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Read Ebook: Lightning Thunder and Lightning Conductors by Molloy Gerald

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Ebook has 193 lines and 30438 words, and 4 pages


Identity of Lightning and Electricity--Franklin's Experiment--Fatal Experiment of Richman--Immediate Cause of Lightning--Illustration from Electric Spark--What a Flash of Lightning Is--Duration of a Flash of Lightning--Experiments of Professor Rood--Wheatstone's Experiments--Experiment with Rotating Disc--Brightness of a Flash of Lightning--Various Forms of Lightning--Forked Lightning, Sheet Lightning, Globe Lightning--St. Elmo's Fire--Experimental Illustration--Origin of Lightning--Length of a Flash of Lightning--Physical Cause of Thunder--Rolling of Thunder--Succession of Peals--Variation of Intensity--Distance of a Flash of Lightning



Theory of Lightning Conductors Challenged--Lectures of Professor Lodge--Short Account of his Views and Arguments--Effect of Self-Induction on a Lightning Rod--Experiment on the Discharge of a Leyden Jar--Outer Shell only of a Lightning Rod Acts as a Conductor--Discussion at the Meeting of the British Association, September, 1888--Statement by Mr. Preece--Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Thomson--Professor Rowland and Professor Forbes--M. de Fonvielle, Sir James Douglass, and Mr. Symons--Reply of Professor Lodge--Concluding Remarks of Professor Fitzgerald, President of the Section--Summary Showing the Present State of the Question
















The electricity produced by an ordinary electric machine exhibits, under certain conditions, phenomena which bear a striking resemblance to the phenomena attendant on lightning. In both cases there is a flash of light; in both there is a report, which, in the case of lightning, we call thunder; and, in both cases, intense heat is developed, which is capable of setting fire to combustible bodies. Further, the spark from an electric machine travels through space with extraordinary rapidity, and so does a flash of lightning; the spark follows a zig-zag course, and so does a flash of lightning; the spark moves silently and harmlessly through metal rods and stout wires, while it forces its way, with destructive effect, through bad conductors, and it is so, too, with a flash of lightning. Lastly, the electricity of a machine is capable of giving a severe shock to the human body; and we know that lightning gives a shock so severe as usually to cause immediate death. For these reasons it was long conjectured by scientific men that lightning is, in its nature, identical with electricity; and that it differs from the electricity of our machines only in this, that it exists in a more powerful and destructive form.

With the magnanimity of a really great man, Franklin published this project to the world; being more solicitous to extend the domain of science by new discoveries, than to secure for himself the glory of having made them. The project was set forth in a letter to Mr. Collinson, of London, which bears date July 29, 1750, and which, in the course of a year or two, was translated into the principal languages of Europe. Two years later the experiment suggested by Franklin was made by Monsieur Dalibard, a wealthy man of science, at his villa near Marly-la-Ville, a few miles from Paris. In the middle of an elevated plain Monsieur Dalibard erected an iron rod, forty feet in length, one inch in diameter, and ending above in a sharp steel point. The iron rod rested on an insulating support, and was kept in position by means of silk cords.

In the absence of Monsieur Dalibard, who was called by business to Paris, this apparatus was watched by an old dragoon, named Coiffier; and on the afternoon of the tenth of May, 1752, he drew sparks from the lower end of the rod at the time that a thundercloud was passing over the neighborhood. Conscious of the importance that would be attached to this phenomenon, the old dragoon summoned, in all haste, the prior of Marly to come and witness it. The prior came without delay, and he was followed by some of the principal inhabitants of the village. In the presence of the little group, thus gathered together, the experiment was repeated--electric sparks were again drawn, in rapid succession, from the iron rod; the prediction of Franklin was fulfilled to the letter; and the identity of lightning and electricity was, for the first time, demonstrated to the world.

