems only account for twenty-one of the thirty-two crystal classes, the remaining eleven being those of lower than full holohedral systematic symmetry, and which are characterised by showing complementary right and left-handed forms. In other words, they exhibit two varieties, on one of which faces of low symmetry are developed on the right, while on the other symmetrically complementary faces are developed on the left; that is, these little faces modify on the right and left respectively the solid angles formed by those faces of the crystal which are common to both the holohedral class of the system and to the lower symmetry class in question. In some cases, moreover, these two complementary forms are known to exist alone, without the presence of faces common to both the holohedral class and the class of lower symmetry. The two varieties of the crystals are the mirror images of each other, being related as a right-hand glove is to a left-hand one.

Further, the crystals of these eleven classes very frequently exhibit the power of rotating the plane of polarised light to the right or to the left, and complementarily in the cases of the two varieties of any one substance, corresponding to the complementariness of the two crystal forms. The converse is even more absolute, for no optically active crystal has yet been discovered which does not belong to one or other of these eleven classes of lower than holohedral symmetry.

The final step of accounting for the structure of these highly interesting eleven classes of crystals was taken simultaneously by a German, Sch?nflies, a Russian, von Fedorow, and an Englishman, Barlow, who quite independently and by totally different lines of reasoning and of geometrical illustration showed that they were entirely accounted for by the introduction of a new element of symmetry, that of mirror-image repetition, or "enantiomorphous similarity" as distinguished from "identical similarity." These three investigators all united in finally concluding that when the definition of symmetrical repetition is thus broadened to include enantiomorphous similarity, 165 further point-systems are admitted, and the whole 230 point-systems then account for the whole of the thirty-two classes of crystals.

Sch?nflies' simple definition of the nature of the structure is that every molecule is surrounded by the rest collectively in like manner, when likeness may be either identity or mirror-image resemblance. Von Fedorow finds the extra 165 types to be comprised in "double systems" consisting of two "analogous systems" which are the mirror images of each other. Barlow proceeds to find in how many ways the two mirror-image forms can be combined together, there being in general three distinct modes of duplication, including the insertion of one inside the other. He also shows that all homologous points in a structure of the type of one of these additional 165 point-systems together form one of the 65 Sohnckian point-systems, the structure being capable of the same rotations or translations, technically known as "coincidence movements" , as those which are characteristic of that point-system.

We have thus seen how satisfactorily the geometrical theory of the homogeneous partitioning of space has been worked out, and how admirably it agrees with our preliminary supposition that a crystal is a homogeneous structure. The fact that the 230 homogeneous point-systems all fall into and distribute themselves among the thirty-two classes of crystals, the symmetry of which has also now been fully established, affords undeniable proof that as regards this branch of the subject something like finality and clearness of vision has now been arrived at.

The crystals of the different members of an isomorphous series exhibit slight but real differences in their interfacial angles, the magnitude of the angle changing regularly with the alteration of the atomic weight of the interchangeable metals or negative elements of the same family group which give rise to the series, as one metal or acid-forming element is replaced by another. The amount of the difference increases as the symmetry of the system diminishes. Thus the maximum difference for the more symmetrical rhombic series of sulphates and selenates is 56?, which occurs in the case of one angle between potassium and caesium selenates, and it is usually much less than this; in the case of the less symmetrical monoclinic series of double salts the maximum angular difference observed was 2? 21?, between potassium and caesium magnesium sulphates.

The physical properties of the crystals, such as their optical and thermal constants, are also functions of the atomic weights of the elements of the same family group which by their interchange produce the series.

The dimensions of the elementary parallelepipedon of the space-lattice, or in other words, the separation of the molecular centres of gravity, the points or nodes of the space-lattice, along the three directions of the crystal axes, also vary with the atomic weight of the interchangeable elements.

Specific chemical replacements are accompanied by clearly defined changes in the crystal structure along equally specific directions. Thus, when the metal, say potassium, in an alkali sulphate or selenate is replaced by another of the same alkali-family group, rubidium or caesium, there is a marked alteration in the crystal angles and in the dimensions of the space-lattice, corresponding to elongation of the vertical axis; and when the acid-forming element sulphur is replaced by selenium, its family analogue, a similar very definite change occurs, but the expansion in this case takes place in the horizontal plane of the crystals.

