Read Ebook: The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure by Holst Helge Kramers Hendrik Anthony Rutherford Ernest Author Of Introduction Etc Lindsay Rachel T Translator Lindsay Robert Bruce Translator
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev PageEbook has 157 lines and 41282 words, and 4 pagesIt has been said that the wave-length of light is much shorter than that of the Hertzian waves. This does not mean that all light waves have the same wave-length and frequency. The light which comes to us from the sun is composed of waves of many different wave-lengths and frequencies, to each of which corresponds a particular colour. In scientific experiments a grating of specular metal with parallel rulings is substituted for the transparent grating. The spectrum is then given by the reflected light from the parts between the rulings. Specular gratings can be made by ruling on a concave mirror, which focuses the rays so that a glass lens is unnecessary. Gratings with several hundred lines or rulings to the millimetre give excellent spectra, with strength of light and marked dispersion. The preparation of the first really good gratings is due to the experimental skill of the American, Rowland, who in 1870 built a dividing engine from which the greater part of the good gratings now in use originate. The contribution which Rowland thereby made to physical science can hardly be over-estimated. Spectral Lines. Another interesting discovery was soon made, namely, that the sodium line has exactly the same wave-length as the light lacking in the solar spectrum, where the double D-line is located. About 1860 Kirchhoff and Bunsen explained this remarkable coincidence as well as others of the same nature. They showed by direct experiment that if sodium vapour is at a high temperature it can not only send out the yellow light, but also absorb light of the same wave-length when rays from a still warmer glowing body pass through the vapour. This phenomenon is something like that in the case of sound waves where a resonator absorbs the pitch which it can emit itself. The existence of the dark D-line in the solar spectrum must then mean that in the outer layer of the sun there is sodium vapour present of lower temperature than the white-hot interior of the sun, and that the light corresponding to the D-line is absorbed by the vapour. Several ingenious experiments, which cannot be described here, have given further evidence in favour of this explanation. In the other line spectra, just as in that from the common salt flame, definite lines correspond to definite elements and not to chemical compounds. The emission of these lines is then not a molecular characteristic, but an atomic one. The line spectra of metals can often be produced by vaporizing a metallic salt in a spirit flame or in a hot, colourless gas flame . It is even better to use an electric arc or strong electric sparks. The atoms from which gaseous molecules are formed can also be made to emit light which by means of the spectroscope is shown to consist of a line spectrum. These results are obtained by means of electric discharges of various kinds, arcs, and spark discharges through tubes where the gas is in a rarefied state. The other Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum correspond to bright lines in the line spectra of certain elements which exist here on earth. These Fraunhofer lines must then be assumed to be caused by the absorption of light by the elements in question. This may be explained by the presence of these elements as gases in the solar atmosphere, through which passes the light from the inner layer. This inner surface would in itself emit a continuous spectrum. It may be said that the spectrum since Fraunhofer has been made not only longer but also finer, for the accuracy of measuring wave-lengths has been much increased. It is now possible to determine the wave-length of a line in the spectrum to about 0?001 ?? or even less, and to measure extraordinarily small changes in wave-lengths, caused by different physical influences. In addition to the continuous spectra emitted by glowing solids or liquids, and to the line spectra emitted by gases, and to the absorption spectra with dark lines, there are spectra of still another kind. These are the absorption spectra which are produced by the passage of white light through coloured glass or coloured fluids. Here instead of fine dark lines there are broader dark absorption bands, the spectrum being limited to the individual bright parts. There are also the band spectra proper, which, like the line spectra, are purely emission spectra, given by the light from gases under particular conditions; these seem to consist of a series of bright bands which follow each other with a certain regularity . With stronger dispersion the bands are shown to consist of groups of bright lines. Since the line spectra are most important in the atomic theory, we shall examine them here more carefully. The line spectra of the various elements differ very much from each other with respect to their complexity. While many metals give a great number of lines , others give only a few, at least in a simple spectroscope. With a more powerful spectroscope the simplicity of structure is lost, since weaker lines appear and other lines