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The common process would be as follows:--

The principle on which this process is founded is easily explained. In the latter process we have first added 643, and then subtracted 1000. On the whole, therefore, we have subtracted 357, since the number actually subtracted exceeds the number previously added by that amount.

Since, therefore, subtraction may be effected in this manner by addition, it follows that the calculation of all serieses, so far as an order of differences can be found in them which continues constant, may be conducted by the process of addition alone.

Fig. 1.

The method of differences, as already explained, requires, that in proceeding with the calculation, this apparatus should perform continually the addition of the number expressed upon each row of dials, to the number expressed upon the row immediately above it. Now, we shall first explain how this process of addition may be conceived to be performed by the motion of the dials; and in doing so, we shall consider separately the processes of addition and carriage, considering the addition first, and then the carriage.

Let us first suppose the line D^1 to be added to the line T. To accomplish this, let us imagine that while the dials on the line D^1 are quiescent, the dials on the line T are put in motion, in such a manner, that as many divisions on each dial shall pass under its index, as there are units in the number at the index immediately below it. It is evident that this condition supposes, that if be at any index on the line D^1, the dial immediately above it in the line T shall not move. Now the motion here supposed, would bring under the indices on the line T such a number as would be produced by adding the number D^1 to T, neglecting all the carriages; for a carriage should have taken place in every case in which the figure 9 of any dial in the line T had passed under the index during the adding motion. To accomplish this carriage, it would be necessary that the dial immediately on the left of any dial in which 9 passes under the index, should be advanced one division, independently of those divisions which it may have been advanced by the addition of the number immediately below it. This effect may be conceived to take place in, either of two ways. It may be either produced at the moment when the division between 9 and 0 of any dial passes under the index; in which case the process of carrying would go on simultaneously with the process of adding; or the process of carrying may be postponed in every instance until the process of addition, without carrying, has been completed; and then by another distinct and independent motion of the machinery, a carriage may be made by advancing one division all those dials on the right of which a dial had, during the previous addition, passed from 9 to 0 under the index. The latter is the method adopted in the calculating machinery, in order to enable its inventor to construct the carrying machinery independent of the adding mechanism.

Having explained the motion of the dials by which the addition, excluding the carriages of the number on the row D^1, may be made to the number on the row T, the same explanation may be applied to the number on the row D^2 to the number on the row D^1; also, of the number D^3 to the number on the row D^2, and so on. Now it is possible to suppose the additions of all the rows, except the first, to be made to all the rows except the last, simultaneously; and after these additions have been made, to conceive all the requisite carriages to be also made by advancing the proper dials one division forward. This would suppose all the dials in the scheme to receive their adding motion together; and, this being accomplished, the requisite dials to receive their carrying motions together. The production of so great a number of simultaneous motions throughout any machinery, would be attended with great mechanical difficulties, if indeed it be practicable. In the calculating machinery it is not attempted. The additions are performed in two successive periods of time, and the carriages in two other periods of time, in the following manner. We shall suppose one complete revolution of the axis which moves the machinery, to make one complete set of additions and carriages; it will then make them in the following order:--

The first quarter of a turn of the axis will add the second, fourth, and sixth rows to the first, third, and fifth, omitting the carriages; this it will do by causing the dials on the first, third, and fifth rows, to turn through as many divisions as are expressed by the numbers at the indices below them, as already explained.

The second quarter of a turn will cause the carriages consequent on the previous addition, to be made by moving forward the proper dials one division.

The third quarter of a turn will produce the addition of the third and fifth rows to the second and fourth, omitting the carriages; which it will do by causing the dials of the second and fourth rows to turn through as many divisions as are expressed by the numbers at the indices immediately below them.

The fourth and last quarter of a turn will cause the carriages consequent on the previous addition, to be made by moving the proper dials forward one division.

This evidently completes one calculation, since all the rows except the first have been respectively added to all the rows except the last.