Confirmatory results have also been obtained as regards the morphological constants, the investigations not extending to the optical or thermal properties, by Muthmann for the permanganates, and by Barker for the perchlorates, of the alkali metals. Hence, there can be no doubt whatever that, as regards the various series investigated, which are such as would be expected to afford the most definite results owing to the electro-positive nature of metals being at its maximum strength in the alkali group, the above rules are definite laws of nature.

The discovery of the local effect produced by the two kinds, positive and negative, of chemical replacement, has a profound bearing on crystal structure. For it is thereby rendered certain that the atoms are fixed in the crystal edifice, and therefore in the molecule in the solid state. It becomes obvious that the atoms--in their stereometric positions in the molecule, being thus fixed in the solid crystal when the molecules set themselves rigidly in the regular organisation of the space-lattice--form the points of the regular point-system of the crystal structure, which determines to which of the thirty-two classes of symmetry the crystal shall belong. Any movement of the atoms in the crystal, other than that which accompanies change of temperature, and possibly change of pressure, is thus improbable; and this experimental proof of their fixity, afforded by the fact that definitely orientated changes accompany the replacement of particular atoms, also doubtless indicates that the latter are located in the particular directions along which the changes of exterior angle and of internal structural dimensions are observed to occur. Stereo-chemistry, which has made such enormous advances during the last few years, thus becomes of even greater importance than Wislicenus and its other originators ever dreamt of.

Within the atoms in the crystal the constituent electronic corpuscles may be and probably are in rapid movement, and such physical effects as have hitherto been ascribed to movement of the atoms within the crystal are doubtless due to movement of the electronic corpuscles within them, the sphere of influence of the atom itself being fixed in space in the solid crystal, and being doubtless defined by the area within which the corpuscular movements occur.

The progressive alteration of the angle of the q-face will be obvious, the direction of the change being correct, but the amount of change, as already stated, being much exaggerated; in reality it never reaches a degree between the two extreme salts. It will be remembered that the respective atomic weights of potassium, rubidium, and caesium are 38?85, 84?9 and 131?9, when hydrogen equals 1, that of rubidium being almost exactly the mean.

The second illustration is taken from the optical properties. Fig. 61 represents graphically the regular diminution of double refraction which accompanies increase of the atomic weight of the metal present. The diagram exhibits the closing up of the two spectra afforded by three analogously orientated 60?-prisms, one of each of the three salts, such as was used in determining two of the refractive indices of the salt. Each prism produces two refracted rays from the single ray furnished by the collimator of the spectrometer, and consequently two images of the signal-slit of the collimator when monochromatic light is used, or two spectra if white light be employed. The Websky signal-slit is narrow at the centre to enable an accurate allocation to the vertical cross-wire of the telescope to be made, but wide at its top and bottom ends, in order to transmit ample light, and Fig. 61 shows four images of this signal produced by each prism, namely, one R in red C-hydrogen light and another B in greenish-blue F-hydrogen light belonging to each of the two spectra, in order to locate the two ends of each of the latter, coloured monochromatic light of each of the two colours in turn and of the exact C and F wave-lengths having been fed to the spectrometer from the spectroscopic illuminator. It will be observed in the case of the top row that the two spectra, each indicated by the adjacent red and greenish-blue images, are well apart, the relative distance being about that actually observed in the case of potassium sulphate. They are nearer together, however, in the second row, which indicates what is observed in the case of the analogous rubidium salt, and in the lowest row representing the relative distances of the two spectra apart in the case of the caesium salt, they are so close together as to overlap; for in this latter case the greenish-blue image of the left-hand spectrum, corresponding to the a index of refraction, occupies the same position as the image for yellow sodium light of the right-hand spectrum corresponding to ? would occupy in the case of caesium sulphate, the a refractive index for F-light being 1?5660 and the ? index for Na-light being 1?5662. The progression of the alteration of the amount of the double refraction is thus very striking, as the atomic weight of the metal is varied.