which had seemed single are now seen to be double or triple. Moreover, the number of lines is increased by extending the investigation to the ultra-violet and infra-red regions of the spectrum. The sodium spectrum, at first, seemed to consist of one single yellow line, but later this was shown to be a double line, and still later several pairs of weaker double lines were discovered. The kind and number of lines obtained depends not only upon the efficiency of the spectroscope, but also upon the physical conditions under which the spectrum is obtained. The eager attempts of the physicists to find laws governing the distribution of the lines have been successful in some spectra. For instance, the line spectra of lithium, sodium, potassium and other metals can be arranged into three rows, each consisting of double lines. The difference between the frequencies of the two "components" of the double lines was found to be exactly the same for most of the lines in one of these spectra, and for the spectra of different elements there was discovered a simple relationship between this difference in frequency and the atomic weight of the element in question. But this regularity was but a scrap, so to speak; scientists were still very far from a law which could exactly account for the distribution of lines in a single series, not to mention the lines in an entire spectrum or in all the spectra. Balmer discovered that wave-lengths of the red and of the green hydrogen line are to each other exactly as two integers, namely, as 27 to 20, and that the wave-lengths of the green and violet lines are to each other as 28 to 25. Continued reflection on this correspondence led him to enunciate a rule which can be expressed by a simple formula. When frequency is substituted for wave-length Balmer's formula is written as TABLE OF SOME OF THE LINES OF THE BALMER SERIES From arguments in connection with the work of the Swedish scientist, Rydberg, in the spectra of other elements, Ritz, a fellow countryman of Balmer's, has made it seem probable that the hydrogen spectrum contains other lines besides those corresponding to Balmer's formula. He assumed that the hydrogen spectrum, like other spectra, contains several series of lines and that Balmer's formula corresponds to only one series. Ritz then enunciated a more comprehensive formula, the Balmer-Ritz formula: All these formulae are, however, purely empirical, derived from the values of wave-lengths and frequencies found in spectrum measurements. They represent certain more or less simple bookkeeping rules, by which we can register both old and new lines, enter them in rows, arrange them according to a definite system. But from the beginning there could be no doubt that these rules had a deeper physical meaning which it was not yet possible to know. There was no visible correspondence between the spectral line formulae and the other physical characteristics of the elements which emitted the spectra; not even in their form did the formulae show any resemblance to formulae obtained in other physical branches. IONS AND ELECTRONS Early Theories and Laws of Electricity. That the positive and negative states of electricity could not be taken as "symmetric" seemed, however, to follow from the so-called discharge phenomena, in which electricity, with the emission of light, streams out into the air from strongly charged bodies, or passes through the air between positive and negative bodies in sparks, electric arcs or in some other way. In a discharge in air between a metal point and a metal plate, for instance, a bush-shaped glow is seen to extend from the point when the charge there is positive, while only a little star appears when the charge is negative. Naturally, we cannot discuss here the many electric phenomena and laws, and must be satisfied with a brief description of those which are of importance in the atomic theory. Electrolysis. Billion used here to mean one million million, and trillion to mean one million billion. We have temporarily restricted ourselves to the electrolysis of hydrogen chloride. Let us now assume that we have chloride of zinc , which, by electrolysis, is separated into chlorine and zinc. Each atom of chlorine will, as before, carry 4?77 x 10??? units of negative electricity to the anode; but since zinc is divalent and one atom of zinc is joined to two of chlorine, therefore one atom of zinc must carry a charge of 2 x 4?77 x 10??? units of positive electricity to the cathode. An atom or a group of atoms, with valence of three, in electrolysis carries 3 x 4?77 x 10??? units, etc. The atoms of electricity seemed to differ essentially from the usual atoms of the elements in their apparent inability to live independently; they seemed to exist only in connection with the atoms of the elements. They would seem much more real if they could exist independently. That such existence really is possible, has been discovered by the study of the motion of electricity in gases. Vacuum Tube Phenomena. The Nature of Electricity. When an electric current passes through a metal wire, it must be assumed that the atoms of the metal remain in place, while the electrical forces carry the electrons in a direction opposite to that which usually is considered as the direction of the current . The motion of the electrons must