To illustrate this: let us suppose the table to be computed to be that of the fifth powers of the natural numbers, and the computation to have already proceeded so far as the fifth power of 6, which is 7776. This number appears, accordingly, in the highest row, being the place appropriated to the number of the table to be calculated. The several differences as far as the fifth, which is in this case constant, are exhibited on the successive rows of dials in such a manner, as to be adapted to the process of addition by alternate rows, in the manner already explained. The process of addition will commence by the motion of the dials in the first, third, and fifth rows, in the following manner: The dial A, fig. 1, must turn through one division, which will bring the number 7 to the index; the dial B must turn through three divisions, which will 0 bring to the index; this will render a carriage necessary, but that carriage will not take place during the present motion of the dial. The dial C will remain unmoved, since 0 is at the index below it; the dial D must turn through nine divisions; and as, in doing so, the division between 9 and 0 must pass under the index, a carriage must subsequently take place upon the dial to the left; the remaining dials of the row T, fig. 1, will remain unmoved. In the row D^2 the dial A^2 will remain unmoved, since 0 is at the index below it; the dial B^2 will be moved through five divisions, and will render a subsequent carriage on the dial to the left necessary; the dial C^2 will be moved through five divisions; the dial D^2 will be moved through three divisions, and the remaining dials of this row will remain unmoved. The dials of the row D^4 will be moved according to the same rules; and the whole scheme will undergo a change exhibited in fig. 2; a mark being introduced on those dials to which a carriage rendered necessary by the addition which has just taken place.

Fig. 2.

The second quarter of a turn of the moving axis, will move forward through one division all the dials which in fig. 2 are marked , and the scheme will be converted into the scheme expressed in fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

In third quarter of a turn, the dial A^1, fig. 3, will remain unmoved, since is at the index below it; the dial B^1 will be moved forward through three divisions; C^1 through nine divisions, and so on; and in like manner the dials of the row D^3 will be moved forward through the number of divisions expressed at the indices in the row D^4. This change will convert the arrangement into that expressed in fig. 4, the dials to which a carriage is due, being distinguished as before by .

Fig. 4.

The fourth quarter of a turn of the axis will move forward one division all the dials marked ; and the arrangement will finally assume the form exhibited in fig. 5, in which the calculation is completed. The first row T in this expresses the fifth power of 7; and the second expresses the number which must be added to the first row, in order to produce the fifth power of 8; the numbers in each row being prepared for the change which they must undergo, in order to enable them to continue the computation according to the method of alternate addition here adopted.

Fig. 5.

Having thus explained what it is that the mechanism is required to do, we shall now attempt to convey at least a general notion of some of the mechanical contrivances by which the desired ends are attained. To simplify the explanation, let us first take one particular instance--the dials B and B^1, fig. 1, for example. Behind the dial B^1 is a bolt, which, at the commencement of the process, is shot between the teeth of a wheel which drives the dial B: during the first quarter of a turn this bolt is made to revolve, and if it continued to be engaged in the teeth of the said wheel, it would cause the dial B to make a complete revolution; but it is necessary that the dial B should only move through three divisions, and, therefore, when three divisions of this dial have passed under its index, the aforesaid bolt must be withdrawn: this is accomplished by a small wedge, which is placed in a fixed position on the wheel behind the dial B^1, and that position is such that this wedge will press upon the bolt in such a manner, that at the moment when three divisions of the dial B have passed under the index, it shall withdraw the bolt from the teeth of the wheel which it drives. The bolt will continue to revolve during the remainder of the first quarter of a turn of the axis, but it will no longer drive the dial B, which will remain quiescent. Had the figure at the index of the dial B^1 been any other, the wedge which withdraws the bolt would have assumed a different position, and would have withdrawn the bolt at a different time, but at a time always corresponding with the number under the index of the dial B^1: thus, if 5 had been under the index of the dial B^1, then the bolt would have been withdrawn from between the teeth of the wheel which it drives, when five divisions of the dial B had passed under the index, and so on. Behind each dial in the row D^1 there is a similar bolt and a similar withdrawing wedge, and the action upon the dial above is transmitted and suspended in precisely the same manner. Like observations will be applicable to all the dials in the scheme here referred to, in reference to their adding actions upon those above them.

