Read Ebook: Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated by Higgins Chas M Charles Michael
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev PageEbook has 738 lines and 75540 words, and 15 pagesThe boys took the cones from him timidly, but ate ravenously. George gave them some logoed serviettes to wipe up with and ground the fudge into his wrists and forearms with one of his own. He looked at his watch and consulted the laminated timetable taped to the couner. Many typical instances of these failures, at home and abroad, shown 202 Failure of vaccination in the last greatest epidemic in England and New York City in 1902 204-205 Failure of vaccination in Germany in 1908, 1909 and 1910 205 Summing up. The case proved in seven cardinal points 211 Conclusion. Great danger of vaccination to health and life proved, which fact, when it once enters the public conscience, will soon result in the abolition of all compulsory vaccination as being an infliction of deadly disease and a gross violation of the most sacred rights of the people to Medical Freedom, Health and Life 212 FIGURE PAGE CASES PLATE INTRODUCTION THIS little book on the Horrors of Compulsory Vaccination, its medical barbarism, and its moral and legal atrocity as a gross violation of Basic Personal and Broad American Rights, is dedicated and addressed to our esteemed President, Woodrow Wilson, for several decisive reasons: FIRST: Because I believe him to be the most potent personality in public office to-day and our greatest present representative and exponent of Fundamental American Principles and Basic Human Rights, and as being now recognized as a world-wide exponent of these principles both at home and abroad. SECOND: Because the President is Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy and is thus invested with supreme commanding and pardoning power, through which he can bring about an immediate reform in the evil practice of compulsory vaccination by pardoning, at his discretion, all men in the Army or Navy now unjustly condemned by Court Martial for refusing vaccination, and by abolishing all compulsion and making all vaccination free and voluntary, as it now is in the English Army. For these good reasons, I have therefore thought it most proper and advisable to make this appeal to our highest civilian official and our Chief Military Commander, who is so potently equipped to give the immediate relief and establish the reform herein asked for, viz., the full Medical Freedom to accept or refuse vaccination as each individual sees fit, which is a basic and inherent American right; and I therefore now submit the numerous and conclusive facts and demonstrations in these pages for the special consideration of the President and the general attention of the People and their Representatives in our National and State Legislatures, and as a full justification of the reform prayed for. In conclusion, I might say that I first began this work as a simple Letter of Petition to the President to abolish forced vaccination in the Army and Navy, with a brief outline of reasons for this reform, which letter was commenced before the President sailed for Europe to attend the World Peace Conference. But the importance and scope of the subject grew as I worked on it, and I concluded to expand the letter into a full illustration and demonstration of the Horrors of Compulsory Vaccination, its failures, falsehoods, futilities and fatalities, which would be so thorough and convincing that it could not be disregarded. This enlarged work has required nearly twelve months to complete and make ready for the consideration of the President after his return from the Peace Conference, and its publication has been much delayed by several unavoidable conditions, including the recent great strike in the printing trades. I might further state in conclusion that I have spent a lifetime and a fortune in the study and investigation of this subject and in efforts for the repeal of all unwise laws for forcing vaccination upon the people, which repeal is now being agitated and is progressing all over the civilized world. And as I probably shall not be able to work many more years in this great cause of Medical Freedom, and as this may be my last contribution to the cause, I have concluded to make the case against Compulsory Vaccination so full and complete in this Exposure that there can be no question of its medical malpractice and its dangerous, deadly and illegal nature. For these reasons I have also thought it my duty to give to the public the benefit of my studies of a lifetime and the accumulation of the many shocking facts, proofs and exhibits which I have been collecting for years, and which, as now massed in the Petition and its Illustrated Supplement, can, I think, leave no doubt in the mind of any reasonable man or woman--not professionally interested in vaccination--that all Compulsory Vaccination should be immediately abolished, and that its continuation, with these proofs against it, would be a most gross medical blunder and malpractice and a grave violation of the basic American principle of Inherent Individual