Read Ebook: A manual on the origin and development of Washington by Caemmerer H Paul Hans Paul
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next PageEbook has 779 lines and 106968 words, and 16 pages~ PAGE A HOME IN THE BLESSED LAND, BY THE SACRED SEA A Fitting Study for the Young--The Glory of all Lands--Divisions of Palestine--Galilee--People of Galilee--Gennesaret and its Surroundings--Comparisons--Jewish Sayings--McCheyne--Towns, Villages and Palaces--Fisheries--Bethsaida 19 FIVE BOYS OF BETHSAIDA--RAMBLES ABOUT HOME Five Apostles of Jesus--Two Pair of Brothers--Salome--Brothers Indeed--Views from a Hilltop--View of the Lake--Poetic Description--Rambles North of the Lake--On the West--Keble's Poem--Answer to the Poet's Question--The Sower--Object Lessons of the Great Teacher--Mount of Beatitudes--Nature's Influence on John--Philip 24 JOHN'S ROYAL KINDRED Salome and Mary Sisters--John and Jesus Cousins--Visit to Bethsaida--Visit to Nazareth--A Picture of the Boy Jesus--The Picture a Help--A Phrase to Remember--A Kinsman of John and Jesus--Education--The Messiah 31 THE GREAT EXPECTATION IN JOHN'S DAY Prophecy Concerning the Messiah--Jewish Mistakes--Roman Conquest--Judas of Galilee--The Five Bethsaidan Boys--John and Peter 35 EARLY INFLUENCES ON CHARACTER Special Influences on the Five--Scripture Students--Rabbi Like Simeon, or a Teacher--Prophetess Like Anna--Home Teaching--From the Five to Two--Salome and Her Sons--Review--Boyhood Traits--Imperfections--Perfection 39 FIRST VISIT IN JERUSALEM Jewish Boy at Twelve--Interest in the First Pilgrimage--John's Journey--The Jordan Ford--City, Temple and Altar--John and Saul--Silent Years--Parental Thoughts Concerning John 44 JOHN'S VIEW OF THE COMING MESSIAH John's Old Testament Studies--First Gospel Promise--Promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--Promise to David--Mary and Immanuel--Names and Titles of the Messiah--John's Misreading of the Old Testament--Christ's Sufferings 48 JESUS THE HIDDEN MESSIAH The Infancy of Jesus Forgotten--Our Ignorance of Christ's Childhood--The Boy in the Temple--The Carpenter's Silent Years 53 "THE PROPHET OF THE MOST HIGH" Elizabeth and Her John--A Father's Prophecy--The Prophet in the Wilderness--Young Men of Galilee--The Hermit--His Galilean Disciples--His Public Ministry--His Hearers--His Preaching--St. John the Baptist--St. John of Galilee 57 THE MESSIAH FOUND "Jesus from Galilee to Jordan"--Baptism of Jesus--Temptation--"Behold the Lamb of God"--Andrew and John with the Baptist--Our First Knowledge of John of Galilee--Parting of the Baptist and Jesus--The Two St. Johns and Jesus--Following Jesus in the Way--Blessed Invitation Accepted--Precious Memories--Change of Discipleship--Silence of John--Disciples at Emmaus--Brothers Brought to Jesus--Memorials of Andrew--John's Memories of His First Day with Jesus--Philip--Nathanael--Jesus' First Disciples--John the Nearest to Him 63 JOHN A WEDDING GUEST Invited Guests to a Marriage Feast--Words of Mary and Jesus Concerning Wine--Three Commands of Jesus--First Miracle--Belshazzar's Feast--Believing Disciples--Believing Samaritans--What John Might Have Written--First Miracle, for Innocent Joy--John and Mary at the Feast--Mary's Thoughts of John and Her Sons--Her Thoughts of Jesus 72 JOHN AND NICODEMUS Reasons for a