The third illustration of the law of progression with atomic weight is also an optical one, and is taken from the monoclinic series of double sulphates and selenates. It indicates the rotation, with increase of the atomic weight of the metal, of the ellipsoid which graphically represents the optical properties, about the unique axis of symmetry, which is likewise an axis of optical symmetry, of the crystal. In the potassium salt the ellipsoid occupies the position indicated by the ellipse drawn in continuous line in Fig. 62, the section of the ellipsoid by the symmetry plane; the outline of a tabular crystal parallel to the symmetry plane is also given, as well as the axes of the crystal and of the ellipsoid lying in that plane.

In the rubidium salt the ellipsoid has rotated over to the left, as indicated by the dotted ellipse, for a few degrees, the number of which varies slightly for the different groups of double salts; while in the caesium salt it has swung over much more still, to the place marked by the ellipse drawn in broken line. In both this and the last illustration it will be remarked that the optical change is greater between the rubidium and caesium salts than it is between the potassium and rubidium salts, the reason being that the optical properties are usually functions which are of an order higher than the first corresponding to simple proportionality.

The generalisation itself may be very concisely expressed in the statement that:

On comparing the molecular distance ratios for a potassium, a rubidium, and a caesium salt of any of the series of sulphates, selenates, permanganates, perchlorates, double sulphates or double selenates investigated, we invariably find that the values of ?, ?, and ? for the rubidium salt lie between the analogous sets of three values for the potassium and caesium salts respectively, in complete accordance with the law.

Thus the "isomorphous series" of rhombic sulphates, selenates, permanganates, and perchlorates, and the monoclinic series of double sulphates and double selenates, comprise the potassium, rubidium, caesium, thallium and ammonium salts and double salts of sulphuric, selenic, permanganic, and perchloric acids, while the inner more exclusive "eutropic series," following the law absolutely, comprises in each case only the salts containing the family analogues, potassium, rubidium, and caesium.

In this beautiful manner has the controversy between the schools of Ha?y and Mitscherlich now been settled, the interesting law described in this chapter having definitely laid down the true nature and limitations of isomorphism, while at the same time absolutely proving as a law of nature the constancy and specific character of the crystal angles of every definitely chemically constituted substance.

Hence the conception of a physical molecule is totally unnecessary and, moreover, erroneous. The alkali sulphates and selenates exhibit dimorphism, one member of the series, ammonium selenate, having only hitherto been observed in the pure state in the second, monoclinic, form, and never in the ordinary rhombic form; and the author has conclusively proved for these salts, and also for the double salts which they form with the sulphates and selenates of magnesium, zinc, iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese, copper, and cadmium, that the chemical molecule is the only kind of molecule present, and that its representative points are, as just stated, the nodes of the Bravais space-lattice of the crystal structure, determining both the system of the crystal and its obedience to the law of rational indices.

The explanation of polymorphism thus proves, in the light of the results which have now been laid before the reader, to be a remarkably simple one. Special pains were taken in explaining those results to show that the temperature had a great deal to do with the conditions of equilibrium of the crystal structure, for it determines the intermolecular distances, that is, the amount of separation of the molecules, and thus controls their possibility of movement with respect to one another. Now the behaviour of the chemical molecules on the advent of crystallisation is undoubtedly largely influenced by the stereometric arrangement of the atoms composing them, and it is possible for the latter to be such that the molecules may take up several different parallel or enantiomorphously related positions; or as we have just seen, a regular alternation within the crystal structure of such mirror-image positions may be taken up. These different arrangements, whether parallel or enantiomorphously opposite, may be, and probably will be, of different degrees of stability, each of these different forms finding its maximum stability of equilibrium at some particular temperature, which is different for the different varieties. Hence, at a series of ascending or descending temperatures, assuming the pressure to remain the ordinary atmospheric, these different types of homogeneous crystal structures will be most liable to be produced, each at its own particular temperature, for which stable equilibrium of that crystal structure occurs.

These different assemblages are as a rule quite dissimilar, certainly in the crystal elements, often in class and not infrequently in system. Generally two such different crystalline forms are all that are possible within the life-range of temperature of the substance. But occasionally three or even as many as four such different forms are found to be capable of existence within the temperature life-limits of the substance.