The thundercloud came late in the afternoon of the fourth of July, 1752, and Franklin sallied out with his kite, accompanied by his son, and taking with him a common door-key and a Leyden jar. The kite was soon high in air, and the philosopher awaited the result of his experiment, standing, with his son, under the lee of a cowshed, partly to protect himself from the rain that was coming, and partly, it is said, to shield himself from the ridicule of passers-by, who, having no sympathy with his philosophical speculations, might be inclined to regard him as a lunatic. To guard against the danger of receiving a flash of lightning through his body, he held the kite by means of a silk ribbon, which was tied to the door-key, the door-key being itself attached to the lower end of the hempen string.

A flash of lightning soon came from the cloud, and a second, and a third; but no sign of electricity could be observed in the kite, or the hempen cord, or the key. Franklin was almost beginning to despair of success, when suddenly he noticed that the little fibres of the cord began to bristle up, just as they would if it were placed near an electric machine in action. He presented the door-key to the knob of the Leyden jar, and a spark passed between them. Presently a shower began to fall; the cord, wetted by the rain, became a better conductor than it had been before, and sparks came more freely. With these sparks he now charged the Leyden jar, and found, to his intense delight, that he could exhibit all the phenomena of electricity by means of the lightning he had drawn from the clouds.

In the following year a similar experiment, with even more striking results, was carried out, in France, by de Romas. Though it is said he had no knowledge of what Franklin had done in America, he, too, used a kite; and, with a view of making the string a better conductor, he interlaced with it a thin copper wire. Then, flying his kite in the ordinary way, when it had risen to a height of about 550 feet, he drew sparks from it which, we are told, were upwards of nine feet long, and emitted a sound like the report of a pistol.

The whole phenomenon may be illustrated, on a small scale, by means of this electric machine of Carr?'s which you see before you. When my assistant turns the handle of the machine negative electricity is developed in that large brass cylinder, which in our experiment will represent the thundercloud. At a distance of five or six inches from the cylinder I hold a brass ball, which is in electrical communication with the earth through my body. The electrified brass cylinder acts by induction, or influence on the brass ball, and develops in it, as well as in my body, a charge of positive electricity. Now, the positive electricity of the ball and the negative electricity of the cylinder are mutually attracting each other, but the intervening stratum of air offers a resistance which prevents a discharge from taking place. My assistant, however, continues to work the machine; the two opposite electricities rapidly accumulate on the cylinder and the ball; at length their mutual attraction is strong enough to overcome the resistance interposed between them; a disruptive discharge follows, and at the same moment a spark is seen to pass, accompanied by a sharp snapping report.

This spark is a miniature flash of lightning; and the snapping report is a diminutive peal of thunder. Furthermore, at the moment the spark passes you may observe a slight convulsive movement in my hand and wrist. This convulsive movement represents, on a small scale, the violent shock, generally fatal to life, which is produced by a flash of lightning when it passes through the body.

I can continue to take sparks from the conductor as long as the machine is worked; and it is interesting to observe that these sparks follow an irregular zig-zag course, just as lightning does. The reason is the same in both cases: a discharge between two electrified bodies takes place along the line of least resistance; and, owing to the varying condition of the atmosphere, as well as of the minute particles of matter floating in it, the line of least resistance is almost always a zig-zag line.

But, if you ask me in what the discharge itself consists, I am utterly unable to tell you. It is usual to speak and write on this subject as if electricity were a material substance, a very subtle fluid, and as if, at the moment the discharge takes place, this fluid passes like a rapid stream, from the body that is positively electrified to the body that is negatively electrified. But we must always remember that this is only a conventional mode of expression, intended chiefly to assist our conceptions, and to help us to talk about the phenomena. It does not even profess to represent the objective truth. All that we know for certain is this: that immediately before the discharge the two bodies are highly electrified with opposite kinds of electricity; and, that immediately after the discharge, they are found to have returned to their ordinary condition, or, at least, to have become less highly electrified than they were before.

The flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge is often supposed to be the electricity itself, passing from one body to the other. But it is not; it is simply an effect produced by the discharge. Heat is generated by the expenditure of electrical energy, in overcoming the resistance offered by the atmosphere; and this heat is so intense, that it produces a brilliant incandescence along the path of the discharge. When a spark appears, for example, between the conductor of the machine and this brass ball, it can be shown, by very satisfactory evidence, that minute particles of these solid bodies are first converted into vapor, and then made to glow with intense heat. The gases, too, of which the air is composed, and the solid particles floating in the air, are likewise raised to incandescence. So, too, with lightning; the flash of light is due to the intense heat generated by the electrical discharge, and owes its character to the composition and the density of the atmosphere through which the discharge passes.

For the description of his apparatus, and for the details of his observations, I must refer you to the memoir itself; but I may tell you briefly that the results at which he arrived, if they be accepted, must lead to a considerable modification of the views previously entertained on the subject. In the first place, he satisfied himself that what appears to the eye a single flash of lightning is usually, if not always, multiple in its character; consisting, in fact, of a succession of distinct flashes, which follow one another with such rapidity as to make a continuous impression on the retina. Next, he proceeded to measure approximately the duration of these several component flashes; and he found that it varied over a wide range, amounting sometimes to fully the twentieth of a second, and being sometimes less than the sixteen-hundredth of a second.

But he also showed that the duration of the spark is greatly increased, when a resisting wire is introduced into the path of the discharge. Thus, for example, when the discharge from a Leyden jar was made to pass through half a mile of copper wire, with breaks at intervals, the sparks that appeared at these breaks were found to last for ?/????? of a second. Hence we should naturally expect that the period of illumination would be still further increased, in the case of a flash of lightning, where the resistance interposed is enormously greater than in either of the experiments made by Wheatstone.

I mentioned just now that an impression made on the retina lasts for the tenth of a second after the cause of it has been removed. Now, when this disk is in rotation, the sectors follow one another so rapidly that the particular part of space occupied at any moment by a white sector will be occupied by a black sector within a time much less than the tenth of a second. It follows that the impression made by each white sector remains on the retina until the following black sector comes into the same position; and, in like manner, the impression made by each black sector remains until the following white sector takes up the position of the black. Therefore, the impression made by the whole outer rim is the impression of black and white combined--that is, the impression of gray.

So far, I dare say, the phenomenon is already familiar to you all. But I propose now to show you the revolving disk illuminated by the electric spark; and you will observe that, at the moment of illumination, the black and white sectors come out as clearly and distinctly as if the disk were standing still.

For the success of this experiment it is desirable, not only to have a brilliant spark in order to secure a good illumination of the disk, but also to have a succession of such sparks, that you may see the phenomenon frequently repeated, and thus be able to observe it at your leisure. To attain these two objects, I have made the arrangement which is here before you.

In front of the disk is a large and very powerful Leyden jar. The rod connected with the inner coating rises well above the mouth of the jar, and ends in a brass ball nearly opposite the centre of the disk. Connected with the outer coating of the jar is another rod which likewise ends in a brass ball, and which is so adjusted that the distance between the two balls is about an inch. The two rods are connected respectively with the two conductors of a Holtz machine, so that, when the machine is worked, the jar is first quickly charged, and then it discharges itself, with a brilliant spark, between the two brass balls. Thus, by continuing to work the machine, we can get, as long as we choose, a succession of sparks following one another at short and regular intervals right in front of the disk.

Everything being now ready, and the room partially darkened, the disk is put in rapid rotation; and you can see, by the twilight that remains, the outer rim a uniform gray, and the central space white. But when my assistant begins to turn the Holtz machine, and brilliant sparks leap out at intervals, the revolving disk, illuminated for a moment at each discharge, seems to be standing still, and shows the black and white sectors distinctly visible.

The reason of this is clear: So brief is the moment for which the spark endures, that the disk, though in rapid motion, makes no sensible advance during that small fraction of time; therefore, in the image on the retina, the impression made by the white sectors remains distinct from the impression made by the black, and the eye sees the disk as it really is.

