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Read Ebook: Der Graf von Saint-Germain: Das Leben eines Alchimisten by Volz Gustav Berthold

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Ebook has 2122 lines and 95455 words, and 43 pages


Bridget and her little realm--A troop of rude intruders--An imperious demand--A flat refusal--Prying investigations--Biddy's displeasure aroused--Why Oscar could not find the pie--Another squabble, and its consequences--Studying under difficulties--Shooting peas--Ralph and George provoked--A piece of Bridget's mind--Mrs. Preston--George's complaint--Oscar rebuked--A tell-tale--Oscar's brothers and sisters--His father and mother.


Oscar's school--The divisions and classes--Lively and pleasant sights--Playing schoolmaster--Carrying the joke too far to be agreeable--Oscar's indolence in school--Gazing at the blackboard--A release from study, and an unexpected privilege--Whiling away an hour--Doing nothing harder work than studying--A half-learned lesson--A habit of Oscar's--A ridiculous blunder--Absurd mistakes of the British government about the great lakes--Oscar less pardonable than they--Another blunder--Difference between guessing and knowing--Oscar detained after school--His recitation--Good advice--Remembering the blackboard--Willie Davenport--A pounding promised.


Whistler--Why Ralph liked him--Why Oscar disliked him--A caution--A sudden attack--An unexpected rescue--The stranger's advice--A brave and manly answer--Whistler refuses to expose Oscar's name--The boys separate--George's report of the scene, and Ralph's explanation--Oscar's return--His sister's rebuke--His mother's inquiries--Misrepresentations--Willie exonerated--Forgiving enemies--An unpleasant promise called to mind--Mr. Preston's action in the matter--Oscar refuses to punish himself--The chamber--A surprise--Falsehood--Exposure--The account settled--Silence--Late rising and a cold breakfast--What Mrs. Preston said--Its effect upon Oscar--Concealed emotion--Mistaken notions of manliness--Good impressions made--George's narrow escape.


Alfred Walton--His home--Hotel acquaintances--Coarse stories and jokes--Andy--His peculiarities--Tobacco--A spelling lesson--The disappointment--Anger--Bright and her family--Fun and mischief--The owner of the pups--A promise--A ride to the dep?t--A walk about the building--Examining wheels--The tracks--An arrival--A swarm of passengers--Two young travellers taken in tow--Their story--Arrival at the hotel--A walk--Purchase of deadly weapons--A heavy bill--Gifts to Alfred and Oscar--A brave speech for a little fellow--Going home.


The Sabbath--Uneasiness--Monday morning--A pressing invitation to play truant--Hesitation--The decision--Oscar's misgivings--Manners of the two travellers--A small theft--Flight--A narrow escape--A costly cake of sugar--The bridge to Charlestown--The monument--The navy yard--Objects of interest--Incidents of Joseph's life--A slight test of his courage--Oscar's plans--Going to dinner--A grand "take in"--Alfred's disclosures--Real character of the young travellers--Their tough stories--A mutual difficulty--Confessing what cannot be concealed--Good advice and mild reproof--The teacher's leniency explained.


A command--Passing it along--Reluctant obedience--A poor excuse--A bad habit--Employment for vacation--Oscar's opposition to the plan--Frank the errand-boy--Thanksgiving week--A busy time--Oscar's experience as store-boy--Learning to sweep--Doing work well--A tempting invitation--Its acceptance--A ride--Driving horses--The errand--The return--Oscar at the store--Sent off "with a flea in his ear"--The matter brought up again--Oscar's excuse unsatisfactory--Ralph's services rewarded--Difference between the two boys.


Grandmother's arrival--Surprises--Presents--Oscar at a shooting-match--Bad company--Cruel sport--Home again--Prevarication--A remonstrance--Impudence, and a silent rebuke--The dinner--A stormy afternoon--A disappointment--Evening in the parlor--A call for stories--How the Indians punished bad boys--What Oscar thought of it--An Indian story--The hostile party--The alarm--The stratagem--The onset--The retreat--The victory--Laplot River--Widow Storey's retreat--Misfortunes of her husband--Her enterprise and industry--Fleeing from the British--The subterranean abode--Precautions to prevent discovery--Uncle James--The fellow who was caught in his own trap--Old Zigzag--His oddities--His tragic end--How the town of Barre, Vt., got its name--A well-spent evening.


