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We begin our account of the Secondary Mechanical Sciences with Acoustics, because the progress towards right theoretical views, was, in fact, made much earlier in the science of Sound, than in those of Light and of Heat; and also, because a clear comprehension of the theory to which we are led in this case, is the best preparation for the difficulties of the reasonings of theorists on the other subjects.


Both the comparison, and the notice of the difference of the two cases, prove the architect to have had very clear notions on the subject; which he further shows by comparing the resonance of the walls of a building to the disturbance of the outline of the waves of water when they meet with a boundary, and are thrown back. "Therefore, as in the outlines of waves in water, so in the voice, if no obstacle interrupt the foremost, it does not disturb the second and the following ones, so that all come to the ears of persons, whether high up or low down, without resonance. But when they strike against obstacles, the foremost, being thrown back, disturb the lines of those which follow." Similar analogies were employed by the ancients in order to explain the occurrence of Echoes. Aristotle says, "An Echo takes place, when the air, being as one body in consequence of the vessel which bounds it, and being prevented from being thrust forwards, is reflected back like a ball." Nothing material was added to such views till modern times.

The attempts to apprehend distinctly, and to explain mechanically, the phenomena of sound, gave rise to a series of Problems, of which we most now give a brief history. The questions which more peculiarly constitute the Science of Acoustics, are the questions concerning those motions or affections of the air by which it is the medium of hearing. But the motions of sounding bodies have both so much connexion with those of the medium, and so much resemblance to them, that we shall include in our survey researches on that subject also.


The problem of satisfactorily explaining this dependence, on mechanical principles, naturally pressed upon the attention of mathematicians when the law of the phenomena was thus completely determined by Mersenne and Sauveur. It was desirable to show that both the circumstances and the measure of the phenomena were such as known mechanical causes and laws would explain. But this problem, as might be expected, was not attacked till mechanical principles, and the modes of applying them, had become tolerably familiar.

As the vibrations of a string are produced by its tension, it appeared to be necessary, in the first place, to determine the law of the tension which is called into action by the motion of the string; for it is manifest that, when the string is drawn aside from the straight line into which it is stretched, there arises an additional tension, which aids in drawing it back to the straight line as soon as it is let go. Hooke determined the law of this additional tension, which he expressed in his noted formula, "Ut tensio sic vis," the Force is as the Tension; or rather, to express his meaning more clearly, the Force of tension is as the Extension, or, in a string, as the increase of length. But, in reality, this principle, which is important in many acoustical problems, is, in the one now before us, unimportant; the force which urges the string towards the straight line, depends, with such small extensions as we have now to consider, not on the extension, but on the curvature; and the power of treating the mathematical difficulty of curvature, and its mechanical consequences, was what was requisite for the solution of this problem.

John Bernoulli, a few years afterwards, solved the problem of vibrating chords on nearly the same principles and suppositions as Taylor; but a little later , the next generation of great mathematicians, D'Alembert, Euler, and Daniel Bernoulli, applied the increased powers of analysis to give generality to the mode of treating this question; and especially the calculus of partial differentials, invented for this purpose. But at this epoch, the discussion, so far as it bore on physics, belonged rather to the history of another problem, which comes under our notice hereafter, that of the composition of vibrations; we shall, therefore, defer the further history of the problem of vibrating strings, till we have to consider it in connexion with new experimental facts.


WE have seen that the ancient philosophers, for the most part, held that sound was transmitted, as well as produced, by some motion of the air, without defining what kind of motion this was; that some writers, however, applied to it a very happy similitude, the expansive motion of the circular waves produced by throwing a stone into still water; but that notwithstanding, some rejected this mode of conception, as, for instance, Bacon, who ascribed the transmission of sound to certain "spiritual species."