I may notice, in passing, a very interesting consideration, suggested by this experiment. A cannon ball is now commonly discharged with a velocity of about 1,600 feet a second. Moving with this velocity it is, as you know, under ordinary circumstances, altogether invisible to the eye. But suppose it were illuminated, in the darkness of night, by this electric spark, which lasts, we will say, for the millionth of a second. During the moment of illumination, the cannon ball moves through the millionth part of 1,600 feet, which is a little less than the fiftieth of an inch. Practically, we may say that the cannon ball does not sensibly change its place while the spark lasts. Further, the impression it makes on the eye, from the position it occupies at the moment of illumination, remains on the retina for at least the tenth of a second. Therefore, if we are looking toward that particular part of space where the cannon ball happens to be at the moment the spark passes, we must see the cannon ball hanging motionless in the air, though we know it is traveling at the rate of 1,600 feet a second, or about 1,000 miles an hour.

Here is a startling conclusion, and one, I may say, fully justified by scientific evidence. That electric spark, brilliant as it appears to us, is really a hundred thousand times as bright as it seems to be. We cannot speak with the same precision of a flash of lightning; because its duration has not yet been so exactly determined. But if we suppose that a flash of lightning, in a particular case, lasts for the thousandth of a second, it would follow, from the above experiments, that the flash is a hundred times as bright, in fact, as it appears to the eye.

Perhaps the most distinct and satisfactory evidence on this subject, derived from actual observation, is contained in the following letter of Professor Tyndall, written in May, 1883: "Looking to the south and south-east from the Bel Alp, the play of silent lightning among the clouds and mountains is sometimes very wonderful. It may be seen palpitating for hours, with a barely appreciable interval between the thrills. Most of those who see it regard it as lightning without thunder--Blitz ohne Donner, Wetterleuchten, I have heard it named by German visitors. The Monte Generoso, overlooking the Lake of Lugano, is about fifty miles from the Bel Alp, as the crow flies. The two points are connected by telegraph; and frequently when the Wetterleuchten, as seen from the Bel Alp, was in full play, I have telegraphed to the proprietor of the Monte Generoso Hotel and learned, in every instance, that our silent lightning co-existed in time with a thunderstorm more or less terrific in upper Italy."

In modern times St. Elmo's fire has been witnessed by a host of observers, and all its various phases have been repeatedly described. In the memoirs of Forbin we read that, when he was sailing once, in 1696, among the Balearic Islands, a sudden storm came on during the night, accompanied by lightning and thunder. "We saw on the vessel," he says, "more than thirty St. Elmo's fires. Among the rest there was one on the vane of the mainmast more than a foot and a half high. I sent a man up to fetch it down. When he was aloft he cried out that it made a noise like wetted gunpowder set on fire. I told him to take off the vane and come down; but, scarcely had he removed it from its place, when the fire left it and reappeared at the end of the mast, so that it was impossible to take it away. It remained for a long time, and gradually went out."

On the 14th of January, 1824, Monsieur Maxadorf happened to look at a load of straw in the middle of a field just under a dense black cloud. The straw seemed literally on fire--a streak of light went forth from every blade; even the driver's whip shone with a pale-blue flame. As the black cloud passed away, the light gradually disappeared, after having lasted about ten minutes. Again, it is related that on the 8th of May, 1831, in Algiers, as the French artillery officers were walking out after sunset without their caps, each one saw a tuft of blue light on his neighbor's head; and, when they stretched out their hands, a tuft of light was seen at the end of every finger. Not infrequently a traveler in the Alps sees the same luminous tuft on the point of his alpenstock. And quite recently, during a thunderstorm, a whole forest was observed to become luminous just before each flash of lightning, and to become dark again at the moment of the discharge.

