Read Ebook: The Kansas University Quarterly by Various Kellogg Vernon L Vernon Lyman Editor
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev PageEbook has 186 lines and 24813 words, and 4 pagesCHARACTER OF ASSOCIATIONS. Positively bad 2,072 or 56.9 per cent. Not good 1,439 or 39.6 Doubtful 64 or 1.8 Good 61 or 1.7 NOMINAL RELIGIOUS FAITH OR TRAINING. Protestant 1,531 or 42.1 per cent. Roman Catholic 1,667 or 45.8 Hebrew 207 or 5.7 None 231 or 6.4 It should be stated that the above who claimed some occupation are, as a rule, not regularly employed, nor steady reliable workmen. The study of physical, mental and moral characteristics will lead us to other determinations and will show in physical health that the prisoners are as a rule not much, if any, below the average of people at large. It will also show that the majority of them not accustomed to regular work or employment are not capable of doing as much labor or enduring as much constant physical fatigue as would the same body of men who are not criminals taken from the common ranks of the people. So as to mental characteristics, we can urge that the criminal intellect has not been keen enough to take proper rank with the average mind. It is a fact, however, that many criminals are very shrewd and intellectually keen. Doubtless something could be said about the quality of such intellect and its special characteristics. It is the intellect of a coarse nature and not cultured, refined, or properly trained in the aggregate. The well developed mind, balanced in every particular, is rare among criminals. It will be seen, however, that a defect in the moral nature is in most instances a secret cause of the crime. Moral insensibility seems to be the common characteristic of a large proportion of prisoners. It is indeed too true with many of them that their conscience consists merely in the humiliation of being caught. Dwell as they may upon past deeds, the great fault of their own, as far as they view it, is in the fact that they were caught in the act and apprehended and punished. This moral insensibility is found in all grades and degrees, from that of a complete lack of moral symptoms to those of a highly sensitive moral nature. Of the 4,000 criminals who have been through the reformatory at Elmira, 36.2 per cent showed on admission positively no susceptibility to moral impressions; only 23.4 per cent were ordinarily susceptible. The Criminal, p. 139. The following tables, taken from the report of the general superintendent of the Elmira reformatory for 1889, may be found interesting. It must be observed that the majority of these prisoners are young and all of them under the age of 30. CONDITION AS OBSERVED ON ADMISSION. PHYSICAL. As to health: Debilitated or diseased 200 or 5.5 per cent. Somewhat impaired 501 or 8.3 Good health 3,135 or 86.2 As to quality: Low or coarse 916 or 25.2 per cent. Medium 1,354 or 37.2 Good 1,366 or 37.6 MENTAL. Natural capacity: Deficient 73 or 2.0 per cent. Fair 789 or 21.7 Good 2,300 or 63.2 Excellent 474 or 13.1 Culture: None 1,572 or 43.2 per cent. Very slight 1,040 or 28.6 Ordinary 916 or 25.2 Much 108 or 3.0 MORAL. Susceptibility to moral impressions now : Positively none 1,318 or 36.2 per cent. Possibly some 1,310 or 36.1 Ordinarily susceptible 851 or 23.4 Specially susceptible 157 or 4.3 Moral sense, even such as shown under the examination, either filial affection, sense of shame, or sense of personal loss: Absolutely none 1,794 or 49.3 per cent. Possibly some 1,112 or 30.6 Ordinarily sensitive 553 or 15.2 Specially sensitive 177 or 4.9 An excellent phase of the Kansas system is the shortening of terms on account of good behavior within the prison walls. It is provided by statute that three days per month for the first year shall be deducted from the term of sentence of such prisoners as have no marks against them for disobeying the rules of the prison. If the record has been good at the close of the first year, six days per month shall be deducted during the second and eight days per month during the third if good conduct continues. These privileges apply to years or parts of a year. Another timely measure permits prisoners to participate in their own earnings. Five per cent. of each day's labor at the rate of seventy-five cents per day, are entered to the credit of each prisoner. If, on account of good behavior, a sentence is commuted at the end of the first year, the prisoner may have the privilege of sending these earnings to his family. There certainly is no reason why the prisoner within the walls should not support a family, if he has one, rather than allow it to be thrown upon the public. At least part of his earnings should be sent home and part saved for him to the end of his term. A certain per cent. of the earnings may be used by the prisoner in providing himself with a few comforts. This, among other rules, suggests that the condition and conduct of the prisoner, as well as the crime, should determine the length of the sentence. If crime can be reckoned as moral insanity, as many specialists hold, then a sentence for a fixed time is similar to sending a sick man to a hospital for treatment, stating that he must remain exactly two years and three months to be cured, when in fact it may take longer or he may be cured before the end of a year. Certain it is that no criminal should be returned to the ranks of society until a reform has been thoroughly commenced. And when it can be ascertained that he will not