Though it was an obvious thought to ascribe the motion of sound to some motion of air; to conceive what kind of motion could and did produce this effect, must have been a matter of grave perplexity at the time of which we are speaking; and is far from easy to most persons even now. We may judge of the difficulty of forming this conception, when we recollect that John Bernoulli the younger declared, that he could not understand Newton's proposition on this subject. The difficulty consists in this; that the movement of the parts of air, in which sound consists, travels along, but that the parts of air themselves do not so travel. Accordingly Otto Guericke, the inventor of the air-pump, asks, "How can sound be conveyed by the motion of the air? when we find that it is better conveyed through air that is still, than when there is a wind." We may observe, however, that he was partly misled by finding, as he thought, that a bell could be heard in the vacuum of his air-pump; a result which arose, probably, from some imperfection in his apparatus.

Attempts were made to determine, by experiment, the circumstances of the motion of sound; and especially its velocity. Gassendi was one of the first who did this. He employed fire-arms for the purpose, and thus found the velocity to be 1473 Paris feet in a second. Roberval found a velocity so small that it threw uncertainty upon the rest, and affected Newton's reasonings subsequently. Cassini, Huyghens, Picard, R?mer, found a velocity of 1172 Paris feet, which is more accurate than the former. Gassendi had been surprised to find that the velocity with which sounds travel, is the same whether they are loud or gentle.

The merit of satisfactorily explaining this discrepancy belongs to Laplace. He was the first to remark that the common law of the changes of elasticity in the air, as dependent on its compression, cannot be applied to those rapid vibrations in which sound consists, since the sudden compression produces a degree of heat which additionally increases the elasticity. The ratio of this increase depended on the experiments by which the relation of heat and air is established. Laplace, in 1816, published the theorem on which the correction depends. On applying it, the calculated velocity of sound agreed very closely with the best antecedent experiments, and was confirmed by more exact ones instituted for that purpose.


Daniel Bernoulli's Memoir, of which we speak, was published at a period when the clouds which involve the general analytical treatment of the problem of vibrating strings, were thickening about Euler and D'Alembert, and darkening into a controversial hue; and as Bernoulli ventured to interpose his view, as a solution of these difficulties, which, in a mathematical sense, it is not, we can hardly be surprised that he met with a rebuff. The further prosecution of the different modes of vibration of the same body need not be here considered.


Since our purpose was to consider this problem only so far as it has tended towards its mathematical solution, we have avoided saying anything of the dependence of the mode of vibration on the cause by which the sound is produced; and consequently, the researches on the effects of reeds, embouchures, and the like, by Chladni, Savart, Willis, and others, do not belong to our subject. It is easily seen that the complex effect of the elasticity and other properties of the reed and of the air together, is a problem of which we can hardly hope to give a complete solution till our knowledge has advanced much beyond its present condition.

Indeed, in the science of Acoustics there is a vast body of facts to which we might apply what has just been said; but for the sake of pointing out some of them, we shall consider them as the subjects of one extensive and yet unsolved problem.


NOT only the objects of which we have spoken hitherto, strings and pipes, but almost all bodies are capable of vibration. Bells, gongs, tuning-forks, are examples of solid bodies; drums and tambourines, of membranes; if we run a wet finger along the edge of a glass goblet, we throw the fluid which it contains into a regular vibration; and the various character which sounds possess according to the room in which they are uttered, shows that large masses of air have peculiar modes of vibration. Vibrations are generally accompanied by sound, and they may, therefore, be considered as acoustical phenomena, especially as the sound is one of the most decisive facts in indicating the mode of vibration. Moreover, every body of this kind can vibrate in many different ways, the vibrating segments being divided by Nodal Lines and Surfaces of various form and number. The mode of vibration, selected by the body in each case, is determined by the way in which it is held, the way in which it is set in vibration, and the like circumstances.