Rights, in being a serious menace to human health and life, a frequent cause of wide-spread epidemics and demonstrably more fatal in many instances than natural disease itself, and therefore a shocking violation of all true medical ethics and a disgrace alike to modern medicine and modern legislation which should no longer tolerate the practice. CHAS. M. HIGGINS. Dated at 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y., December 1, 1919. HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT TO ABOLISH COMPULSORY VACCINATION IN ARMY AND NAVY SUBJECT, IN BRIEF: Request to the President as Commander-in-Chief to abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy, to make all vaccination voluntary as it now is in the English Army, and to pardon all men condemned by Court Martial for refusing coercive vaccination. Compulsory vaccination is a serious danger to health and life, a grave medical malpractice and a gross violation of medical ethics, and of the American principles of Inherent Natural Rights guaranteed in the Declaration and the Constitution, and should be abolished. Dangers and Fatalities of vaccination exposed and illustrated. PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT Mr. President: American History, as you well know, tells us that our first President, the illustrious George Washington, died in 1799 as the result of a medical malpractice common at that time, viz., the barbarous and dangerous practice of indiscriminate bleeding to cure disease. While suffering from an attack of acute sore throat or laryngitis, the patient was so weakened by the great loss of vital fluid in repeated bleeding operations that he was not able to endure this loss and overcome also the effects of the disease. Our great Washington thus gave up his glorious life--glorious in the establishment of American Liberty and the principles of Inalienable Natural Rights of the Individual as a basis for all Government--on the altar of medical barbarism and malpractice. HISTORIC WARNING IN THE DEATH OF OUR FIRST PRESIDENT FROM MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Let us now take this warning from the medical barbarism of the past, even over such a long interval of time, as a fit warning against the medical malpractices and barbarisms of to-day, which are even more irrational and dangerous to human right and safety, health and life than the malpractice of the past which destroyed the life of our first President. COMPULSORY VACCINATION THE GREAT MEDICAL MALPRACTICE OF TO-DAY WHICH KILLS MANY WHERE BLEEDING KILLED ONE Now the most barbarous and dangerous medical practice of to-day is the gross evil of compulsory vaccination, which is doubtless the greatest violation of common sense, medical propriety and the unalienable natural rights of the individual guaranteed in our basic American Charters, that any dogmatic, presumptuous profession or class of men has ever been guilty of. And it is to this serious violation of American principle forced on our soldiers and sailors by medical dogmatism that I now wish to ask your most careful attention as one having the supreme commanding and pardoning power in Army and Navy, with the earnest prayer that in the exercise of that exalted wisdom and power possessed by your great American Office and Personality, which has now made itself felt around the whole world, that this medical barbarism of compulsory disease may be abolished in our Army and Navy, and that all men condemned by Court Martial for refusing the infliction on their bodies of compulsory disease shall be fully pardoned and restored to their proper and honorable status as loyal American soldiers and sailors. And I now wish to present to you in the following pages an abundant array of facts and evidence which prove, I think, beyond doubt, the great evil and danger of vaccination, its fatality, and futility, and clearly justify the rational reform suggested for the abolishment of all forced or compulsory vaccination. THE MODERN MEDICAL BARBARISM POISONS THE BLOOD IN THE BODY INSTEAD OF DRAINING THE BLOOD OUT OF THE BODY In this medical malpractice of to-day the doctors do not open the veins and drain out the life blood of the patient, ostensibly to cure his disease, as in the mistaken past, but they now keep this blood in the body and inject into it directly or indirectly various more or less virulent diseases, blood poisons, or disease germs, cultures or products, either living or dead, with the idea of curing or preventing some natural disease. These practices are called, respectively, "vaccination" and "serum treatment." In vaccination an actual living or dead disease germ, or virus, is injected into the blood, lymph, skin or muscle; whereas, in serum or antitoxin treatment a disease product or culture is so injected. VACCINATION THE MOST DANGEROUS AND REPULSIVE SYSTEM OF MEDICATION EVER DEVISED Now, whatever merits or demerits this system of disease inoculation may have, either in preventing or curing or immunizing against natural disease, I will not here say and do not need to here discuss, except to state that such curative or preventive power has been