There is, however, a particular case which here merits notice: it is the case in which 0 is under the index of the dial from which the addition is to be transmitted upwards. As in that case nothing is to be added, a mechanical provision should be made to prevent the bolt from engaging in the teeth of the wheel which acts upon the dial above: the wedge which causes the bolt to be withdrawn, is thrown into such a position as to render it impossible that the bolt should be shot, or that it should enter between the teeth of the wheel, which in other cases it drives. But inasmuch as the usual means of shooting the bolt would still act, a strain would necessarily take place in the parts of the mechanism, owing to the bolt not yielding to the usual impulse. A small shoulder is therefore provided, which puts aside, in this case, the piece by which the bolt is usually struck, and allows the striking implement to pass without encountering the head of the bolt or any other obstruction. This mechanism is brought into play in the scheme, fig. 1, in the cases of all those dials in which 0 is under the index.

Such is a general description of the nature of the mechanism by which the adding process, apart from the carriages, is effected. During the first quarter of a turn, the bolts which drive the dials in the first, third, and fifth rows, are caused to revolve, and to act upon these dials, so long as they are permitted by the position of the several wedges on the second, fourth, and sixth rows of dials, by which these bolts are respectively withdrawn; and, during the third quarter of a turn, the bolts which drive the dials of the second and fourth rows are made to revolve and act upon these dials so long as the wedges on the dials of the third and fifth rows, which withdraw them, permit. It will hence be perceived, that, during the first and third quarters of a turn, the process of addition is continually passing upwards through the machinery; alternately from the even to the odd rows, and from the odd to the even rows, counting downwards.

We shall now attempt to convey some notion of the mechanism by which the process of carrying is effected during the second and fourth quarters of a turn of the axis. As before, we shall first explain it in reference to a particular instance. During the first quarter of a turn the wheel B^2, fig. 1, is caused by the adding bolt to move through five divisions; and the fifth of these divisions, which passes under the index, is that between 9 and 0. On the axis of the wheel C^2, immediately to the left of B^2, is fixed a wheel, called in mechanics a ratchet wheel, which is driven by a claw which constantly rests in its teeth. This claw is in such a position as to permit the wheel C^2 to move in obedience to the action of the adding bolt, but to resist its motion in the contrary direction. It is drawn back by a spiral spring, but its recoil is prevented by a hook which sustains it; which hook, however, is capable of being withdrawn, and when withdrawn, the aforesaid spiral spring would draw back the claw, and make it fall through one tooth of the ratchet wheel. Now, at the moment that the division between 9 and 0 on the dial B^2 passes under the index, a thumb placed on the axis of this dial touches a trigger which raises out of the notch the hook which sustains the claw just mentioned, and allows it to fall back by the recoil of the spring, and to drop into the next tooth of the ratchet wheel. This process, however, produces no immediate effect upon the position of the wheel C^2, and is merely preparatory to an action intended to take place during the second quarter of a turn of the moving axis. It is in effect a memorandum taken by the machine of a carriage to be made in the next quarter of a turn.

During the second quarter of a turn, a finger placed on the axis of the dial B^2 is made to revolve, and it encounters the heel of the above-mentioned claw. As it moves forward it drives the claw before it: and this claw, resting in the teeth of the ratchet wheel fixed upon the axis of the dial C^2 drives forward that wheel, and with it the dial. But the length and position of the finger which drives the claw limits its action, so as to move the claw forward through such a space only as will cause the dial C^2 to advance through a single division; at which point it is again caught and retained by the hook. This will be added to the number under its index, and the requisite carriage from B^2 to C^2 will be accomplished.

In connexion with every dial is placed a similar ratchet wheel with a similar claw, drawn by a similar spring, sustained by a similar hook, and acted upon by a similar thumb and trigger; and therefore the necessary carriages, throughout the whole machinery, take place in the same manner and by similar means.

During the second quarter of a turn, such of the carrying claws as have been allowed to recoil in the first, third, and fifth rows, are drawn up by the fingers on the axes of the adjacent dials; and, during the fourth quarter of a turn, such of the carrying claws on the second and fourth rows as have been allowed to recoil during the third quarter of a turn, are in like manner drawn up by the carrying fingers on the axes of the adjacent dials. It appears that the carriages proceed alternately from right to left along the horizontal rows during the second and fourth quarters of a turn; in the one, they pass along the first, third, and fifth rows, and in the other, along the second and fourth.