The dependence of such vibrations upon their physical cause, namely, the elasticity of the substance, we can conceive in a general way; but the mathematical theory of such cases is, as might be supposed, very difficult, even if we confine ourselves to the obvious question of the mechanical possibility of these different modes of vibration, and leave out of consideration their dependence upon the mode of excitation. The transverse vibrations of elastic rods, plates, and rings, had been considered by Euler in 1779; but his calculation concerning plates had foretold only a small part of the curious phenomena observed by Chladni; and the several notes which, according to his calculation, the same ring ought to give, were not in agreement with experiment. Indeed, researches of this kind, as conducted by Euler, and other authors, rather were, and were intended for, examples of analytical skill, than explanations of physical facts. James Bernoulli, after the publication of Chladni's experiments in 1787, attempted to solve the problem for plates, by treating a plate as a collection of fibres; but, as Chladni observes, the justice of this mode of conception is disproved, by the disagreement of the results with experiment.

The principle of the superposition of vibrations is so solidly established as a mechanical truth, that we may consider an acoustical problem as satisfactorily disposed of when it is reduced to that principle, as well as when it is solved by analytical mechanics: but at the same time we may recollect, that the right application and limitation of this law involves no small difficulty; and in this case, as in all advances in physical science, we cannot but wish to have the new ground which has been gained, gone over by some other person in some other manner; and thus secured to us as a permanent possession.

These "inductions," as he properly calls them, are supported by a great mass of ingenious experiments; and may be considered as well established, when they are limited to molecular oscillations, employing this phrase in the sense in which it is understood in the above statement; and also when they are confined to bodies in which the play of elasticity is not interrupted by parts more rigid than the rest, as the sound-post of a violin. And before I quit the subject, I may notice a consequence which M. Savart has deduced from his views, and which, at first sight, appears to overturn most of the earlier doctrines respecting vibrating bodies. It was formerly held that tense strings and elastic rods could vibrate only in a determinate series of modes of division, with no intermediate steps. But M. Savart maintains, on the contrary, that they produce sounds which are gradually transformed into one another, by indefinite intermediate degrees. The reader may naturally ask, what is the solution of this apparent contradiction between the earliest and the latest discoveries in acoustics. And the answer must be, that these intermediate modes of vibration are complex in their nature, and difficult to produce; and that those which were formerly believed to be the only possible vibrating conditions, are so eminent above all the rest by their features, their simplicity, and their facility, that we may still, for common purposes, consider them as a class apart; although for the sake of reaching a general theorem, we may associate them with the general mass of cases of molecular vibrations. And thus we have no exception here, as we can have none in any case, to our maxim, that what formed part of the early discoveries of science, forms part of its latest systems.

We have thus surveyed the progress of the science of sound up to recent times, with respect both to the discovery of laws of phenomena, and the reduction of these to their mechanical causes. The former branch of the science has necessarily been inductively pursued; and therefore has been more peculiarly the subject of our attention. And this consideration will explain why we have not dwelt more upon the deductive labors of the great analysts who have treated of this problem.

To those who are acquainted with the high and deserved fame which the labors of D'Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, and others, upon this subject, enjoy among mathematicians, it may seem as if we had not given them their due prominence in our sketch. But it is to be recollected here, as we have already observed in the case of hydrodynamics, that even when the general principles are uncontested, mere mathematical deductions from them do not belong to the history of physical science, except when they point out laws which are intermediate between the general principle and the individual facts, and which observation may confirm.

The business of constructing any science may be figured as the task of forming a road on which our reason can travel through a certain province of the external world. We have to throw a bridge which may lead from the chambers of our own thoughts, from our speculative principles, to the distant shore of material facts. But in all cases the abyss is too wide to be crossed, except we can find some intermediate points on which the piers of our structure may rest. Mere facts, without connexion or law, are only the rude stones hewn from the opposite bank, of which our arches may, at some time, be built. But mere hypothetical mathematical calculations are only plans of projected structures; and those plans which exhibit only one vast and single arch, or which suppose no support but that which our own position supplies, will assuredly never become realities. We must have a firm basis of intermediate generalizations in order to frame a continuous and stable edifice.

