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Read Ebook: Marianne: kertomus by Krag Vilhelm Liljefors Oskar Translator

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Ebook has 649 lines and 22959 words, and 13 pages



It is obvious that the style of your public speaking will depend upon the specific purpose you have in view. If you have important truths which you wish to make known, or a great and definite cause to serve, you are likely to speak about it with earnestness and probably with eloquence.

If, however, your purpose in speaking is a selfish one--if your object is self-exploitation, or to serve some special interest of your own--if you regard your speaking as an irksome task, or are unduly anxious as to what your hearers will think of you and your effort--then you are almost sure to fail.

On the other hand, if you have the interests of your hearers sincerely at heart--if you really wish to render a worthy public service--if you lose all thought of self in your heartfelt desire to serve others--then you will have the most essential requirements of true and enduring oratory.


It is of the highest importance for you to have in mind a clear conception of the end you wish to achieve by your speaking. This purpose should characterize all you say, so that at each step in your speech you will feel sure of making steady progress toward the desired object.

As a public speaker you assume serious responsibility. You are to influence men for weal or woe. The words you speak are like so many seeds, planted in the minds of your hearers, there to grow and multiply according to their kind. What you say may have far-reaching effects, hence the importance of careful forethought in the planning and preparation of your speeches.


The key to greatness of speech is sincerity. You must yourself be so thoroughly imbued with the truth and desirability of what you are urging upon others that they will be imprest by your integrity of purpose. To have their confidence and good will is almost to win your cause.

But you must have deep and well-grounded convictions before you can hope to convince and influence other men. Duty, necessity, magnanimity, innate conviction, and sincere interest in the welfare of others,--these beget true fervor and are essential to passionate and persuasive speaking.

Lord Lytton emphasized the vital importance of earnest purpose in the speaker. Referring to speech in the British Parliament he said, "Have but fair sense and a competent knowledge of your subject, and then be thoroughly in earnest to impress your own honest conviction upon others, and no matter what your delivery, tho your gestures shock every rule in Quintilian, you will command the ear and influence the debates of the most accomplished, the most fastidious, and, take it altogether, the noblest assembly of freemen in the world."

Keep in mind that the purpose of your public speaking is not only to convince but also to persuade your hearers. It is not sufficient that they merely agree with what you say; you must persuade them also to act as you desire.

Hence you should aim to reach both their minds and hearts. Solid argument, clear method, and indisputable facts are necessary for the first purpose; vivid imagination, concrete illustration, and animated feeling are necessary for the second.


It will be of great practical value to you to have a knowledge of the average man comprising your audience, his tastes, preferences, prejudices, and proclivities. The more you adapt your speech to such an average man, the more successful are you likely to be in influencing the entire audience.

Your speech is not a monolog, but a dialog, in which you are the speaker, and the auditor a silent tho questioning listener. His mind is in a constant attitude of interrogation toward you. And upon the degree of your success in answering such silent but insistent questions will depend the ultimate success of your speaking.

The process of persuading the hearer depends chiefly upon first being persuaded yourself. You may be devoid of feeling, and yet convince your hearers; but to reach their hearts and to move them surely toward the desired purpose, you must yourself be moved.

Your work as a public speaker is radically different from that of the actor or reciter. You are not impersonating some one else, nor interpreting the thought of another. You must above all things be natural, real, sincere and earnest. Your work is creative and constructive.


However much you may study, plan, or premeditate, there must be no indication of conscious or studied attempt in the act of speaking to an audience. At that time everything must be merged into your personality.

Your earnestness in speaking arises principally from having a distinct conception of the object aimed at and a strong desire to accomplish it. Under these circumstances you summon to your aid all your available power of thought and feeling. Your mental faculties are stimulated into their fullest activity, and you bend every effort toward the purpose before you.

But however zealous you may feel about the truth or righteousness of the cause you espouse, you will do well always to keep within the bounds of moderation. You can be vigorous without violence, and enthusiastic without extravagance.

You must not only thoroughly know yourself and your subject, but also your audience. You should carefully consider the best way to bring them and yourself into unity. You may do this by making an appeal to some principle commonly recognized and approved by men, such as patriotism, justice, humanity, courage, duty, or righteousness.

What Phillips Brooks said about the preacher, applies with equal truth to other forms of public speaking:

After you have earnestly studied the principles of public speaking you should plan to have regular and frequent practise in addressing actual audiences. There are associations and societies everywhere, constantly in quest of good speakers. There will be ample opportunities for you if you have properly developed your speaking abilities.

This is indispensable to your greatest progress in speech culture. Reading aloud, properly done, compels you to pronounce the words, instead of skimming over them as in silent reading. It gives you the additional benefit of receiving a vocal impression of the rhythm and structure of the composition.

Keep separate note-books for the subjects in which you are deeply interested and on which you intend some time to speak in public. Write in them promptly any valuable ideas which come to you from the four principal sources--observation, conversation, reading, and meditation.

You will be surprized to find how rapidly you can acquire useful data in this way. In an emergency you can turn to the speech-material you have accumulated and quickly solve the problem of "what to say."

Keep the contents of your note-books in systematic order. Classify ideas under distinct headings. When possible write the ideas down in regular speech form. Once a week read aloud the contents of your note-books.

Read aloud each day from your dictionary for at least five minutes, and give special attention to the pronunciation and meaning of words. This is one of the most useful exercises for building a large vocabulary.