commit crime again, it is idle to confine him longer. New York and Ohio have taken advanced steps in this direction and have instituted what is known as the indeterminate sentence for all criminals, whether in reformatories or penitentiaries. Kansas Statutes, 6421, 1889. Ibid., 6439. See Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities, 1891, p. 290. When the solitary cellular system is in vogue, the prisoners are limited to certain occupations within the cell, but when the associated system is practiced, all kinds of industry involving machinery may be carried on. This has given rise to what is known as the contract system, a method of employing prisoners, which should not be confounded with the unfortunate and nearly antiquated lease system. The statutes of Kansas permit the contracting of prisoners to responsible parties, but still the state maintains its disciplinary control over the prisoners. The directors are obligated to advertise for bids in the leading papers in each congressional district. Contracts shall not exceed a term of ten years, and awards are made to the highest responsible bidder. Forty-five cents per day for able-bodied men is the minimum point below which bids are not accepted. There is a great controversy respecting the defects of the contract system, but it is not as bad as it at first appears when laborers are employed otherwise with great difficulty. Doubtless the better way is absolute management of all industries, as in case of the coal mines, by the prison superintendent. Revised Statutes, 6442, 1889. The management of the mines is intrusted to a skillful engineer, Mr. Oscar F. Lamm. The writer has investigated the conditions under which men work, and has been to the face of the mines where they were at work, and can testify that the stories circulated about hard usage in the mines are wholly unfounded, except by persons who consider all labor, particularly mining, hard usage. The air below is pure--men are sent down every morning to test the air before prisoners are allowed to go down--and the mining is comparatively easy. There is very little difficulty in it, and the prisoners are not so bad off in these mines as are the miners in private mines elsewhere in Kansas. It may be a dreary life to lead for a person who has not been accustomed to work underneath the ground, but the average miner would pronounce the life in the mines endured by the prisoners as one of comparative ease and very few hardships. In all the experience of the mines, only one individual has been seriously hurt, and that when he disobeyed orders directly. There have been many objections to the contract system urged by persons who are outside of the prison and its management. Whatever objections there may be to the contract system in itself, those usually observed are of no force. It is said that the goods made by prisoners come into close competition with goods made by union men outside of the prison and therefore the union men urge the repeal of the law granting the privilege of contracting prisoners for work. There can be no reason in this from the following principles: First, because every citizen of Kansas is interested in the right management of the prison as a means of protecting him and his family. In order to have this protection it is necessary that laborers be given employment for the sake of proper management. As there are less than a thousand of these prisoners all told, many of them are employed about the buildings and grounds and many employed in furnishing coal and other goods to state institutions, the competition does not figure at all in the great labor market. Again, while the prison mines have been putting forth abundance of coal in supplying state institutions and the market elsewhere, other coal mines in and around Leavenworth have been unable to fill the orders in supplying the demand upon them. Superintendents have tried again and again during the past two years to obtain sufficient miners to take out enough coal to supply the market, but they have failed. So far as the mines are concerned, the hue and cry about competitive labor amounts to nothing. Again, the contract system is carried on in this way: The prisoners are always under the charge of the warden and prison authorities. Contracts are let to the highest bidder for a certain number of laborers. This labor must be done on the prison grounds and under the general oversight of the prison authorities. If a prisoner is not doing well at a certain occupation, he is transferred to some other occupation. He has much the same treatment everywhere. Care is taken to adapt the prisoner to the labor that best suits his condition. When these goods are finished they pass out on the market in competition with other goods of the state and neighboring states. This, as has been stated, cannot be avoided unless the solitary system is adopted and with it an exclusion of machinery. The minimum price for contract laborers is forty-five cents per day, and as a matter of business, as those contracts are let to the highest bidder and as labor is plentiful outside of the prison, there can be very little difference in the effect of this contracting for prison labor and the injury of union labor outside as respects the cheapness with which goods can be thrown upon the market. However, it seems to me that it would be better to have all prisoners and all manufacturing under the direction of the prison, and that raw material should be purchased to supply