In the subject before us, we have no want of such points of intermediate support, although they are in many instances irregularly distributed and obscurely seen. The number of observed laws and relations of the phenomena of sound, is already very great; and though the time may be distant, there seems to be no reason to despair of one day uniting them by clear ideas of mechanical causation, and thus of making acoustics a perfect secondary mechanical science.



O thou who fillest the palaces of Jove; Who flowest round moon, and sun, and stars above; Pervading, bright, life-giving element, Supernal ETHER, fair and excellent; Fountain of hope and joy, of light and day, We own at length thy tranquil, steady sway.


THE history of the science of Optics, written at length, would be very voluminous; but we shall not need to make our history so; since our main object is to illustrate the nature of science and the conditions of its progress. In this way Optics is peculiarly instructive; the more so, as its history has followed a course in some respects different from both the sciences previously reviewed. Astronomy, as we have seen, advanced with a steady and continuous movement from one generation to another, from the earliest time, till her career was crowned by the great unforeseen discovery of Newton; Acoustics had her extreme generalization in view from the first, and her history consists in the correct application of it to successive problems; Optics advanced through a scale of generalizations as remarkable as those of Astronomy; but for a long period she was almost stationary; and, at last, was rapidly impelled through all those stages by the energy of two or three discoverers. The highest point of generality which Optics has reached is little different from that which Acoustics occupied at once; but in the older and earlier science we still want that palpable and pointed confirmation of the general principle, which the undulatory theory receives from optical phenomena. Astronomy has amassed her vast fortune by long-continued industry and labor; Optics has obtained hers in a few years by sagacious and happy speculations; Acoustics, having early acquired a competence, has since been employed rather in improving and adorning than in extending her estate.

The successive inductions by which Optics made her advances, might, of course, be treated in the same manner as those of Astronomy, each having its prelude and its sequel. But most of the discoveries in Optics are of a smaller character, and have less employed the minds of men, than those of Astronomy; and it will not be necessary to exhibit them in this detailed manner, till we come to the great generalization by which the theory was established. I shall, therefore, now pass rapidly in review the earlier optical discoveries, without any such division of the series.



But these are only deductive applications of the most elementary optical doctrines; we must proceed to the inductions by which further discoveries were made.


The assertion, that the angles of refraction are not proportional to the angles of incidence, was an important remark; and if it had been steadily kept in mind, the next thing to be done with regard to refraction was to go on experimenting and conjecturing till the true law of refraction was discovered; and in the mean time to apply the principle as far as it was known. Alhazen, though he gives directions for making experimental measures of refraction, does not give any Table of the results of such experiments, as Ptolemy had done. Vitello, a Pole, who in the 13th century published an extensive work upon Optics, does give such a table; and asserts it to be deduced from experiment, as I have already said . But this assertion is still liable to doubt in consequence of the table containing impossible observations.

The principle that a ray refracted in glass or water is turned towards the perpendicular, without knowing the exact law of refraction, enabled mathematicians to trace the effects of transparent bodies in various cases. Thus in Roger Bacon's works we find a tolerably distinct explanation of the effect of a convex glass; and in the work of Vitello the effect of refraction at the two surfaces of a glass globe is clearly traceable.


EARLY attempts were made to account for the colors of the rainbow, and various other phenomena in which colors are seen to arise from transient and unsubstantial combinations of media. Thus Aristotle explains the colors of the rainbow by supposing that it is light seen through a dark medium: "Now," says he, "the bright seen through the dark appears red, as, for instance, the fire of green wood seen through the smoke, and the sun through mist. Also the weaker is the light, or the visual power, and the nearer the color approaches to the black; becoming first red, then green, then purple. But the vision is strongest in the outer circle, because the periphery is greater;--thus we shall have a gradation from red, through green, to purple, in passing from the outer to the inner circle." This account would hardly have deserved much notice, if it had not been for a strange attempt to revive it, or something very like it, in modern times. The same doctrine is found in the work of De Dominis. According to him, light is white: but if we mix with the light something dark, the colors arise,--first red, then green, then blue or violet. He applies this to explain the colors of the rainbow, by means of the consideration that, of the rays which come to the eye from the globes of water, some go through a larger thickness of the globe than others, whence he obtains the gradation of colors just described.