There are two systems of waves of mechanical action continually flowing from the bottom to the top; and two streams of similar action constantly passing from the right to the left. The crests of the first system of adding waves fall upon the last difference, and upon every alternate one proceeding upwards; while the crests of the other system touch upon the intermediate differences. The first stream of carrying action passes from right to left along the highest row and every alternate tow, while the second stream passes along the intermediate rows.

Such is a very rapid and general outline of this machinery. Its wonders, however, are still greater in its details than even in its broader features. Although we despair of doing it justice by any description which can be attempted here, yet we should not fulfil the duty we owe to our readers, if we did not call their attention at least to a few of the instances of consummate skill which are scattered, with a prodigality characteristic of the highest order of inventive genius, throughout this astonishing mechanism.

We have stated that, at the commencement of each revolution of the moving axis, the bolts which drive the dials of the first, third, and fifth rows, are shot. The process of shooting these bolts must therefore have taken place during the last quarter of the preceding revolution; but it is during that quarter of a turn that the carriages are effected in the second and fourth rows. Since the bolts which drive the dials of the first, third, and fifth rows, have no mechanical connexion with the dials in the second and fourth rows, there is nothing in the process of shooting those bolts incompatible with that of moving the dials of the second and fourth rows: hence these two processes may both take place during the same quarter of a turn. But in order to equalize the resistance to the moving power, the same expedient is here adopted as that already described in the process of carrying. The arms which shoot the bolts of each row of dials are arranged spirally, so as to act successively throughout the quarter of a turn. There is, however, a contingency which, under certain circumstances, would here produce a difficulty which must be provided against. It is possible, and in fact does sometimes happen, that the process of carrying causes a dial to move under the index from 0 to 1. In that case, the bolt, preparatory to the next addition, ought not to be shot until after the carriage takes place; for if the arm which shoots it passes its point of action before the carriage takes place, the bolt will be moved out of its sphere of action, and will not be shot, which, as we have already explained, must always happen when 0 is at the index: therefore no addition would in this case take place during the next quarter of a turn of the axis; whereas, since 1 is brought to the index by the carriage, which immediately succeeds the passage of the arm which ought to bolt, 1 should be added during the next quarter of a turn. It is plain, accordingly, that the mechanism should be so arranged, that the action of the arms, which shoot the bolts successively, should immediately follow the action of those fingers which raise the carrying claws successively; and therefore either a separate quarter of a turn should be appropriated to each of those movements, or if they be executed in the same quarter of a turn, the mechanism must be so constructed, that the arms which shoot the bolts successively, shall severally follow immediately after those which raise the carrying claws successively. The latter object is attained by a mechanical arrangement of singular felicity, and partaking of that elegance which characterises all the details of this mechanism. Both sets of arms are spirally arranged on their respective axes, so as to be carried through their period in the same quarter of a turn; but the one spiral is shifted a few degrees, in angular position, behind the other, so that each pair of corresponding arms succeed each other in the most regular order,--equalizing the resistance, economizing time, harmonizing the mechanism, and giving to the whole mechanical action the utmost practical perfection.

The system of mechanical contrivances by which the results, here attempted to be described, are attained, form only one order of expedients adopted in this machinery;--although such is the perfection of their action, that in any ordinary case they would be regarded as having attained the ends in view with an almost superfluous degree of precision. Considering, however, the immense importance of the purposes which the mechanism was destined to fulfil, its inventor determined that a higher order of expedients should be superinduced upon those already described; the purpose of which should be to obliterate all small errors or inequalities which might, even by remote possibility, arise, either from defects in the original formation of the mechanism, from inequality of wear, from casual strain or derangement,--or, in short, from any other cause whatever. Thus the movements of the first and principal parts of the mechanism were regarded by him merely as a first, though extremely nice approximation, upon which a system of small corrections was to be subsequently made by suitable and independent mechanism. This supplementary system of mechanism is so contrived, that if one or more of the moving parts of the mechanism of the first order be slightly out of their places, they will be forced to their exact position by the action of the mechanical expedients of the second order to which we now allude. If a more considerable derangement were produced by any accidental disturbance, the consequence would be that the supplementary mechanism would cause the whole system to become locked, so that not a wheel would be capable of moving; the impelling power would necessarily lose all its energy, and the machine would stop. The consequence of this exquisite arrangement is, that the machine will either calculate rightly, or not at all.