much exaggerated and is very limited and uncertain. But whatever these merits or demerits may be, it is obvious on fundamental principles of medical and civic ethics, that such a dangerous and repugnant practice of disease inoculation and blood poisoning should not be made compulsory on any person for any excuse whatever. It must be here remembered that it was admitted that the old smallpox inoculation had a certain preventive power and yet it was finally condemned and abandoned for reasons of its great danger as causing more disease and death than it prevented. Disregarding, therefore, the question of preventive merits or demerits, I think I can now say with perfect truth and soberness, and without fear of refutation, that this modern system of compulsory vaccination is the most violent and dangerous and most immoral or unethical system of medication that has ever been devised by a most honorable yet most presumptuous profession which has been proved guilty of the most gigantic medical mistakes in its past history of the centuries, one of which--indiscriminate bleeding--as we have already seen, killed our first President and many other victims of that period. To this gigantic and abandoned mistake we might now add the two horrible practices of smallpox inoculation and arm-to-arm vaccination, both of which were once used and approved by the highest medical authority as safe and infallible preventives of natural disease, yet both were finally abandoned as great medical mistakes and were prohibited by penal law as most risky methods of propagating and extending disease and more dangerous to human health and life than the natural disease itself. VACCINATION IS BLOOD POISONING WITH INFLICTED DISEASE AND IS OFTEN MORE FATAL THAN NATURAL DISEASE For these former medical mistakes there is now substituted the modern medical mistake of compulsory bovine and serum vaccinations of various kinds and multiple repetitions which are in many instances as dangerous to human health and life as the former prohibited malpractices, or more so, and will, doubtless, in due time, be publicly condemned and abandoned as equal mistakes, like their predecessors. Indeed, this modern vaccine system of medicine is so violent and dangerous that it has been frequently known to kill in from ten to fifteen minutes, after injection of the serum, by what is known as "serum sickness," which is a kind of rapid blood and nerve poisoning affecting vital nerve centers, to which some persons are very susceptible. This is, of course, a more violent, rapid and fatal action than occurs in the most virulent and deadly natural diseases and is comparable only to a stroke of lightning or shock of electricity or to the violent action of the most virulent chemical, mineral, animal, or vegetable poisons known in toxicology. In other fatal cases, where the poisoning action is slower, death finally occurs from lockjaw, paralysis, meningitis, or pneumonia, which are frequent results of vaccination. And these fatal results of vaccination are commonly denied and concealed in death certificates by recording the terminal disease of lockjaw, paralysis, meningitis, or pneumonia only as the sole and original cause of death without any record of the inflicted disease--vaccination--as the primary or contributory cause of the death. This evil practice is, of course, a gross falsification of our vital statistics, and is now a frequent offense by some of our vaccinating doctors, as I can legally prove by documentary evidence when required. In some death certificates, however, the vaccination is more or less clearly and honestly acknowledged as the cause of death, direct or indirect. I have now in hand a recent New York death certificate which records the death of a little child one year old in three days after vaccination from vaccinal septicemia, or blood poisoning, due to the vaccinal infection. EVERY VACCINATION SORE IS AN INFECTING ABSCESS AND EVERY ACT OF VACCINATION IS A BLOOD INFECTION CAPABLE OF CAUSING SERIOUS DISEASE OR DEATH AT ANY TIME As further convincing evidence on this head, I have a Brooklyn death certificate showing the death of a woman hospital nurse six months after vaccination, from multiple abscesses which broke out all over the body in successive crops and continued for six months notwithstanding the most skillful medical efforts for cure, and finally resulted in death from general vaccinal septicemia. See Figs. 11, 12 and 13, which show other cases of this kind. I have an English certificate showing the death of a man from the same cause, multiple abscesses, resulting from vaccination and continuing for seven years, and finally ending in death from this cause. I have also another English certificate which shows the death of a little infant from vaccinal septicemia in thirty-four hours after vaccination! Of course the worst form of smallpox was never known to kill in such short time. These shocking facts thus clearly show that an inflicted disease may be far worse and more fatal than a naturally acquired disease, and that vaccination may kill with surprising swiftness in a few days, hours, or minutes, quicker