not be supposed to proceed without hindrance, but rather as the result of a complicated interplay, by no means completely understood, whereby the electrons are freed from and caught by the atoms and travel backwards and forwards, in such a way that through every section of the metal wire a surplus of electrons is steadily passing in the direction opposite to the so-called direction of the current. The number of surplus electrons which in every second passes through a section of the thin metal wire in an ordinary twenty-five candle incandescent light, at 220 volts, amounts to about one trillion , or 1000 million in 0?000,000,001 of a second. If the metal conducting wire ends in the cathode of a vacuum tube, the electrons carried through the wire pass freely into the tube as cathode rays from the cathode. This motion of electricity agrees best with the one-fluid theory, since the electrons, which here alone accomplish the passage of the electricity, may be considered as the fundamental parts of electricity. In this respect the choice of the terms positive and negative is very unfortunate, since a body with a negative charge actually has a surplus of electrons. Moreover, the electrons really have mass; but since the mass of a single electron is only ?/???? that of the atom of the lightest element, hydrogen, and since in an electrified body which can be weighed by scale there is always but an infinitesimal number of charged atoms, it is easy to understand that, formerly, electricity seemed to be without weight. The Electron Theory. Proceeding on the assumption that the electric and optical properties of the elements are determined by the activity of the electric particles, the Dutch physicist Lorentz and the English physicist Larmor succeeded in formulating an extraordinarily comprehensive "electron theory," by which the electrodynamic laws for the variations in state of the ether were adapted to the doctrine of ions and electrons. This Lorentz theory must be recognized as one of the finest and most significant results of nineteenth century physical research. It was one of the most suggestive problems of this theory to account for the emission of light waves from the atom. From the previously described electromagnetic theory of light it follows that an electron oscillating in an atom will emit light waves in the ether, and that the frequency ? of these waves will naturally be equal to the number of oscillations of the electron in a second. If this last quantity is designated as ?, then It may then be supposed that the electrons in the undisturbed atom are in a state of rest, comparable with that of a ball in the bottom of a bowl. When the atom in some way is "shaken," one or more of the electrons in the atom begins to oscillate with a definite frequency, just as the ball might roll back and forth in the bowl if the bowl was shaken. This means that the atom is emitting light waves, which, for each individual electron have a definite wave-length corresponding to the frequency of the oscillations, and that, in the spectrum of the emitted light, the observed spectral lines correspond to these wave-lengths. Ionization by X-rays and Rays from Radium. Radioactivity. As has been said, the electrons in a vacuum tube cause its wall to emit a greenish light when they strike it. Upon meeting the glass wall or a piece of metal placed in the tube the electrons cause also the emission of the peculiar, penetrating rays called R?ntgen rays in honour of their discoverer, or more commonly X-rays. They may be described as ultra-violet rays with exceedingly small wave-lengths . When, further, the electrons meet gas molecules in the tube they break them to pieces, separating them into positive and negative ions . The positive ions are the ones which appear in the canal rays. The ions set in motion by electrical forces can break other gas molecules to pieces, thus assisting in the ionization process. At the same time the gas molecules and atoms are made to produce disturbances in the ether, and thus to cause the light phenomena which arise in a tube which is not too strongly exhausted. When ?-particles from radium are sent against a screen with a coating of especially prepared zinc sulphide, on this screen, in the dark, there can be seen a characteristic light phenomenon, the so-called scintillation, which consists of many flashes of light. Each individual flash means that an ?-particle, a helium atom, has hit the screen. In this bombardment by atoms the individual atom-projectiles are made visible in a manner similar to that in which the individual raindrops which fall on the surface of a body of water are made visible by the wave rings which spread from the places where the drops meet the water. This flash of light was the first effect of the individual atom to be available for investigation and observation. The incredibility of anything so small as an atom producing a visible effect is lessened when, instead of paying attention merely to the small size or mass of the atom, its kinetic energy is considered; this energy is proportional to the square of the velocity, which is here of overwhelming magnitude. For the most rapid ?-particles the velocity is 2?26 x 10? cm. per second; their kinetic energy is then about ?