Descartes came far nearer the true philosophy of the iridal colors. He found that a similar series of colors was produced by refraction of light bounded by shade, through a prism; and he rightly inferred that neither the curvature of the surface of the drops of water, nor the reflection, nor the repetition of refraction, were necessary to the generation of such colors. In further examining the course of the rays, he approaches very near to the true conception of the case; and we are led to believe that he might have anticipated Newton in his discovery of the unequal refrangibility of different colors, if it had been possible for him to reason any otherwise than in the terms and notions of his preconceived hypotheses. The conclusion which he draws is, that "the particles of the subtile matter which transmit the action of light, endeavor to rotate with so great a force and impetus, that they cannot move in a straight line : and that those particles which endeavor to revolve much more strongly produce a red color, those which endeavor to move only a little more strongly produce yellow." Here we have a clear perception that colors and unequal refraction are connected, though the cause of refraction is expressed by a gratuitous hypothesis. And we may add, that he applies this notion rightly, so far as he explains himself, to account for the colors of the rainbow.

At length, in 1672, Newton gave the true explanation of the facts; namely, that light consists of rays of different colors and different refrangibility. This now appears to us so obvious a mode of interpreting the phenomena, that we can hardly understand how they can be conceived in any other manner; but yet the impression which this discovery made, both upon Newton and upon his contemporaries, shows how remote it was from the then accepted opinions. There appears to have been a general persuasion that the coloration was produced, not by any peculiarity in the law of refraction itself but by some collateral circumstance,--some dispersion or variation of density of the light, in addition to the refraction. Newton's discovery consisted in teaching distinctly that the law of refraction was to be applied, not to the beam of light in general, but to the colors in particular.

The experiments are so easy and common, and Newton's interpretation of them so simple and evident, that we might have expected it to receive general assent; indeed, as we have shown, Descartes had already been led very near the same point. In fact, Newton's opinions were not long in obtaining general acceptance; but they met with enough of cavil and misapprehension to annoy extremely the discoverer, whose clear views and quiet temper made him impatient alike of stupidity and of contentiousness.

We need not explain this system further, or attempt to show how vague and loose, as well as baseless, are the notions and modes of conception which it introduces. Perhaps it is not difficult to point out the peculiarities in G?the's intellectual character which led to his singularly unphilosophical views on this subject. One important circumstance is, that he appears, like many persons in whom the poetical imagination is very active, to have been destitute of the talent and the habit of geometrical thought. In all probability, he never apprehended clearly and steadily those relations of position on which the Newtonian doctrine depends. Another cause of his inability to accept the doctrine probably was, that he had conceived the "composition" of colors in some way altogether different from that which Newton understands by composition. What G?the expected to see, we cannot clearly collect; but we know, from his own statement, that his intention of experimenting with a prism arose from his speculations on the roles of coloring in pictures; and we can easily see that any notion of the composition of colors which such researches would suggest, would require to be laid aside, before he could understand Newton's theory of the composition of light.

We now proceed to the corrections which the next generation introduced into the details of this doctrine.


For the reasons already mentioned, we do not pursue this subject further, but turn to those optical facts which finally led to a great and comprehensive theory.


These rules were exact as far as they went; and when we consider how geometrically complex the law is, which really regulates the unusual or extraordinary refraction;--that Newton altogether mistook it, and that it was not verified till the experiments of Ha?y and Wollaston in our own time;--we might expect that it would not be soon or easily detected. But Huyghens possessed a key to the secret, in the theory, which he had devised, of the propagation of light by undulations, and which he conceived with perfect distinctness and correctness, so far as its application to these phenomena is concerned. Hence he was enabled to lay down the law of the phenomena , with a precision and success which excited deserved admiration, when the subject, at a much later period, regained its due share of attention. His Treatise was written in 1678, but not published till 1690.

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