Develop the dictionary habit. Be interested in words. Study them in their contexts. Make special lists of your own. Select special words for special uses. Note significant words in your general reading.

Think of words as important tools for public speaking. Choose them with discrimination in your daily conversation. Consult your dictionary for the meanings of words about which you are in doubt. Be an earnest student of words.

Give some time each day to the development of a judicial mind. Learn to think deliberately and carefully. Study causes and principles. Look deeply into things.

Be impartial in your examination of a subject. Study all sides of a question or problem. Weigh the evidence with the purpose of ascertaining the truth.

Beware the peril of prejudice. Keep your mind wide open to receive the facts. Look at a subject from the other man's viewpoint. Cultivate breadth of mind. Do not let your personal interests or desires mislead you. Insist upon securing the truth at all costs.

Frequent uuudesta asti oli kasvatettu rikkaan miehen tytt?ren?, kest??k? h?n, kun onnettomuuden p?iv?t pian koittavat? Sanotaan, ett? hyvien p?ivien pit?miseen tarvitaan leve? selk?. Voi niin olla! Mutta pahoja p?ivi? kest?m??n tarvitaan viel?kin leve?mpi. Kaikkialla h?n huomasi, ett? k?yhyys teki kelpo ihmisetkin kelvottomiksi, ylpe?n pelkuriksi, jalon pikkumaiseksi ja ep?ilev?ksi.

Ei, saarnatkoon liikatunteelliset yhteiskunnan parantajat rikkautta vastaan kuinka kiihke?sti tahansa; se on sittenkin edellytyksen? ihmisen useimmille jaloille ominaisuuksille.

Mutta k?yhyys, se on se suuri synti ja kaikkien inhoittavien paheitten juuri.

Ja t?m? k?yhyys uhkasi sit? nuoria naista, joka tuli h?nt? vastaan! Tuonko olennon, joka oli niin notkea, niin puhdas ja niin vieh?tt?v?. h?netk? tekisi ankara ty? koukkuiseksi ja rumaksi, ja nuo kirkkaat lapsen silm?tk? tulisivat koviksi ja himmeiksi leip?huolista ja k?yhyydest?!

Marianne rukka!

-- No mutta, t??ll?k? sin? k?yskentelet keskell? kirkasta aamup?iv??, is?? -- huudahti h?n reippaasti ja pisti k?tens? h?nen k?sivarteensa. -- Mahtaa tuntua suloiselta, kun on niin hyv?? aikaa. Mutta usko pois, minulla on sen sijaan kiire! Ensinn?kin on minun k?yt?v? koettamassa hameitani, sitten min? kylv?n ja sitten on minun ment?v? kotiin pit?m??n huolta p?iv?llisest? ynn? muusta. Me saamme jotain perin harvinaista p?iv?lliseksi, mutta min? en sano mit? se on. ?l? vain tule liian my?h??n, sit? sinulta pyyd?n, sill? sit? ei k?y viivytt?minen. Hyv?sti siksi!

Ja tuossa tuokiossa h?n oli kadonnut.

Konsuli Ebbesen j?i seisomaan hymy huulillaan ja katseli tyt?rt??n, joka kulki katua alasp?in kumarrellen oikealle ja vasemmalle.

Tuossa h?n kohtasi Haldor Bj?rnin. Kah, kuinka kohteliaasti se kumarsi, senkin r?tk?le! Tytt? sanoi h?nelle jotain ohimenness??n, se mahtoi olla jotain sukkelaa, sill? herra Bj?rn j?i kuin naulittu seisomaan paikalleen ja t?llistelem??n h?nen j?lest??n.

Ja muutama askel edemp?n? kohtasi h?n nuoren Kristian Fredrik Trollen, joka k??ntyi ymp?ri ja ly?tt?ytyi Mariannen seuraan.

Kelpo poika, tuo Kristian Fredrik. Vakava, tyyni ja itseens? sulkeunut niin kuin rotuihminen konsanansa. Ei ollut h?n turhanp?iten konsuli Ebbesenin vanhan yst?v?n, maaherran, poika, pulskimman miehen, mink? saattaa n?hd?.

Mutta kaunis ulkomuotonsa ja erinomainen rakastettavuutensa olivat samalla h?nen onnettomuutensa, sill? h?n oli aina mukana, aina seuroissa, aina kemuissa ja kekkereiss?. Ja kuollessaan verrattain nuorena huomattiin h?nen j?tt?neen vaimolleen ja lapsilleen ainoastaan melkoisen summan velkoja! No, n?itten maksamisesta pit?nev?t huolta hyv?t yst?v?t, ja lapset ovat saaneet verrattain edullisia toimia. Kristian Fredrik on Ebbesenin omassa konttorissa. Mutta is?n ajattelemattomuuden varjot lep??v?t viel? raskaana varjona perheen yli; ja kun h?n oli ollut hilpe? ja kevytmielinen, niin olivat lapset sit? hiljaisempia ja vakavampia.

-- Kelpo poika muuten -- ajatteli Ebbesen ja katseli heid?n j?lkeens?, kahden nuoren, jotka valkoisissa puvuissa ja hohtavina kulkivat katua poisp?in kes?isen auringon heloittaessa. He ik??nkuin somistivat toinen toistaan.

Niin, niin, siell?, siell? se kulki Marianne s?teillen nuoruutta ja iloa. Pian oli kuitenkin oleva toisin. Taivaan Jumala, kuinka oli Mariannen silloin k?yp??

Marianne, Marianne rukka!

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