/?? of the kinetic energy of a weight of one milligram of a substance at a velocity of one centimetre per second. This energy may seem very small, but, at least, it is not a magnitude of "inconceivable minuteness," and it is sufficient under the conditions given above to produce a visible light effect. We must here also consider the extreme sensitiveness of the eye. With a more direct method the English scientist C. T. R. Wilson has shown the paths of the ?-particles by making use of the characteristic property of ions, that in damp air they attract the neutral water molecules which then form drops of water with the ions as nuclei. In air which is completely free of dust and ions the water vapour is not condensed, even if the temperature is decreased so as to give rise to supersaturation, but as soon as the air is ionized the vapour condenses into a fog. When Wilson sent ?-particles through air, supersaturated with water vapour, the vapour condensed into small drops on the ions produced by the particles; the streaks of fog thus obtained could be photographed. Fig. 19 shows such a photograph of the paths of a number of atoms. When a streak of fog ends abruptly it does not mean that the ?-particles have suddenly halted, but that their velocity has decreased so that they can no longer break the molecules of air to pieces, producing ions. The paths of the ?-particles have been photographed in the same way, although an electron of the ?-particles has a mass about 7000 times smaller than that of a helium atom; the electron has, however, a far greater velocity than the helium atom. This velocity causes the ions to be farther apart, so that each drop of water formed around the individual ions can appear in the photograph by itself . THE NUCLEAR ATOM Introduction. We are now brought face to face with the fundamental question, hardly touched upon at all in the previous part of this work, namely, that of the construction and mode of operation of the atomic mechanism itself. In the first place we must ask: What is the "architecture" of the atom, that is, what positions do the positive and negative particles take up with respect to each other, and how many are there of each kind? In the second place, of what sort are the processes which take place in an atom, and how can we make them interpret the physical and chemical properties of the elements? In this chapter we shall keep essentially to the first question, and consider especially the great contribution which Rutherford made in 1911 to its answer in his discovery of the positive atomic nucleus and in the development of what is known as the Rutherford atomic model or nuclear atom. Rutherford's Atom Model. Rutherford's discovery was the result of an investigation which, in its main outlines, was carried out as follows: a dense stream of ?-particles from a powerful radium preparation was sent into a highly exhausted chamber through a little opening. On a zinc sulphide screen, placed a little distance behind the opening, there was then produced by this bombardment of atomic projectiles, a small, sharply defined spot of light. The opening was next covered by a thin metal plate, which can be considered as a piece of chain mail formed of densely-packed atoms. The ?-particles, working their way through the atoms, easily traversed this "piece of mail" because of their great velocity. But now it was seen that the spot of light broadened out a little and was no longer sharply limited. From this fact one could conclude that the ?-particles in passing among the many atoms in the metal plate suffered countless, very small deflections, thus producing a slight spreading of the rays. It could also be seen that some, though comparatively few, of the ?-particles broke utterly away from the stream, and travelled farther in new directions, some, indeed, glancing back from the metal plate in the direction in which they had come . The situation was approximately as if one had discharged a quantity of small shot through a wall of butter, and nearly all the pellets had gone through the wall in an almost unchanged direction, but that one or two individual ones had in some apparently uncalled for fashion come travelling back from the interior of the butter. One might naturally conclude from this circumstance that here and there in the butter were located some small, hard, heavy objects, for example, some small pellets with which some of the projectiles by chance had collided. Accordingly, it seemed as if there were located in the metal sheet some small hard objects. These could hardly be the electrons of the metal atoms, because ?-particles, as has been stated before, are helium atoms with a mass over seven thousand times that of a single electron; and if such an atom collided with an electron, it would easily push the electron aside without itself being deviated materially in its path. Hardly any other possibility remained than to assume that what the ?-particles had collided with was the positive part of the atom, whose mass is of the same order of magnitude as the mass of the helium atom . A mathematical investigation showed that the large deflections were produced because the ?