the machinery placed there for the purpose of manufacturing the goods and then the goods should be furnished to state institutions where they need them and the surplus be thrown upon the market at the usual price. This would keep all the prisoners employed and would also give them instructions by way of learning and drill in completing the finished product, which is an education in itself. Then wherein it is necessary and possible, part of the time should be employed in obtaining a fair theoretical as well as industrial education. In this way the management of the prisoners in their graded condition would be more directly under the control of the warden and, instead of being treated as a gang at work in the shop and elsewhere, an individual consideration of every prisoner would be reached in discipline, manual labor and intelligent training. It is not the purpose of penal institutions to humble or degrade humanity. There is no object in it and moreover it has a tendency to breed crime. Men who are sufficiently evil and reckless to commit flagrant crimes are not benefited by a punishment that degrades them or tends to rob them of the appearance of manhood. For this reason the striped suits worn by prisoners should be abandoned and suits which will classify persons within the walls, be adopted. If it be said that it is more difficult to apprehend those who escape if the traditional striped clothes are abandoned, let it be said this is of no importance; if the Bertillon or French system of registry be adopted, as represented in the following tables, there will be little chance of escape. One of the great difficulties in connection with prison reform is that of restoring to important places in legitimate society the ex-convicts who have been serving long terms of imprisonment. First and foremost is the consciousness of the prisoner that he has been a convict, that he has worn the striped clothes and been separated from society for a period of years on the supposition that he was not worthy to live in said society and therefore had forfeited his right to live in it. If he be strong enough to overcome the effects of such a feeling he must indeed have received a permanent reform or be strong in character. In addition to this is the fact that people know he has been a jail-bird and they will not want to employ him or trust him. This has a tendency to make him feel that he is still an outcast from society and that there are greater walls than those of the prison separating him from the trust and confidence of society. If he is employed by those who do not understand that he is from prison he carries with him continually the consciousness of deception, and this in itself has rather a bad tendency in developing a spirit which will tend to make him feel that he is an enemy to the society which seems against him. It will be a strong character, even though it be determined to do right at all times and even though the prison reform has been salutary, if it resists the influence of such conditions. True there are prisoners of entirely different character, who consider all attempt at reform within the prison walls as so much nonsense, or at least nothing more than opportunities for winning the favor of their superiors while under sentence, and when they pass from the prison walls they still feel, if they feel at all, that society is against them and they are against society, and they are ready at the slightest opportunity to engage in their old pursuits without even attempting to enter a legitimate calling and live respectable and honored citizens. To relieve all this there have been attempts to form prison associations which would receive the prisoner at his discharge, place him in the hands of individuals who understand his life and character and who would sympathize with him in the attempt to continue his well begun reformation, and he, understanding them, would have confidence not only in himself but in the people around him. In this way he makes the connection which has been broken off between himself and legitimate associations, and has a possibility of outliving the past. Such an association in Kansas might accomplish a vast deal of good. It ought to be formed by philanthropists and business men who would take an especial interest in this work. Each prisoner when he has finished his sentence should be assisted quietly and earnestly in securing the proper place. It would save very many, who have left the prison with good intentions, from returning to old practices. Perhaps the furlough system, as carried on by the Elmira reformatory, is the most unique that has ever been tried for the purpose of making the connection of the discharged prisoners with the industrial and social life without. Prisoners are discharged on furlough of three years, during which time they are placed under good influences and have all the opportunities for continuing the reform outside of the prison walls. These prisoners report monthly to the prison authorities and of their own accord. If, at the end of three years, they have made satisfactory progress and have occupied positions of trust without betraying confidence, they are given their final discharge on the supposition that they are, from that time on, able to care for themselves in a manly way. Of the discharged prisoners by the furlough system over 75 per cent. have completed their three years with credit to themselves, which speaks well for the permanent reforming character of the Elmira