Night Visit to Jesus--John's Possible Abode in Jerusalem--Nicodemus Goes Thither--His Conversation With Jesus--Seven Great Truths--Golden Text of the Bible--Golden Truth of John--Tradition of Nicodemus 79 ST. JOHN AND THE SAMARITANESS John's Record--With the Master--Valley and Well--A Personal Privilege--John With Jesus at the Well--Memories of the Region--Abraham--Thoughts of the Future--A Samaritaness--Strange Request--Living Water--Greater than Jacob--Difference in Waters--Woman's Request--Jesus a Prophet--Place and Spirit of True Worship--"Messiah Cometh"--John an Earnest Listener--Jesus' Revelation of Himself--Changed Name for the Well--Wonder of the Disciples--The Samaritaness a Gospel Messenger--Unknown Meat--John's Watchful Eye--His Story of the Well--A Memorable Hour for Him 84 THE CHOSEN ONE OF THE CHOSEN THREE OF THE CHOSEN TWELVE Two Pair of Brothers Mending Nets--Call of Four Disciples--Fishers of Men--A Partner in Fishing--Followers of Him--True Brothers--Family Ties--The Twelve Chosen--First Disciples, First Apostles--The Inner Circles--Peter and John--John--Aaron's Breastplate--Apostolic Stones 92 JOHN IN THE HOME OF JAIRUS A Father's Cry--Reason for Hope--Sad Message--Strength of Faith--"Fear Not"--Curious Crowd--The Twelve and the Three--Jealousy--Ambition--A Coming Change--John One of Three--"Tahtha Cumi"--A Lesson for John--A Future Scene--Influence of a Secret 97 JOHN A BEHOLDER OF CHRIST'S GLORY Family Prayer--Sayings of Men Concerning Jesus--Saying of Peter--A Great Need--Christ's Prophecy of His Death--Apart by Themselves--Not Tabor, but Hermon--Thoughts of the Nine and of the Three--Heavy with Sleep--Answers to Two Prayers of Jesus--Transfigured--Moses and Elijah--Moses' Shining Face--The Lord's Shining Figure--The Shechinah--A Strange Proposal--Voice from the Clouds--Touch and Word of Jesus--Descent from Hermon--A Great Secret--Peter's Memory of the Transfiguration--John's Record--Greater than John the Baptist or Moses--Moses and the Shechinah--Ungranted Request, but Answered Prayer--Hermon, a Mount of Prayer 101 ST. JOHN'S IMPERFECTIONS Four Reasons for Recording Failings--Jealousy and Pride--Intolerant Spirit--Two Questions, What? and Who?--First and Last--An Object Lesson--The Child-Spirit--Startled Disciples--John's Confession--Lesson Not Learned--Hospitality--Samaritan Hatred--Hospitality Refused--Indignant Brothers--A Story of Elijah--Fiery Spirit of James and John--Rebuked by Jesus--Ambitious Brothers--Mother's Request--Sons' Request--Sorrowing Lord's Reply and Thoughts--Two Thrones--Though Imperfect, a Grand Character 111 JOHN AND THE FAMILY OF BETHANY John's View of a Family Group--His Relation to It--A Sad Message and the Reply--The Lord's Delay and Concealed Purpose--A Possible Thought of John's--John and Thomas--"Our Friend"--"Sleepeth"--John an Eye-witness--Mary and Jesus--"Jesus Wept"--Mourning Disciple--Glorified Father and Son--Jesus with Martha at the Tomb--Repeated Command, "Arise"--The Release from the Tomb--John a Companion in Joy--John's Memory of Mary--Lazarus' Tomb and Jesus' Cross--A Tradition of Lazarus 120 JOHN'S MEMORIAL OF MARY A Scene in Bethany--An Unfinished Picture--John with Manuscripts of Matthew and Mark--A Great Event not Understood--A Joyful Meeting--A Supper in Honor--A Fitting Place--Omitted Names--An Unnamed