The supernumerary contrivances which we now allude to, being in a great degree unconnected with each other, and scattered through the machinery to a certain extent, independent of the mechanical arrangement of the principal parts, we find it difficult to convey any distinct notion of their nature or form.

In some instances they consist of a roller resting between certain curved surfaces, which has but one position of stable equilibrium, and that position the same, however the roller or the curved surfaces may wear. A slight error in the motion of the principal parts would make this roller for the moment rest on one of the curves; but, being constantly urged by a spring, it would press on the curved surface in such a manner as to force the moving piece on which that curved surface is formed, into such a position that the roller may rest between the two surfaces; that position being the one which the mechanism should have. A greater derangement would bring the roller to the crest of the curve, on which it would rest in instable equilibrium; and the machine would either become locked, or the roller would throw it as before into its true position.

In other instances a similar object is attained by a solid cone being pressed into a conical seat; the position of the axis of the cone and that of its seat being necessarily invariable, however the cone may wear: and the action of the cone upon the seat being such, that it cannot rest in any position except that in which the axis of the cone coincides with the axis of its seat.

Having thus attempted to convey a notion, however inadequate, of the calculating section of the machinery, we shall proceed to offer some explanation of the means whereby it is enabled, to print its calculations in such a manner as to preclude the possibility of error in any individual printed copy.

Of the mechanism by which the position of the copper is shifted from figure to figure, from line to line, we shall not attempt any description. We feel that it would be quite vain. Complicated and difficult to describe as every other part of this machinery is, the mechanism for moving the copper is such as it would be quite impossible to render at all intelligible, without numerous illustrative drawings.

The engraved plate of copper obtained in the manner above described, is designed to be used as a mould from which a stereotyped plate may be cast; or, if deemed advisable, it may be used as the immediate means of printing. In the one case we should produce a table, printed from type, in the same manner as common letter-press printing; in the other an engraved table. If it be thought most advisable to print from the stereotyped plates, then as many stereotyped plates as may be required may be taken from the copper mould; so that when once a table has been calculated and engraved by the machinery, the whole world may be supplied with stereotyped plates to print it, and may continue to be so supplied for an unlimited period of time. There is no practical limit to the number of stereotyped plates which may be taken from the engraved copper; and there is scarcely any limit to the number of printed copies which may be taken from any single stereotyped plate. Not only, therefore, is the numerical table by these means engraved and stereotyped with infallible accuracy, but such stereotyped plates are producible in unbounded quantity. Each plate, when produced, becomes itself the means of producing printed copies of the table, in accuracy perfect, and in number without limit.

A notion may therefore be formed of the front elevation of the calculating part of the mechanism, by conceiving seven steel axes erected, one beside another, on each of which shall be placed eighteen wheels, five inches in diameter, having cylinders or barrels upon them an inch and a half in height, and inscribed, as already stated, with the ten arithmetical characters. The entire elevation of the machinery would occupy a space measuring ten feet broad, ten feet high, and five feet deep. The process of calculation would be observed by the alternate motion of the figure wheels on the several axes. During the first quarter of a turn, the wheels on the first, third, and fifth axes would turn, receiving their addition from the second, fourth, and sixth; during the second quarter of a turn, such of the wheels on the first, third, and fifth axes, to which carriages are due, would be moved forward one additional figure; the second, fourth, and sixth columns of wheels being all this time quiescent. During the third quarter of a turn, the second, fourth, and sixth columns would be observed to move, receiving their additions from the third, fifth, and seventh axes; and during the fourth quarter of a turn, such of these wheels to which carriages are due, would be observed to move forward one additional figure; the wheels of the first, third, and fifth columns being quiescent during this time.