system. There is need of such a school in Kansas. When the Hutchinson reformatory was projected, commissioners were sent to study the Elmira system and other systems and it was determined to carry out or follow as nearly as possible the former, believing it would be of benefit to Kansas. Certainly a reform prison is needed at present for the younger criminals, where they can be separated from the old and hardened and be placed under the best influence possible. One chief detriment to the effective working of such a reform school in the West is that it is an expensive institution, and that the people of to-day are not willing to pay sufficient taxes for the support of an institution in which so much care is given to those who have committed crimes against the state. There is a feeling here still that it is better to give support to our educational institutions and to all efforts along the line of educating that part of society which is already good and making it better, rather than spending so much money on that which is broken down. But it must be remembered, as was stated in the foregoing principles, that the care for the broken down parts of humanity is only in the interest of general humanity and should be considered upon that basis. However, I think also that a reformatory could be carried on at Hutchinson on a less expensive basis than that one at New York, and with proper management it could be made to go a long way towards supporting itself and still give proper reformatory practice for all who should come within its scope. At least the Hutchinson institution should not be abandoned under any consideration whatever. It would relieve the present overcrowded condition of our penitentiary and provide in a large measure for a class which are not sufficiently provided for. The Kansas Legislature at its recent session made an appropriation to complete the Hutchinson Reformatory. Discharged prisoners from Lansing find but little difficulty in obtaining work in the mines if their previous training has prepared them for it. So, also, those who have trades well learned need not be out of employment and the prison authorities render assistance to prisoners in a general way in obtaining work after being discharged. Much more might be said about criminology and penology in Kansas, of a more scientific nature than what is contained in this somewhat general discussion; it is the intention of the writer to refer again to this subject in connection with the study of sociology at the University of Kansas. A Brief Bibliography of Municipal Government in the United States. BY FRANK H. HODDER. In political science, things near at hand and always with us are slighted, while remote and obscure questions are made the subject of most careful investigation. Taxation is a notable illustration of this fact. There is no act of government which so directly and intimately concerns the whole people, and yet it would be difficult to name one which has received so little careful study. In English there is not a single systematic and comprehensive work on the subject. Similarly with municipal government. With the present distribution of population this department of government controls more than one-fourth of our whole people in all their most important political relations. There is still no systematic treatise on the subject, but public interest has been aroused, and a large number of lectures, articles in periodicals and scientific journals has been printed in recent years. It is a hopeful sign that municipal government is beginning to receive careful attention in colleges. For the purpose of assisting college study of the subject, a list of such literature as could be found was printed some time ago. As it has been found useful in several institutions, it has seemed worth while to extend it and bring it down to date. The study of municipal government at home is very properly preceded by a summary of local government generally and by a glance at municipal government abroad. The order of the references is as follows: The best short outline of local government in the United States is an article by S. A. Galpin on "Minor Political Divisions of the United States," in Gen. F. A Walker's Statistical Atlas of the United States. The papers on the local institutions of several of the States in the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science are especially valuable. Chas. M. Andrews has articles on Connecticut towns in the Johns Hopkins Studies, vol. 7, and in the Annals of the American Academy of Political Science, October, 1890, vol. 1, pp. 165-91. Especially important is Prof. Geo. E. Howard's Local Constitutional History of the United States, vol. 1.: "The Development of the Township, Hundred and Shire," printed as an extra volume in this series. John Fiske's lecture on "The Town Meeting," delivered at the Royal Institution, was printed in Harper's Magazine, vol. 70, pp. 265-272, and in his American Political Ideas, N. Y., 1885. A different view of the present importance of local institutions is taken by Prof. S. N. Patten in an article on the "Decay of State and Local Government," in the first number of the Annals of the American Academy of Political Science. For comparison of American and foreign methods, read R. P. Porter's article "Local Government: at Home and Abroad," Princeton Review, July, 1879, N. S. vol. 4, p. 172, and reprinted separately. See two articles on "Local Government in Prussia," by F. J. Goodnow in the Political