One of her habits--Ella's complaint--Alice's reproof--Ella's rude reply to her grandmother--A mild rebuke--A sterner reproof--Shame and repentance--Popping corn--George's selfishness--A fruitless search for the corn-bag--Bad Temper--An ineffectual reproof--George's obstinacy--How he became selfish--Difficulty of breaking up a bad habit--What he lost by his selfishness--Oscar's dog--He is named "Tiger"--His portrait--His roguishness--Oscar's trick upon his grandmother--Unfortunate ending--Tiger's destructiveness--A mystery, and its probable solution--Oscar's falsehood--Tiger's banishment decreed, but not carried out--Grandmother Lee's remonstrance with Oscar--Bridget's onset--Oscar's excuse--Moral principle wanting--Mrs. Lee's departure.


Coasting--Oscar's sled--Borrowing and lending--A merry scene on the Common--Various sleds and characters--A collision--Damage to Ralph and the "Clipper"--Not accidental--The guilty parties called to account--No satisfaction obtained--Ralph's trouble--Oscar's anger--His revenge--A fight--His termination--Skating--Tiger on the ice--His plunge into an air-hole--His alarm and escape--Going home--Unfounded fears awakened--Tiger's shame--A talk about air-holes--What they are for, and how they are made--Skaters should be cautious--A change in Tiger's habits--A great snow-storm--Appearance of the streets--Fun for the boys--A job for Oscar--He is wiser than his father--Nullification of a command--The command repeated--Icy sidewalks--Laziness and its excuses--A wise suggestion--Duty neglected--Oscar called to account--His excuses--Unpleasant consequences of his negligence--The command repeated, with a "snapper" at the end--The dreaded task completed.


A compulsory ride--Merited retribution--A sad plight for a proud boy--Laughter and ridicule--Oscar's neatness and love of dress--The patched jacket--Oscar's objections to it--Benny Wright, the boy of many patches--His character--The jacket question peremptorily settled--A significant shake of the head--A watch wanted--Why boys carry watches--Punctuality--Oscar's tardiness at school--The real cause of it--Thinking too much of outside appearances--Character of more consequence than cloth--An offer--The conditions--A hard question--How to accomplish an object--Oscar's waywardness--Boarding-school discipline--The High School--An anticipated novelty.


Oscar's shrewdness--His reputation for integrity--A new want--Perplexity--A chance for speculation--A dishonest device--Its success--Secrecy--The fraud discovered--Oscar's defence--Restitution refused--Indignation--The Monday morning lesson in morals--Dishonesty--Rectifying mistakes--The principle unfolded--Restoring lost articles--A case for Oscar to decide--His reluctant decision--Taking advantage of another's ignorance--Duty of restitution--Other forms of dishonesty--Better to be cheated than to cheat--Effect of the lesson upon Oscar.


Wet feet--A command disobeyed--Dabbling in the water--Playing on the ice--An unexpected adventure--Afloat on an ice-cake--A consultation--Danger and alarm--Spectators--A call for help--A critical situation--The rescue--Effects of the adventure--Feverish dreams--Strange feelings--The doctor's visit--Lung fever--The Latin prescription--Oscar's removal--He grows worse--Peevishness--Passing the crisis--Improved behavior--Getting better--General rejoicings--Further improvement--Return of a bad habit--Fretfulness and impatience--A dispute--First attempt to sit up--Its failure--First day in an easy chair--The sweets of convalescence--Danger of a relapse.



Setting out--A long and wearisome ride--Portland--The hotel--Going to bed--The queer little lamp--Lonesomeness--The evening prayer--Morning--Breakfast--The railroad dep?t--Oscar's partiality for stage-coaches and good horses--Eighty miles by steam--Dinner--The stage-coach--An outside seat--The team and the roads--Villages--Mail bags--Forests and rivers--End of the stage ride--Jerry--An Introduction--A ride in a wagon--Bashfulness--An invisible village--The journey's end--Mrs. Preston--More shy cousins--Supper--Evening employments--Attempting to "scrape acquaintance"--Mary tells Oscar his name--More questions--The tables turned--Getting acquainted in bed.


A dull morning--New acquaintances--Inquiries about Jerry's school-time--A long vacation--Work--Playmates--Rain--A fine sunrise--The distant pond--A call to breakfast--Preliminary operations--Jerry's uncombed head--Oscar's neatness--Jerry sent from the table--Bad manners--Bathing in the pond--An anticipated pleasure interdicted--The river--A walk--The pond--Map of Brookdale--Going to ride--The Cross-Roads--Billy's speed discussed--The variety store--All sorts of things--Oscar's purchase--Returning home--Short evenings--A nap--A queer dream--Oscar's smartness at dreaming--Making fun of a country store--Mary's question--Crying babies--Teasing--Walking backwards--A trip and a fall--A real crying baby--Mary comforted--Jerry cuffed--Mortification.