-particles in question had passed, on their way, through a tremendously strong electric field of the kind which will exist about an electric charge concentrated into a very small space and acting on other charges according to Coulomb's Law. When, in the foregoing, the word "collision" is used, it must not be taken to mean simply a collision of elastic spheres; rather the two particles come so near to each other in the flight of the former that the very great electrical forces brought into play cause a significant deflection of the ?-particles from their original course. Rutherford was thus led to the hypothesis that nearly all of the mass of the atom is concentrated into a positively charged nucleus, which, like the electrons, is very small in comparison with the size of the whole atom; while the rest of the mass is apportioned among a number of negative electrons which must be assumed to rotate about the nucleus under the attraction of the latter, just as the planets rotate about the sun. Under this hypothesis the outer limits of the atom must be regarded as given by the outermost electron orbits. The assumption of an atom of this structure makes it at once intelligible why, in general, the ?-particles can travel through the atom without being deflected materially by the nuclear repulsion, and why the very great deflections occur as seldom as is indicated by experiment. This latter circumstance has, on the other hand, no explanation in the atomic model previously suggested by Lord Kelvin and amplified by J. J. Thomson, in which the positive electricity was assumed to be distributed over the whole volume of the atom, while the electrons were supposed to move in rings at varying distances from the centre of the atom. The same characteristic phenomenon made evident in the passage of ?-particles through substances by the investigations of Rutherford appears in a more direct way in Wilson's researches discussed on p. 81. His photographs of the paths of ?-particles through air supersaturated with water vapour show pronounced kinks in the paths of individual particles. Thus in the figure referred to, there are shown the paths of two ?-particles. One of these is almost a straight line , while the other shows a very perceptible deflection as it approaches the immediate neighbourhood of the nucleus of an atom, and finally a very abrupt kink; at the latter place it is clear that the ?-particle has penetrated very close to the nucleus. If one examines the picture more closely, there will be seen a very small fork at the place where the kink is located. Here the path seems to have divided into two branches, a shorter and a longer. This leads one at once to suspect that a collision between two bodies has taken place, and that after the collision each body has travelled its own path, just as if, to return to the analogy of the bombardment of the butter wall, one had been able to drive two pellets out of the butter by shooting in only one. Or, to take perhaps a more familiar example, when a moving billiard ball collides at random with a stationary one, after the collision they both move off in different directions. So, when the ?-particle hits at random the atomic nucleus, both particle and nucleus move off in different directions; though in this case, since the nucleus has the much greater mass of the two, it moves more slowly, after the collision, than the ?-particle, and has, therefore, a much shorter range in the air than the lighter, swifter ?-particle. Had the gas in which the collisions took place been hydrogen, for example, the recoil paths of the hydrogen nuclei would have been longer than those of the ?-particles, because the mass of the hydrogen nucleus is but one quarter the mass of the ?-particle . The collision experiments on which Rutherford's theory is founded are of so direct and decisive a character that one can hardly call it a theory, but rather a fact, founded on observation, showing conclusively that the atom is built after the fashion indicated. Continued researches have amassed a quantity of important facts about atoms. Thus, Rutherford was able to show that the radius of the nucleus is of the order of magnitude 10??? to 10???cm. This means really that it is only when an ?-particle approaches so near the centre of an atom that forces come into play which no longer follow Coulomb's Law for the repulsion between two point charges of the same sign . It should be remarked, however, that in the case of the hydrogen nucleus theoretical considerations give foundation for the assumption that its radius is really many times smaller than the radius of the electron, which is some 2000 times lighter; experiments by which this assumption can be tested are not at hand at present. The Nuclear Charge; Atomic Number; Atomic Weight. It is not necessary to have recourse to a new research to determine the masses of the nuclei of various atoms, because the mass of the nucleus is for all practical purposes the mass of the atom. Accordingly, if the mass of the hydrogen nucleus is taken as unity, the atomic mass is equal to the atomic weight as previously defined. The individual electrons which accompany the nucleus are so light that their mass has relatively little influence on the total mass of the atom. On the other hand, a problem of the greatest importance which immediately suggests itself is to determine the magnitude of the positive charge of the nucleus. This naturally must be an integral multiple of the fundamental quantum of negative electricity, namely, 