It will be observed that the wheels of the seventh column are always quiescent in this process; and it may be asked, of what use they are, and whether some mechanism of a fixed nature would not serve the same purpose? It must, however, be remembered, that for different tables there will be different constant differences; and that when the calculation of a table is about to commence, the wheels on the seventh axis must be moved by the hand, so as to express the constant difference, whatever it may be. In tables, also, which have not a difference rigorously constant, it will be necessary, after a certain number of calculations, to change the constant difference by the hand; and in this case the wheels of the seventh axis must be moved when occasion requires. Such adjustment, however, will only be necessary at very distant intervals, and after a considerable extent of printing and calculation has taken place; and when it is necessary, a provision is made in the machinery by which notice will be given by the sounding of a bell, so that the machine may not run beyond the extent of its powers of calculation.

It will be perceived, that upon the same axis are placed an unbolting wheel, a bolt, and an adding wheel, one above the other, for every figure wheel; and as there are eighteen figure wheels there will be eighteen tiers; each tier formed of an unbolting wheel, a bolt, and an adding wheel, placed one above the other; the wheels on this axis all revolving independent of the axis, but the bolts being all fixed upon it. The same observations, of course, will apply to each of the seven axes.

Although the absolute accuracy which appears to be ensured by the mechanical arrangements here described is such as to render further precautions nearly superfluous, still it may be right to state, that, supposing it were possible for an error to be produced in calculation, this error could be easily and speedily detected in the printed tables: it would only be necessary to calculate a number of the table taken at intervals, through which the mechanical action of the machine has not been suspended, and during which it has received no adjustment by the hand: if the computed number be found to agree with those printed, it may be taken for granted that all the intermediate numbers are correct; because, from the nature of the mechanism, and the principle of computation, an error occurring in any single number of the table would be unavoidably entailed, in an increasing ratio, upon all the succeeding numbers.

We have hitherto spoken merely of the practicability of executing by the machinery, when completed, that which its inventor originally contemplated--namely, the calculating and printing of all numerical tables, derived by the method of differences from a constant difference. It has, however, happened that the actual powers of the machinery greatly transcend those contemplated in its original design:--they not only have exceeded the most sanguine anticipations of its inventor, but they appear to have an extent to which it is utterly impossible, even for the most acute mathematical thinker, to fix a probable limit. Certain subsidiary mechanical inventions have, in the progress of the enterprise, been, by the very nature of the machinery, suggested to the mind of the inventor, which confer upon it capabilities which he had never foreseen. It would be impossible even to enumerate, within the limits of this article, much less to describe in detail, those extraordinary mechanical arrangements, the effects of which have not failed to strike with astonishment every one who has been favoured with an opportunity of witnessing them, and who has been enabled, by sufficient mathematical attainments, in any degree to estimate their probable consequences.

Among other peculiar mechanical provisions in the machinery is one by which, when the table for any order of difference amounts to a certain number, a certain arithmetical change would be made in the constant difference. In this way a series may be tabulated by the machine, in which the constant difference is subject to periodical change; or the very nature of the table itself may be subject to periodical change, and yet to one which has a regular law.

Some of these subsidiary powers are peculiarly applicable to calculations required in astronomy, and are therefore of eminent and immediate practical utility: others there are by which tables are produced, following the most extraordinary, and apparently capricious, but still regular laws. Thus a table will be computed, which, to any required extent, shall coincide with a given table, and which shall deviate from that table for a single term, or for any required number of terms, and then resume its course, or which shall permanently alter the law of its construction. Thus the engine has calculated a table which agreed precisely with a table of square numbers, until it attained the hundred and first term, which was not the square of 101, nor were any of the subsequent numbers squares. Again, it has computed a table which coincided with the series of natural numbers, as far as 100,000,001, but which subsequently followed another law. This result was obtained, not by working the engine through the whole of the first table, for that would have required an enormous length of time; but by showing, from the arrangement of the mechanism, that it must continue to exhibit the succession of natural numbers, until it would reach 100,000,000. To save time, the engine was set by the hand to the number 99999995, and was then put in regular operation. It produced successively the following numbers.