Woman Named--Mary's Cruse--Interested Witnesses--An Unusual Anointing--An Unwoven Towel--Odor of the Ointment--Judas the Grumbler--Jesus' Defence of Mary--A Prophecy--John the Preserver of Mary's Name--Prophecy Fulfilled--Judas and Mary--Judas and the Chief Priests--A Group of Three--A Sublime Action--A Group of Four 128 JOHN A HERALD OF THE KING The Messiah-King--The Prophetic Colt--The Lord's Need--The Lord's Heralds--Hosannas--Disciples' Thoughts--Changed Earthly Scenes--Lamb on Earth and in Heaven--A Prophecy Recalled--Twice a Herald 138 WITH THE MASTER ON OLIVET The Lord in His Temple--His Farewell to It--Admiring Disciples--Sad Prophecy--The Two Pair of Brothers on Olivet--A Sacred Memory--The Poet Milman's View from Olivet--Unanswered Question--The Coming Fall of Jerusalem--The Poet Heber's Lament Over Jerusalem 142 JOHN A PROVIDER OF THE PASSOVER The Betrayer--A Lamb and a Place--Not Judas, but Peter and John--A Secret Sign--The Goodman of the House--A New Friendship--Upper Room--"Furnished"--"Prepared"--Paschal Lamb--Child Memories--John and the Baptist--Temple Worship--Obeying Silver Trumpets--Slaying of the Lamb--Chant and Response--Lamb and Lamps--Alone with Jesus--Jerusalem Chamber--John and the Upper Room 148 JOHN'S MEMORIES OF THE UPPER ROOM The Open Door of the Upper Room--Door Ajar--Revelation by John--Two Statements by Luke--Cause of Contention--John's Relation to the Quarrel--Sittings at the Table--John and Judas Beside Jesus--Two Things About Jesus--Grieved Spirit--Bethany Recalled--A Great Contrast--Love and Reproof--Lesson Ended--A Sacred Relic--A Guest an Enemy--Troubled Spirit--"Verily, Verily"--Looking and Doubting--John's Gaze--"Is It I?"--Peter and the Great Secret--Jesus' Hint of the Great Secret--Meaning of the Sop--Judas and Satan--Departure of Judas--"It Was Night"--A New Name--A New Command--Farewell Words and Prayer and Song--Closed Door to be Opened Again 154 ST. JOHN WITH JESUS IN GETHSEMANE An Eye-witness--Departure from the Upper Room--Kidron--Gethsemane--Olive Trees--John's Memories--Garden Owner--Charge to the Nine--Mt. Moriah--Final Charge--A Prophecy--Companions in Glory and Sorrow--A Sad Change--John Beside Jesus--Sorrowful Soul--Charge to the Three--Jesus Alone--Jesus Seen and Heard--Garden Angel--Agonizing Prayer--Sleeping Disciples--Midnight Scene--Sleeping for Sorrow--Awakening Call--Flesh and Spirit--Repeated Prayer--Victory--"Arise"--Path of Prayer--Gathered Band--Lighted Way--Empty Upper Room--John's Contrasted Memories--Betrayal Sign--Warning Cry--Unshrinking Purpose--The Meeting--Traitor's Kiss--Marred Visage--Repeated Question and Answer--Two Bands--One Request--Peter's Sword--Changed Voice--A Captive and Legions of Angels--The Fleeing Disciples 163 JOHN IN THE HIGH PRIEST'S PALACE Flight of the Nine--Captive Lord--Peter and John Following--The Palace--Disciple Within and Disciple Without--Peter Brought In--The First Denial--John's Watch of Peter--Peter's Tears--His Restlessness--His Sin and John's Silence--Three Turning and Looking--John's Pity for Peter--John and Pilate--Christ a King--"What is Truth?"--The Mocked King--"Behold the Man"--"Behold your King"--John the Faithful Watcher and Comforter 176 Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page |
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