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Munafa ebook

Munafa ebook

Read Ebook: Thoughts: Selected from the writings of favorite authors by Freeman Jessie K Compiler Yule Sarah S B Compiler Fabiola Hospital Association Oakland Calif

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Ebook has 319 lines and 27055 words, and 7 pages

"There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come to you. Give love, and love to your heart will flow, A strength in your utmost need; Have faith, and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed."

"The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something."

"The secret of the joy of living is the proper appreciation of what we actually possess."

"I am only a child who is lying On the bosom of Infinite Love. I speak not of living or dying; I know not of sorrow or crying; My thoughts are dwelling above.

"The spring of the life that is flowing Is hidden with Christ in God. Not yet the mystery knowing, I feel that the peace is growing, As a river grows deep and broad.

"Then take this honey for the bitterest cup; There is no failure, save in giving up; No real fall so long as one still tries, For seeming setbacks make the strong man wise. There's no defeat, in truth, save from within; Unless you're beaten there, you're bound to win."

"Bring me men to match my mountains, Bring me men to match my plains; Men with empires in their purpose And new eras in their brains."

"Who will remember that skies are gray If he carries a happy heart all day?"

"To persuade one soul to lead a better life is to leave the world better than you found it."

Don't borrow a creed from other people, Nor hang most faith on the stoutest steeple. Look up for your law, but oh! look higher Than the hands on any human spire. If ten think alike, and you think alone, That never proves 'tis ten to one They are right, you wrong; for truth, you see, Is not a thing of majority. It never can make you false, them true, That there's more of them than there is of you: If your touch is on Truth's garment's hem, There is more of you than a world of them. 'Tis not alone in the Orient region That a certain hero's name is Legion. Nor was it only for once to be That the whole herd together ran down to the sea.

"He that brings sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from himself."

"To speak wisely may not always be easy, but not to speak ill requires only silence."

"'Downward the path of life!' Oh, no! Up, up, with patient steps, I go; I watch the skies fast brightening there; I breathe a sweeter, purer air."

"Drop the subject when you cannot agree; there is no need to be bitter because you know you are right."

"The secret of a sweet and Christian life is learning to live by the day. It is the long stretches that tire us."

"In judging others, weigh carefully the method against the motive. If the latter be pure, be patient and charitable, however different from your own the method may be."

"Refuse to regard as unfortunate the treatment you receive from others; let it stimulate you to deal more justly with yourself and with them."

"If you and I--just you and I-- Should laugh instead of worry; If we should grow--just you and I-- Kinder and sweeter hearted, Perhaps in some near by and by A good time might get started; Then what a happy world 'twould be For you and me--for you and me!"

"Cold and reserved natures should remember that though not infrequently flowers may be found beneath the snow, it is chilly work to dig for them, and few care to take the trouble."

"It is no use running; to set out betimes is the main point."

"Never argue with a man who talks loud. You couldn't convince him in a thousand years."

"Watch the thought you hold for the neighbor who is yet living in the consciousness of truth as you understand it. As you are taught of the Spirit, so will he be taught in the way best adapted to him."

"It is not the spurt at the start, but the continued, unresting, unhasting advance that wins the day."

"The smelter bends above his pot of silver Watching its restless heavings to and fro, 'Till ready for the careful coiner, His face reflected, the fused metal show."

"If you will call your 'troubles' 'experiences,' and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be."

Flowers, says Ruskin, seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity. Children love them; quiet, tender, contented, ordinary people love them as they grow; they are the cottager's treasure; and in the crowded town mark, as with a little broken fragment of rainbow, the windows of the workers in whose heart rests the covenant of peace.

"If you have gracious words to say Oh, give them to our hearts to-day, But if your words will cause us sorrow, Pray keep them till the last to-morrow."

"Sentiment cannot do duty for humanity."

"The ornaments of a home are the guests who frequent it."

"It is easy enough to be pleasant When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is the man who will smile When everything goes dead wrong; For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with years, And the smile that comes with the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through tears."

"Manners must adorn knowledge, and smooth its way through the world."


"Then let us smile when skies are gray, And laugh at stormy weather, And sing life's lonesome times away: So worry and the dreariest day Will find an end together."

"The whole world unites in pushing us the way we have really made up our mind to go."

"Ask God to give thee skill For comfort's art, That thou may'st consecrated be, And set apart Unto a life of sympathy! For comforters are needed much Of Christ-like touch."

"Of all work," said the Bishop of Exeter, "that produces results, nine-tenths must be drudgery. There is no work, from the highest to the lowest, which can be done well by any man who is unwilling to make that sacrifice."

"I pray the prayer of Pluto old; God make thee beautiful within, And let thine eye the good behold In everything save sin."

I gazed on the throng of hurrying faces, Some in tatters and some in laces, And I said to myself, "How will it be, When the soul of each is at last set free?"

For she who is plainest and most forlorn, May, by her beauty, God's heaven adorn; While she who is fairest of form and face, May, near God's beautiful, look out of place.

"Whether in large or small affairs, there must be perpetual adjustment. Neither men nor women, more than our finely strung musical instruments, can escape the need of constant tuning."

"It is better to endure all the frowns and anger of the greatest on earth, than to have an uneasy conscience within our breast. O, let the bird in the soul be always kept singing whatsoever one may suffer."

"When the outlook is not good, try the uplook."

"If you would have a happy family life, remember two things: in matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current."

"Every day is a fresh beginning, Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain; And, spite of old sorrow and older sinning, Take heart with the day and begin again."

In order to manage children well, we must borrow their eyes and their hearts, see and feel as they do, and judge them from their own point of view.

Touchiness, when it becomes chronic, is a morbid condition of the inward disposition.

"Look for the light that the shadow proves."

"I do not deem that it matters not How you live your life below; It matters much to the heedless crowd That you see go to and fro; For all that is noble and high and good Has an influence on the rest, And the world is better for everyone Who is living at his best."

"This world is a difficult world indeed, And people are hard to suit, And the man who plays on the violin Is a bore to the man with a flute."

Landor's definition of a great man: He who can call together the most select company when it pleases him.

"Take a dash of water cold And a little leaven of prayer, A little bit of sunshine gold Dissolved in the morning air; Add to your meal some merriment And a thought for kith and kin; And then, as a prime ingredient A plenty of work thrown in: But spice it all with the essence of love And a little whiff of play: Let a wise old book and a glance above Complete a well spent day."

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