It is worth notice, that each of the axes in front of the machinery on which the figure wheels revolve, is connected with a bell, the tongue of which is governed by a system of levers, moved by the several figure wheels; an adjustment is provided by which the levers shall be dismissed, so as to allow the hammer to strike against the bell, whenever any proposed number shall be exhibited on the axis. This contrivance enables the machine to give notice to its attendants at any time that an adjustment may be required.

Mr Colebrooke speculates on the probable extension of these powers of the machine: 'It may not therefore be deemed too sanguine an anticipation when I express the hope that an compliment which, in its simpler form, attains to the extraction of roots of numbers, and approximates to the roots of equations, may, in a more advanced state of improvement, rise to the approximate solution of algebraic equations of elevated degrees. I refer to solutions of such equations proposed by La Grange, and more recently by other annalists, which involve operations too tedious and intricate for use, and which must remain without efficacy, unless some mode be devised of abridging the labour, or facilitating the means of its performance. In any case this engine tends to lighten the excessive and accumulating burden of arithmetical application of mathematical formulae, and to relieve the progress of science from what is justly termed by the author of this invention, the overwhelming encumbrance of numerical detail.'

As might be expected in a mechanical undertaking of such complexity and novelty, many practical difficulties have since its commencement been encountered and surmounted. It might have been foreseen, that many expedients would be adopted and carried into effect, which farther experiments would render it necessary to reject; and thus a large source of additional expense could scarcely fail to be produced. To a certain extent this has taken place; but owing to the admirable system of mechanical drawings, which in every instance Mr Babbage has caused to be made, and owing to his own profound acquaintance with the practical working of the most complicated mechanism, he has been able to predict in every case what the result of any contrivance would be, as perfectly from the drawing, as if it had been reduced to the form of a working model. The drawings, consequently, form a most extensive and essential part of the enterprise. They are executed with extraordinary ability and precision, and may be considered as perhaps the best specimens of mechanical drawings which have ever been executed. It has been on these, and on these only, that the work of invention has been bestowed. In these, all those progressive modifications suggested by consideration and study have been made; and it was not until the inventor was fully satisfied with the result of any contrivance, that he had it reduced to a working form. The whole of the loss which has been incurred by the necessarily progressive course of invention, has been the expense of rejected drawings. Nothing can perhaps more forcibly illustrate the extent of labour and thought which has been incurred in the production of this machinery, than the contemplation of the working drawings which have been executed previously to its construction: these drawings cover above a thousand square feet of surface, and many of them are of the most elaborate and complicated description.

Examples of this class of advantages derivable from the notation will occur to the mind of every one acquainted with the history of mechanical invention. In the common suction-pump, for example, the effective agency of the power is suspended during the descent of the piston. A very simple contrivance, however, will transfer to the descent the work to be accomplished in the next ascent; so that the duty of four strokes of the piston may thus be executed in the time of two. In the earlier applications of the steam-engine, that machine was applied almost exclusively to the process of pumping; and the power acted only during the descent of the piston, being suspended during its ascent. When, however, the notion of applying the engine to the general purposes of manufacture occurred to the mind of Watt, he saw that it would be necessary to cause it to produce a continued rotatory motion; and, therefore, that the intervals of intermission must be filled up by the action of the power. He first proposed to accomplish this by a second cylinder working alternately with the first; but it soon became apparent that the blank which existed during the upstroke in the action of the power, might be filled up by introducing the steam at both ends of the cylinder alternately. Had Watt placed before him a scheme of mechanical notation such as we allude to, this expedient would have been so obtruded upon him that he must have adopted it from the first.