It would appear as if the element sulphur is also polymorphous in this sense, for the monoclinic prismatic form --the best known and most easily prepared, from the state of fusion, of all the forms other than the common rhombic form, in which sulphur is found in the neighbourhood of volcanoes and in which it is also deposited from solution in carbon bisulphide--is of distinctly lower stability, the crystals passing in a few days into powder composed of minute crystals of the stable rhombic variety. But in the case of carbon, with its totally different and apparently at ordinary temperatures equally stable varieties of octahedral-cubic diamond and hexagonal graphite, there is some doubt; for although the diamond is converted into graphite at a red heat in the electric arc, it is doubtful whether we are not in the presence of a case of chemical polymerism or allotropy, like the case of ozone, where three atoms of oxygen compose the molecule, instead of the two atoms in the molecule of ordinary oxygen. The fact that the negatively electrified electronic corpuscles of the Crookes tube cause the same conversion of diamond into graphite, producing according to Parsons and Swinton a temperature of 4,890? C. in the act, is evidence in favour of allotropy, as the charged corpuscles are a very likely agent for breaking down such atomic combinations. Moreover, diamond is volatilised out of contact with air at 3,600? C. without liquefaction, and the vapour when cold condenses as graphite. But there is reason to believe, from experiments by Sir Andrew Noble and Sir William Crookes, that under great pressure carbon does liquefy at 3,600? C., and that the liquid drops on cooling crystallise as diamond.

Lehmann's work has certainly proved that the molecule is endowed with more individuality than has hitherto been ascribed to it, and he even shows that there is some ground for believing that his liquid crystals are such because this directive orientative force resident in the molecules themselves maintains them in their mutually crystallographically orientated positions even in the liquid state, which may be and sometimes is as mobile as water. It thus appears that any general acceptance of Lehmann's ideas will only tend to amplify and further explain the nature of polymorphism on the lines here laid down, the temperature of conversion of one form into another being merely that at which either a different homogeneous packing is possible, or that at which the stereometric relations of the atoms in the molecule are so altered as to produce a new form of point-system without forming a new chemical compound.

Now the whole subject is of deep interest, both physical and chemical as well as crystallographical, inasmuch as it is precisely such substances as show enantiomorphism,--and can thus exist in two forms, one of which is the mirror-image of the other and not its identical counterpart, the two being like a pair of gloves,--which are found to possess the property of rotating the plane of polarised light and which are therefore said to be "optically active." Moreover, the property may be displayed by both the crystals and their respective solutions, or by the crystals only. If, therefore, two optical antipodes of the same substance are known, one rotating the plane of polarisation to the right and the other rotating it to the same extent to the left, their crystals invariably exhibit mirror-image symmetry with respect to each other. The converse does not necessarily hold good, however, that a crystal possessing the symmetry of one of these eleven classes will always exhibit optical activity.


Tartaric acid was isolated by Scheele in 1769, and its discovery was described in the very first memoir of that distinguished chemist. Another very similar acid, as regards some of its more apparent properties, was afterwards, in 1819, described by John of Berlin, and investigated by Gay-Lussac in 1826; the latter obtained it from the grape juice deposits of the wine manufactory of Kestner at Thann in the Vosges. It was still more fully investigated by Gmelin in 1829, who called it racemic acid . But it needed the genius of Berzelius to prove that it really had the same composition as tartaric acid, although so different to that acid in some of its properties.

We have here as a matter of fact, the first instance brought to light involving the principle of isomerism, the existence of two or more distinct compounds having the same chemical composition as regards the numbers of atoms of the same elements present, but differing in chemical or physical properties, or both, owing to the different arrangement of those atoms within the molecule. The "isomers" may be chemical or purely physical; the latter involves no alteration of the linking of the atoms, but merely of their disposition in space, and is the kind met with in the case of the tartaric acids.

Biot, so noted for his optical researches, showed afterwards that tartaric and racemic acids behave optically differently in solution, an aqueous solution of the former rotating the plane of polarisation to the right whilst that of racemic acid is optically inactive, not rotating the plane of polarisation at all. That is, if the dark field be produced in the polariscope, by crossing the polarising and analysing Nicol prisms at right angles, tartaric acid solution will restore the light again, and the analyser will have to be rotated to the right in order to reproduce darkness. In the case of tartaric acid, the crystals themselves also rotate the plane of polarisation, the amount being as much as 11?.4 in sodium fight for a plate of the crystal one millimetre thick. On the other hand, neither the solution nor the crystals of racemic acid rotate the plane of polarisation at all.