4?77 x 10??? electrostatic units, or if we prefer to call this simply the "unit" charge, then the nuclear charge must be an integer. Otherwise a neutral atom could not be formed of a nucleus and electrons, for in a neutral atom the number of negative electrons which move about the nucleus must be equal to the number of positive charges in the nucleus. The determination of this number is, accordingly, equivalent to the settling of the important question, how many electrons surround the nucleus in the normal neutral state of the atom of the element in question. As has just been indicated, Rutherford's rule for the number of electrons is only an approximation. A Dutch physicist, van den Broek, conceived in the meantime the idea that the number of electrons in the atom of an element is equal to its order number in the periodic table . Especially through a systematic investigation of the X-ray spectra characteristic of the different elements this has proved to be the correct rule. In fact, using Bragg's reflection method of X-rays from crystal surfaces , the Englishman, Moseley, made in 1914 the far-reaching discovery that these spectra possess an exceptionally simple structure, which made it possible in a simple way to attach an order number to each element . On the basis of Bohr's theory, established a year before, it could be directly proved that this order number must be identical with the number of positive elementary charges on the nucleus. The number which formerly indicated simply the position of an element in the periodic system has thus obtained a profound physical significance, and in comparison the atomic weight has come to have but a secondary meaning. The inversion of argon and potassium in the periodic system , which seemed to be an exception to the regularity displayed by the system as a whole, obtains an easy explanation on the van den Broek rule; for to explain the inversion we need only assume that potassium has one electron more than argon, though its atomic weight is less than that of argon. We see at once that the atomic weight and number of electrons are not directly correlated to each other. And since the periodic system based on the atomic number represents the correct arrangement of the elements according to their respective properties , we are led naturally to the conclusion that it is the atomic number and not the atomic weight that determines chemical characteristics. The properties of the nucleus determine-- the radioactive processes, or explosions of the nucleus, and related processes; collisions, where two nuclei approach extremely near to each other; and weight which, as mentioned above, stands in direct connection with atomic weight. The properties of the electron system are, on the other hand, the determining factors in all other physical and chemical activities, and, as has been stated, are functions, we may say, of the atomic number of the given element. The Bohr theory may be said to concern itself with the chemical and physical properties of the atom with the exception of those which have to do with the nucleus. We shall consequently devote our attention in the next chapters to the electron system. But before turning to this we shall dwell a little further upon the atomic nucleus. The Structure of the Nucleus. That the nucleus is not an elementary indivisible particle but a system of particles, is clearly shown by the radioactive processes in which ?-particles and ?-particles are shot out of the nuclei of radioactive elements. Bohr was the first to see clearly that not only the ?-particles emitted in such cases come from the nucleus, but that the ?-particles also have their source there. There is now no doubt that, in addition to the outer electrons of the atom, which are the determining factor in the atomic number, there must also be, in the radioactive substances at any rate, special nuclear electrons which lead a more hidden existence in the interior of the nucleus. One can easily understand that isotopes may result as products of radioactive disintegration. For example, let us suppose that a nucleus emits first an ?-particle , and thereafter sends out two electrons, each with its negative charge, in two new disintegrations. The nuclear charge in the resultant atom will then obviously be the same as before, because the loss of the two electrons exactly neutralizes that of the ?-particle. But the atomic weight will be diminished by four units . Among the radioactive substances are recognized many examples of isotope elements, with atomic weights differing precisely by four. The radioactive element uranium is the element with the greatest atomic weight , and atomic number , and consequently with the greatest nuclear charge. Almost all the other radioactive substances are those with high atomic numbers in the periodic system. The cause of radioactivity must be sought in the hypothesis that the nuclei of the radioactive elements are very complicated systems with small stability, and therefore break down rather easily into less complicated and more stable systems with the emission of some of their constituent particles; the corpuscular rays thus produced possess a considerable amount of kinetic energy. Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev Page |
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