One of the circumstances from which the mechanical notation derives a great portion of its power as an instrument of investigation and discovery, is that it enables the inventor to dismiss from his thoughts, and to disencumber his imagination of the arrangement and connexion of the mechanism; which, when it is very complex , can only be kept before the mind by an embarrassing and painful effort. In this respect the powers of the notation may not inaptly be illustrated by the facilities derived in complex and difficult arithmetical questions from the use of the language and notation of algebra. When once the peculiar conditions of the question are translated into algebraical signs, and 'reduced to an equation,' the computist dismisses from his thoughts all the circumstances of the question, and is relieved from the consideration of the complicated relations of the quantities of various kinds which may have entered it. He deals with the algebraical symbols, which are the representatives of those quantities and relations, according to certain technical rules of a general nature, the truth of which he has previously established; and, by a process almost mechanical, he arrives at the required result. What algebra is to arithmetic, the notation we now allude to is to mechanism. The various parts of the machinery under consideration being once expressed upon paper by proper symbols, the enquirer dismisses altogether from his thoughts the mechanism itself, and attends only to the symbols; the management of which is so extremely simple and obvious, that the most unpractised person, having once acquired an acquaintance with the signs, cannot fail to comprehend their use.

This important discovery was explained by Mr Babbage, in a short paper read before the Royal Society, and published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1826. It is to us more a matter of regret than surprise, that the subject did not receive from scientific men in this country that attention to which its importance in every practical point of view so fully entitled it. To appreciate it would indeed have been scarcely possible, from the very brief memoir which its inventor presented, unaccompanied by any observations or arguments of a nature to force it upon the attention of minds unprepared for it by the nature of their studies or occupations. In this country, science has been generally separated from practical mechanics by a wide chasm. It will be easily admitted, that an assembly of eminent naturalists and physicians, with a sprinkling of astronomers, and one or two abstract mathematicians, were not precisely the persons best qualified to appreciate such an instrument of mechanical investigation as we have here described. We shall not therefore be understood as intending the slightest disrespect for these distinguished persons, when we express our regret, that a discovery of such paramount practical value, in a country preeminently conspicuous for the results of its machinery, should fall still-born and inconsequential through their hands, and be buried unhonoured and undiscriminated in their miscellaneous transactions. We trust that a more auspicious period is at hand; that the chasm which has separated practical from scientific men will speedily close; and that that combination of knowledge will be effected, which can only be obtained when we see the men of science more frequently extending their observant eye over the wonders of our factories, and our great practical manufacturers, with a reciprocal ambition, presenting themselves as active and useful members of our scientific associations. When this has taken place, an order of scientific men will spring up, which will render impossible an oversight so little creditable to the country as that which has been committed respecting the mechanical notation. This notation has recently undergone very considerable extension and improvement. An additional section has been introduced into it; designed to express the process of circulation in machines, through which fluids, whether liquid or gaseous, are moved. Mr Babbage, with the assistance of a friend who happened to be conversant with the structure and operation of the steam-engine, has illustrated it with singular felicity and success in its application to that machine. An eminent French surgeon, on seeing the scheme of notation thus applied, immediately suggested the advantages which must attend it as an instrument for expressing the structure, operation, and circulation of the animal system; and we entertain no doubt of its adequacy for that purpose. Not only the mechanical connexion of the solid members of the bodies of men and animals, but likewise the structure and operation of the softer parts, including the muscles, integuments, membranes, &c.; the nature, motion, and circulation of the various fluids, their reciprocal effects, the changes through which they pass, the deposits which they leave in various parts of the system; the functions of respiration, digestion, and assimilation,--all would find appropriate symbols and representatives in the notation, even as it now stands, without those additions of which, however, it is easily susceptible. Indeed, when we reflect for what a very different purpose this scheme of symbols was contrived, we cannot refrain from expressing our wonder that it should seem, in all respects, as if it had been designed expressly for the purposes of anatomy and physiology.

Another of the uses which the slightest attention to the details of this notation irresistibly forces upon our notice, is to exhibit, in the form of a connected plan or map, the organization of an extensive factory, or any great public institution, in which a vast number of individuals are employed, and their duties regulated by a consistent and well-digested system. The mechanical notation is admirably adapted, not only to express such an organized connexion of human agents, but even to suggest the improvements of which such organization is susceptible--to betray its weak and defective points, and to disclose, at a glance, the origin of any fault which may, from time to time, be observed in the working of the system. Our limits, however, preclude us from pursuing this interesting topic to the extent which its importance would justify. We shall be satisfied if the hints here thrown out should direct to the subject the attention of those who, being most interested in such an enquiry, are likely to prosecute it with greatest success.

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