than the most fatal natural diseases or the most virulent poisons, or may continue a most horrible blood infection with internal or external eruptions through an agony of months or years and finally end in death from this infection. COMPULSORY VACCINATION AS A CONDITION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLING OR FOR SERVICE IN ARMY AND NAVY IS MEDICALLY BARBAROUS AND LEGALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, AND SHOULD BE ABOLISHED ABOLISH ALL COMPULSORY VACCINATION IN ARMY AND NAVY AND APPOINT DOCTORS OF VARIOUS SCHOOLS ON ALL MEDICAL AND HEALTH BOARDS In the same way this dogmatic and dominant part or sect of the medical profession, organized in powerful medical societies and now controlling important public offices, has forced the dangerous practice of general compulsory vaccination upon our Army and Navy, and this practice is, I believe, largely the result of having only one school of medicine--the vaccine school--represented on our Medical Boards and in our Departments of Health and Vital Statistics. To thus have only one school of medicine represented on our Medical Boards of Army and Navy is, I submit, as great a mistake, as unjust, absurd, and un-American, as it would be to have only one school of Religion represented in our Army and Navy chaplains. For, surely, medical tolerance and freedom is as important for national welfare as religious tolerance and freedom. And to this particular point, Mr. President, I would, therefore, now like to ask your first and most careful attention, with the suggestion and hope that, as supreme commander of both arms of the service, you will not only find it just, wise, and proper to abolish all compulsory vaccination in Army and Navy and leave vaccination entirely voluntary with each man, as it now is in the English Army, but that you will also abolish all arrogant monopoly or control of medical practice in Army and Navy by any one school of medicine, and will adopt the reform in the future of having various schools of medicine properly and justly represented on our Medical Boards, from which reform, I believe, a great improvement in medical practice and in public right, health, and comfort is sure to result. CRUEL AND UNUSUAL, EXCESSIVE AND UNREASONABLE PUNISHMENTS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL. MORAL AND MEDICAL MONSTROSITY OF LONG TERMS OF IMPRISONMENT FOR REFUSING VACCINATION "Camp Dodge, Iowa, May 1.--Elmer N. Olson, of Goodrich, Minn., a soldier in training here, refused to submit to vaccination. He was tried by general court-martial and sentenced to fifteen years in the disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth." This is only one of many similar items which have appeared in the press for the last two years, showing that it has been a practice in the army to try soldiers by court-martial for refusing to be vaccinated against free will and consent; and to degrade them from honorable military service merely for this refusal, and condemn them to long terms of imprisonment such as are given only to dangerous and felonious criminals under the criminal law,--and it is shown in this item that the extraordinary punishment of fifteen years' imprisonment was thus inflicted for the sole offense of refusing compulsory vaccination! It may be that in some cases other offenses besides mere refusal to be vaccinated were involved, but I understand from several news items that only the act of refusal to submit to forced vaccination was involved in many such condemnations. I therefore think it is perfectly obvious that to thus degrade a loyal and honorable soldier and condemn him like a felonious criminal to the long term of fifteen or twenty-five years' imprisonment, merely for the act of refusing to have a dangerous medical operation and an inflicted disease forced upon his body against his will and consent, is clearly an "unreasonable seizure" of the person and a "cruel and unusual" and excessive and unreasonable punishment prohibited in the Constitution; and I think that no further argument is necessary to prove this point. Surely to inflict such drastic punishments as above shown--not for any really criminal, immoral, or perfidious act--not for anything that really affects the purely military duties, qualities, or services of any loyal, honorable and healthy soldier--but simply for opposing a dangerous medical dogma and defending his body against an inflicted disease and a dangerous medical operation which frequently sickens and unfits the soldier for a long time afterwards for military service and sometimes actually kills--as already clearly proved--surely, I say, such a punishment is not only legally unconstitutional, but is morally barbarous in both a true military and true medical sense, and should be abolished in both Army and Navy for the several reasons herein submitted. HARSH MILITARY PUNISHMENTS CONDEMNED BY AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION MILITARY OBEDIENCE TO BAD LAW. THE HIGH EXAMPLE OF SOCRATES COMMENDED Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev Page |
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