Forgotten medicine and renewed health--An excursion planned--A gun wanted, but denied--Setting out on a long tramp--Swamps--Upland--Brooks--How Brookdale got its name--Cutting canes--Birch and beech--How to crook the handle of a cane--The philosophy of it explained--The cigars--Fine groves--Stopping to rest--The forest described--Birds and guns--Other game--Jim Oakley's strange animal--Moose--The man who met a bear--A race--Mysterious disappearance of the bear--The probable cause of his visit--The boy who killed two bears--Oscar's courage--Prospect Rock--A fine view--The rabbit--The woodchuck's hole--Crossing a swamp--Mosquitoes--The pond--The hermit's hut--Some account of "Old Staples"--Buried treasures--Making a fire--Baking potatoes and toasting cheese--Drinking pond water--Dinner--Hunting for the hermit's money--What they meant to do with it--A bath proposed--Smoothing over the matter--Going Into water--Drying their hair--Going home--Lost In the woods--Arrival home--One kind of punishment for wrong-doing.


The missing cap--Splitting wood--Jerry and Emily--A quarrel begun--The cap found--A drink of buttermilk--Oscar's opinion of it--Jerry's love for it--Another delay--Feeding the fowls--A mysterious letter--The Shanghae rooster's complaint--Curiosity excited--The suspected author--Clinton's education--Keeping dark about the letter--Who Clinton was--Where he lived--Killing caterpillars--How caterpillars breed--The young turkeys--The brood of chickens--The hen-coop--Clinton's management of the poultry--His profits--Success the result of effort, not of luck--The "rooster's letter" not alluded to--The piggery--The barn--"The horse's prayer"--A new-comer--Her name--A discovery--Relationship of Clinton to Whistler--Mrs. Davenport--Oscar conceals his dislike of Whistler--The shop--Specimens of Clinton's work--Going home.


A forgotten duty called to mind--Letter writing--A mysterious allusion--The private room--No backing out--Making a beginning--Getting stuck--Idling away time--Prying into letters--A commotion among the swallows--Teaching the young ones how to fly--A good lesson lost--Mary and her book--Her talk about the pictures--A pretty picture--A wasted hour--Making another attempt--His success--Effects of being in earnest--A copy of Oscar's letter--Emily's inquisitiveness--A rebuke--The message she wanted to send--The meadow lot--Mulching for trees--Going to the old wood lot--Cutting birch twigs-Forgetting to be lazy--The load--A ride to the Cross-Roads--Mailing the letter--Paying the postage in advance.


Hankerings after a gun--A plan--Jim Oakley's gun--A dispute--An open rupture--The broken gun--Going home mad--A call from Clinton--The toiler--Summons home--Disappointment--Bad feeling between Oscar and Jerry--How they slept--Remarks about their appearance at the breakfast table--Borrowing trouble--Another visit proposed--Jerry's explosion of anger--His imprudence--Confinement down cellar--An unhappy day--"Making up" at night--A duty neglected--Inquiries about the gun--Starting for home--A pleasant drive--The stage-coach--The cars--Luncheon--Half an hour in Portland--The Boston train--A spark in the eye--Pain and inflammation--Boston--Ralph's surprise--Welcome home--The eye-stone--The intruder removed.


Oscar's dread of going to school--Unsuccessful pleas--Oscar at school--His indifference to his studies--A "talent for missing"--A reproof--Kicking a cap--Whistler's generosity--Benny Wright--Oscar's bad conduct--Regarded as incorrigible--The tobacco spittle--Oscar's denial--Betrayed by his breath--A successful search--The teacher's rebuke--The new copy--Its effect--A note for Oscar's father--What it led to--Concealment of real feelings--Bridget's complaint--The puddle on the kitchen floor--Oscar's story--Conflicting reports--A new flare-up--The truth of the matter--Bridget's departure--Examination day--The medals--The certificate for the High School--A refusal--Bitter fruits of misconduct.

Vacation--Associates--Edward Mixer--His character--Loitering around railroad dep?ts--An excursion into the country--The railroad bridge--Fruit--A fine garden--Getting over the fence--Looking for birds' nests--Disappearance of Edward and Alfred--A chase--Escape of the boys--Hailing each other--Edward's account of the adventure--A grand speculation--Pluck--Secrecy--Curiosity not gratified--Arrival of Oscar's uncle--The officer's interview with Mr. Preston--The real character and history of Ned--Timely warning--Oscar's astonishment--What he knew concerning Ned--A hint about forming new acquaintances--Oscar's removal from city temptations decided on--A caution and precaution--Departure--Ned's arrest and sentence--The "grand speculation" never divulged.


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