Science Quarterly, December, 1889, vol. 4, pp. 648-66, and March, 1890, vol. 5, pp. 124-58. For further reference on local self-government see W. F. Foster's Monthly Reference Lists, vol. 2, pp. 23-29, and his pamphlet of References on Political and Economic Topics, p. 24. For Canada, see J. G. Bourinot's "Local Government in Canada: an historical study," in Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for 1886, vol. 4., sec. 2, pp. 42-70; printed separately by the publishers, and reprinted, with a letter on the municipal system of Ontario, in the 5th series of the Johns Hopkins Studies. A paper on "The Ontario Township," by J. M. McEvoy, printed in 1889, forms No. 1 of the Toronto University Studies in Political Science. For the purpose of comparison, some study should be made of municipal government abroad. Dr. Albert Shaw gives a general view of "Municipal Government in Great Britain," in Notes Supplementary to the Johns Hopkins Studies, No. 1, January, 1889, and in the Political Quarterly, June, 1886, vol. 4, pp. 197-229. Of larger works on English municipal history, mention may be made of J. R. S. Vine's "English Municipal Institutions; their Growth and Development from 1835 to 1879," London, 1879. Dr. Chas. Gross has printed a very complete "Classified List of Books relating to British Municipal History," Cambridge, 1891, as No. 43 of Bibliographical Contributions of Harvard University. Foreign experience is of very little assistance in the solution of the general problem of municipal government in the United States, but it may be useful in indicating improved methods of administration in particular departments of a city government. Several cities that illustrate different forms of municipal government may be taken as examples. Specially excepted from the operation of the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835. For outline of government read Chalmers, chap. 10. For full description see J. F. B. Firth's Municipal London, 1876, and his Reform of London Government and of City Guilds, "Imperial Parliament" Series, London, 1888. For history of the corporation consult W. J. Loftie's History of London, 2d ed., 1884, and the same author's small work, London, published in 1887 in Freeman's series on "English Historic Towns." Both books are based on new material, part of it recently discovered by Bishop Stubbs. For additional references, see Gomme, pp. 122-134. There have been a great many articles on the municipal government of London in recent periodical literature. Among them may be cited those by W. Newall, Contemporary Review, 1873, vol. 12, p. 73, and 1875, vol. 25, p. 437; W. M. Torrens, Nineteenth Century, 1880, vol. 8., p. 766; Alderman Cotton, Benj. Scott, City Chamberlain, and Sir Arthur Hobhouse in Contemporary Review, 1882, vol. 41, pp. 72, 308, and 404 respectively; the Westminster Review, for January, 1887; Dr. Albert Shaw on "How London is Governed," in the Century, November, 1890, vol. 41, pp. 132-147, and on "Municipal Problems of New York and London," in the Review of Reviews, April, 1892, vol. 5, p. 282; James Monroe on "The London Police," in the North American Review, November, 1890, vol. 151, pp. 615-629; Sir John Lubbock on "The Government of London," in the Fortnightly Review, February, 1892, vol. 51, p. 159; and an article on the "Municipal Administration of London," in the Edinburgh Review for April, 1892. For a good review of attempts since 1860 to regulate the London gas supply, see an article in the British Quarterly for January, 1879. A Royal Commission on the City Livery Companies reported May 28, 1884. See the discussion by Sir R. A. Cross, one of the dissenting members of the Commission, in the Nineteenth Century for 1884, vol. 16, p. 47, and by Sir Arthur Hobhouse in Contemporary Review for 1885, vol. 47, p. 1. The most important work on the London guilds is William Herbert's "History of the Twelve Great Companies of London," London, 1837. The latest contribution to the subject is Price's "Description of the Guildhall," London, 1887. The following relate to various British Cities: Dr. Shaw's "Glasgow, a Municipal Study," in the Century, March, 1890, vol. 39, pp. 721-736; the same writer's "Municipal Lodging Houses," in No. 1 of the Charities Review, November, 1891; Julian Ralph's "The Best Governed City in the World" in Harper's Magazine, 1890, vol. 81, pp. 99-111; Thos. H. Sherman's report on "Liverpool, its Pavements, Tramways, Sewers and Artisans' Dwellings," in Consular Reports, June, 1890, vol. 33, pp. 284-303; and Consul Smyth's report on "Tramways and Water Works in England," in the Consular Report for December, 1891. For comparison of the provisions of the state constitutions relating to municipal corporations, see F. J. Stimson's American Statute Law, Boston, 1886, vol. 1, articles 34, 37 and 50. Note the classification of municipalities in Ohio. On the relation of municipalities to the states, consult the chapter on "The Grades of Municipal Government" in Judge T. M. Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, 6th ed., Boston, 1890, and a short chapter at the close of the same author's Principles of Constitutional Law. Judge J. F. Dillon's Treatise on the Law of Municipal Corporations, 4th ed., 2 vols., Boston, 1890, is the standard authority on the subject. Note the introductory historical sketch. A new text-book on the Law of Municipal Corporations, by Chas. F. Beach, Jr., has been recently issued by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Reference may also be made to Judge Dillon's Law of Municipal Bonds, Chicago, 1877, and to A Treatise on Municipal Police Ordinances, Chicago, 1887, by N. T. Horr and A. A. Bemis, of the Cleveland bar. The authors of the last work say in their preface that "The necessity for it arises from the fact that, except in those cities and towns where the municipal council has the assistance of regularly employed legal advisers, the limits of lawful legislation are apt to be exceeded." Numerous references to articles in law journals are given on pp. 386-388 of Jones's Index to Legal Periodical Literature, Boston, 1888. An article by J. R. Berryman on "Constitutional Restrictions upon Legislation about Municipal Corporations," in the American Law Review, May-June, 1888, vol. 22, p. 403, may be cited. The Eleventh Census will give very full statistics of cities, but though some of the results have been announced in bulletins, none of the final reports have yet been issued. These results have been summarized by Hon. Carroll D. Wright in the Popular Science Monthly for 1892, vol. 40. On "Urban Population" see p. 459; on "Social Statistics of Cities" p. 607, and on "Rapid Transit," p. 785. The following Reports of the Tenth Census treat of this subject: vol. 1, Population; vol. 7, Valuation, Taxation and Indebtedness; vol. 18, Social Statistics of Cities: New England and Middle States ; and vol. 19, Social Statistics of Cities: Southern and Western States. Scribner's Statistical Atlas of the United States, N. Y., 1883, exhibits the figures of the census graphically . Plate 21 illustrates the growth of American cities since 1790. There were then only eight cities of eight thousand inhabitants, and the population of New York was 33,131. Plate 30 gives ratios of different nationalities to total population in the largest fifty cities. Plate 76 gives net per capita debt in the largest one hundred cities. The Annual Statistician, published by L. P. McCarty, San Francisco, gives the following statistics for leading cities: Number of votes registered and polled; number of voting precincts; strength of police; losses by fire and number of fire-engines and firemen; value and capacity of gas and water works; number and character of street lights; vital statistics; number of murders, suicides, and executions; length of street railroads and cost of motive power; telegraph and telephone mileage; number of saloons and cost of licenses; attendance and cost of schools, annual tax-rate, expenditure and the public debt. Municipal taxation is treated at length in Prof. R. T. Ely's Taxation in American States and Cities, New York, 1888. The Reports of the Commissioners Appointed to Revise the Laws for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes in New York, 1871 and 1872, contain much valuable material. The members of the Commission were David A. Wells, Edwin Dodge, and George W. Cuyler. The first report was reprinted in New York by Harpers, and both were reprinted in England by the Cobden Club. Cf. also Wells's "Theory and Practice of Local Taxation in America," in the Atlantic Monthly for January, 1874; "Rational Principles of Taxation," a paper read in New York, May 20, 1874, Journal of Social Science, vol. 6, p. 120; and his "Reform of Local Taxation" in the North American Review for April, 1876. On the evils of double taxation see a paper on "Local Taxation" by William Minot, Jr., read in Saratoga, September 5, 1877, and printed in the Journal of Social Science, vol. 9, p. 67. See Report in 1876 of New Hampshire Tax Commission, composed of Geo. Y. Sawyer, H. R. Roberts, and Jonas Livingstone; and Report of the Michigan Commission, House Journal, February 23, 1882. A similar Commission, appointed by the City of Baltimore, reported in January, 1886. The Report contains, in addition to the recommendations of the Commission, a paper by Prof. R. T. Ely, entitled "Suggestions for an Improved System of Taxation in Baltimore." A further article on "Municipal Finance" may be found in Scribner's Magazine, January, 1888, vol. 3, pp. 33-40, and a thesis entitled "Special Assessments: A Study in Municipal Finance," by Victor Rosewater, is announced for vol. 2 of the "Studies in History, Economic and Public Law," issued by Columbia College. Adams, Charles Francis. "Municipal Government: Lessons from the Experience of Quincy, Mass." Forum, November, 1892, vol. 14, pp. 282-92. Berryman, J. R. "Constitutional Restrictions upon Legislation about Municipal Corporations." American Law Review, May-June, 1888, vol. 22, p. 403. Bowles, Samuel. "Relation of State to Municipal Governments, and the Reform of the Latter." Journal of Social Science, vol. 9, p. 140. A paper read in Saratoga, September 7, 1877. Bradford, Gamaliel. "Municipal Government." Scribner's Magazine, October, 1887, vol. 2, pp. 485-493. Browne, G. M. "Municipal Reform." New Englander, February, 1886, vol. 45, p. 132. Bryce, James. "The American Commonwealth." Lon. and N. Y., 1888. This well known work contains the following chapters on municipal government: chapters 50 and 51, "The Government of Cities;" chap. 52, "An American View of Municipal Government in the United States," by Pres. Seth Low; chapters 59-64 explain the working of party machinery; chap. 88, "The Tweed Ring in New York City," by F. J. Goodnow, and chap. 89, "The Philadelphia Gas Ring." Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev Page |
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