This phenomenon may be easily explained. It consists in a gradual and comparatively silent electrical discharge between the earth and the cloud; and generally, but not always, it has the effect of preventing such an accumulation of electricity as would be necessary to produce a flash of lightning. I can illustrate this kind of discharge with the aid of our machine. If I hold a pointed metal rod toward the large conductor, you can see, when the machine is worked and the room darkened, how the point of the rod becomes luminous and shines like a faint blue star. I substitute for the pointed rod the blunt handles of a pair of pliers, and a tuft of blue light is at once developed at the end of each handle, and seems to stream away with a hissing noise. I now put aside the pliers, and open out my hand under the conductor--and observe how I can set up, at pleasure, a luminous tuft at the tips of my fingers. Now and then a spark passes, giving me a smart shock, and showing how the electricity may sometimes accumulate so fast that it cannot be sufficiently discharged by the luminous tuft. Lastly, I present a small bushy branch of a tree to the conductor, and all its leaves and twigs are aglow with bluish light, which ceases for a moment when a spark escapes, to be again renewed when electricity is again developed by the working of the machine.

Now, if you put a thundercloud in the place of that conductor, you can easily realize how, through its influence, the lance and bayonet of the soldier, the alpenstock of the traveler, the pointed spire of a church, the masts of a ship at sea, the trees of a forest, can all be made to glow with a silent electrical discharge which may or may not, according to circumstances, culminate at intervals in a genuine flash of lightning.

In the first place, it is quite certain that the atmosphere which surrounds our globe is almost always in a state of electrification. Further, the electrical condition of the atmosphere would seem to be as variable as the wind. It changes with the change of season; it changes from day to day; it changes from hour to hour. The charge of electricity is sometimes positive, sometimes negative; sometimes it is strong, sometimes feeble; and the transition from one condition to another is sometimes slow and gradual, sometimes sudden and violent.

As a general rule, in fine, clear weather, the electricity of the atmosphere is positive, and not very strongly developed. In wet weather the charge may be either positive or negative, and is generally strong, especially when there are sudden heavy showers. In fog it is also strong, and almost always positive. In a snowstorm it is very strong, and most frequently positive. Finally, in a thunderstorm it is extremely strong, and generally negative; but it is subject to a sudden change of sign, when a flash of lightning passes or when rain begins to fall.

So far I have simply stated facts, which have been ascertained by careful observations, made at different stations by competent observers, and extending over a period of many years. But as regards the process by which the electricity of the atmosphere is developed, we have, up to the present time, no certain knowledge. It has been said that electricity may be generated in the atmosphere by the friction of the air itself, and of the minute particles floating in it, against the surface of the earth, against trees and buildings, against rocks, cliffs, and mountains. But this opinion, however probable it may be, has not yet been confirmed by any direct experimental investigation.

The second theory is that the electricity of the atmosphere is due, in great part at least, to the evaporation of salt water. Many years ago, Pouillet, a French philosopher, made a series of experiments in the laboratory, which seemed to show that evaporation is generally attended with the development of electricity; and, in particular, he satisfied himself that the vapor which passes off from the surface of salt water is always positively electrified. Now, the atmosphere is everywhere charged, more or less, with vapor which comes, almost entirely, from the salt water of the ocean. Hence Pouillet inferred that the chief source of atmospheric electricity is the evaporation of sea water. This explanation would certainly go far to account for the presence of electricity in the atmosphere, if the fact on which it rests were established beyond dispute. But there is some reason to doubt whether the development of electricity, in the experiments of Pouillet, was due simply to the process of evaporation, and not rather to other causes, the influence of which he did not sufficiently take into account.

A conjecture has recently been started that electricity may be generated by the mere impact of minute particles of water vapor against minute particles of air. If this conjecture could be established as a fact, it would be amply sufficient to account for all the electricity of the atmosphere. From the very nature of a gas, the molecules of which it is composed are forever flying about with incredible velocity; and therefore the particles of water vapor and the particles of air, which exist together in the atmosphere, must be incessantly coming into collision. Hence, however small may be the charge of electricity developed at each individual impact, the total amount generated over any considerable area, in a single day, must be very great indeed. It is evident, however, that this method of explaining the origin of atmospheric electricity can only be regarded as, at best, a probable hypothesis, until the assumption on which it rests is supported by the evidence of observation or experiment.

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