Pasteur's discovery, made in the year 1848, consisted in finding that racemic acid is really a molecular compound of two physical "isomers," namely, of ordinary tartaric acid, which, as we have seen, rotates the plane of polarisation to the right, and of another variety of tartaric acid which rotates the beam of polarised fight to the same extent to the left. The latter and ordinary tartaric acid he therefore distinguished as laevo tartaric acid and dextro-tartaric acid respectively. Pasteur went even further than this, in discovering yet a fourth variety of tartaric acid, which is optically inactive like racemic acid, but which cannot be split up into two optically active antipodes.

Indeed, it has since been shown that there are three varieties of this truly inactive tartaric acid; they are cases of isomerism of the chemical molecule itself, that is, the stereometric arrangement of the atoms in the molecule is different in the three cases. For the molecule of tartaric acid--in common with the molecules of all carbon compounds the solutions of which, or which themselves in the liquid state, rotate the plane of polarisation--possesses an asymmetric carbon atom, an atom of carbon which is linked by its four valency attachments to four different kinds of atoms or radicle groups; indeed, the molecule of tartaric acid contains two such asymmetric carbon atoms, namely, the two in the pair of CHOH groups. For each of these carbon atoms is linked by one attachment to the carbon atom of the outer COOH group, by another to an atom of hydrogen, by a third to the oxygen of the group OH, and by its fourth attachment to the carbon atom of the other group CHOH, which carries the rest of the molecule, that is, this attachment is to the other half-molecule CHOH.COOH. Hence, it is quite obvious that there can be two different dispositions of the atoms in space, one of which would be the mirror-image of the other, while leaving the arrangement of the atoms about the two asymmetric carbon atoms dissimilar and not symmetrical in mirror-image fashion. That is, the two dispositions would render the molecules in the two cases enantiomorphous with respect to each other, and these two would be the arrangements respectively in the two optically active varieties. That this is the correct explanation of the ordinary dextro variety and the laevo variety of tartaric acid can now admit of no doubt.

But if the groups round the two asymmetric carbon atoms are symmetrical in mirror-image fashion, there will be compensation within the molecule itself, and the substance will be optically inactive from internal reasons. This is the explanation of the optically inactive variety which is unresolvable into any components. The different varieties of this inactive form are doubtless due to the different possibilities of arrangement of the atoms in each half, while leaving the two halves round each asymmetric carbon atom symmetrical to each other.

We now know that the decomposable inactive variety, racemic acid, may be readily obtained by? dissolving equal weights of the ordinary dextro and laevo varieties in water and crystallising the solution by slow evaporation at the ordinary temperature. For further investigation has fully borne out the conclusion of Pasteur, that racemic acid simply consists of a molecular compound of the two active varieties. It is thus itself inactive because it is externally compensated, the two kinds of enantiomorphous molecules being alternately regularly distributed throughout the whole crystal structure, the very case which von Fedorow, Sch?nflies, and Barlow assumed to be possible, and which Sohncke only tardily admitted. The crystalline form of racemic acid is, as was to be expected, quite different from the monoclinic form of the active tartaric acids, being triclinic; and indeed it is not crystallographically comparable with the active form, inasmuch as the crystals of racemic acid contain a molecule of water of crystallisation, whereas the active varieties crystallise anhydrous.

Ordinary dextro and laevo tartaric acids crystallise in identical forms of the sphenoidal or monoclinic-hemimorphic class of the monoclinic system, the class which is only symmetrical about a digonal axis, the unique symmetry plane of the monoclinic system, which also operates when full monoclinic symmetry is developed, being absent in this class. Hence the interfacial crystal angles, the monoclinic axial angle, and the axial ratios are identical for the two varieties. But the crystals are hemimorphic, owing to the absence of the symmetry plane, and complementarily so, the dextro variety being distinguished by the presence of only the right clino-prism , while the laevo variety is characterised by the presence only of the left-clino-prism , these two complementary forms, each composed of only two faces and which on a holohedral crystal exhibiting the full symmetry of the monoclinic system would both be present as a single form of four faces, being never both developed on the same optically active crystal.

This hemimorphism of the two kinds of crystals will be rendered clear by Figs. 63 and 64, representing typical crystals of dextro and laevo tartaric acids which are obviously the mirror images of each other.

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