Read Ebook: Book of Needs of the Holy Orthodox Church by Russkaia Pravoslavnaia Tserkov Shann G V George Vincent Translator
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next PageEbook has 45 lines and 10302 words, and 1 pagesPAGE. The office for the appointment of a reader and singer 5 The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a subdeacon 9 The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a deacon 12 The office that is used at the appointment of an archdeacon and a protodeacon 17 The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a presbyter 18 The order of the office for the making of a protopresbyter 23 The office that is used at the appointment of an abbot 24 The office that is used at the appointment of an archimandrite 27 THE OFFICE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A READER AND SINGER IS PERFORMED ON THIS WISE. O holy apostles, pray the merciful God that he may grant our souls remission of sins. The grace of thy mouth, shining forth like fire, hath illuminated the universe, hath offered the world treasures of liberality, and hath shewed to us the height of humility. And as thou instructest by thy words, O father John Chrysostom, pray Christ, the Word of God, to save our souls. Thy sound is gone forth into all the earth, which hath received thy word, whereby thou hast divinely taught, hast explained the nature of things that are, and brightened the customs of men, O royal divine, venerable father: pray thou Christ God to save our souls. The shepherd's reed of thy divinity hath overcome the trumpets of the orators; for as to him that seeketh the deep things of the spirit, so was the grace of language accorded thee. Then, father Gregory, pray Christ God to save our souls. Through the prayers, O Lord, of all the saints, and of the God-bearing one, grant thy peace to us, and have mercy upon us, as being alone compassionate. O Lord God almighty, elect this thy servant, and sanctify him, and grant unto him, in all wisdom and understanding, to practise the study and reading of thy divine words, preserving him in a blameless course of life. Through the mercy, and compassions, and love to man of thine only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. Child, the first degree of the priesthood is that of reader. Therefore it becometh thee to read every day in the divine scriptures, that they that hear, considering thee, may receive edification, and that thou, in nowise shaming thine election, mayest prepare thyself for a more advanced degree. For, living temperately, holily, and righteously, thou shalt gain the mercy of the man-loving God, and make thyself worthy of a higher ministry, in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory to ages of ages. Amen. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE LAYING ON OF HANDS OF A SUBDEACON. O Lord our God, who through one and the same holy Spirit, distributest gifts to them whom thou hast chosen, bestowing various orders in thy church, and appointing degrees of service therein for the ministration of thy divine and spotless mysteries, who, in thine unspeakable foreknowledge, dost also appoint this thy servant to be worthy to serve in thy holy church; do thou thyself, O Master, preserve him blameless in all things, and grant unto him to love the beauty of thy house, to stand at the doors of thy holy temple, to kindle the lamp of the tabernacle of thy glory; and plant him in thy holy church as a fruitful olive-tree that beareth fruit of righteousness; and, at the time of thine advent, declare thy servant perfected to receive the reward of them that have been acceptable unto thee. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE LAYING ON OF HANDS OF A DEACON. Bid, right reverend master. O holy martyrs, who valiantly contended, and are crown'd; pray ye the Lord for mercy on our souls. Glory to thee, Christ God, apostles' boast, and martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, O Esaias, the virgin is with child, and bringeth forth a son, Emmanuel, God and man: the orient is his name, whom magnifying, we call the virgin blessed. O Lord our God, who, by thy foreknowledge sendest the gift of thy holy Spirit on them that are destined, by thine unsearchable might, to be ministers, and to serve at thy spotless mysteries; do thou thyself, O Master, preserve in every virtue this man whom thou art well-pleased to lay hands upon by me for the ministry of the diaconate, he holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. Give unto him the grace which thou gavest to thy protomartyr Stephen, whom thou didst first call to the work of thy ministry; and make him worthy to use, as may be acceptable unto thee, the degree which, by thy goodness, is given unto him ; and do thou declare him thy perfect servant. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. O God our Saviour, who, by thine incorruptible voice, didst appoint the law of the diaconate unto thine apostles, and didst declare the protomartyr Stephen of such rank, and proclaim him the first to fulfil the work of a deacon, as it is written in thy holy gospel, Whosoever desireth to be the first among you, let him be your minister; do thou, O Master of all, fill this thy servant, whom thou hast made worthy to enter on the ministry of a deacon, with all faith, and love, and power, and sanctification, through the visitation of thy holy and life-creating Spirit , that he, being without any sin, may stand blameless before thee in the fearful day of thy judgment, and may receive the unfailing reward of thy promise. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ARCHDEACON AND A PROTODEACON. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE LAYING ON OF HANDS OF A PRESBYTER. O holy martyrs, who valiantly contended and are crown'd; pray ye the Lord for mercy on out souls. Glory to thee, Christ God, apostles' boast and martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the consubstantial Trinity. O God, unbeginning and unending, who art older than every created thing, who honourest with the tide of presbyter them who are made worthy in this degree to minister sacredly the word of thy truth; do thou thyself, O Master of all, vouchsafe that this man, whom thou art well-pleased to lay hands upon by me, may receive, in a blameless conversation and in unswerving faith, this great grace of thy holy Spirit, and declare him thy perfect servant, acceptable unto thee in all things, and worthily exercising this great priestly honour vouchsafed unto him by thy foreknowing power. For thine is the might, and thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. O God, mighty in power, and unsearchable in understanding, wonderful in counsels above the sons of men; do thou thyself, O Lord, fill with the gift of thy holy Spirit this man, whom thou art well-pleased should attain unto the presbyterial degree, that he may be worthy to stand blamelessly at thine altar, to declare the gospel of thy kingdom, to minister sacredly the word of thy truth, to offer unto thee gifts and spiritual sacrifices, and to renew thy people by the laver of regeneration, that he, meeting thee at the second coming of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, thine only-begotten Son, may receive the reward of a good stewardship of his order, in the plentitude of thy grace. For blessed and glorified is thine all-revered and majestic name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. THE ORDER OF THE OFFICE FOR THE MAKING OF A PROTOPRESBYTER. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ABBOT. O God, who ever makest provision for the salvation of men, and gatherest together in one this thy rational flock; do thou, O Master of all things, in thy measureless love to man, thyself preserve this same blameless, keeping thy commandments continually, so that not one sheep thereof may be lost, and be devoured by the wolf. And declare this thy servant, whom thou art pleased to appoint abbot over it, worthy of thy grace, and adorn him with all virtues, that he, by his works, may be a good example to them that are under him, that they, being emulators of his blameless conversation, may stand with him uncondemned before thy fearful judgment-seat. Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hearken unto our prayer, and declare this thy servant to be abbot of this honourable habitation, a faithful and wise administrator over the rational flock committed to him by thy grace, he doing thy will in all things, and becoming worthy of thy heavenly kingdom. Through the grace, and compassions, and love to man of thine only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen. THE OFFICE THAT IS USED AT THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ARCHIMANDRITE. Bid, master. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU DISTRIBUTE OR USE THIS WORK Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page |
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