Read Ebook: The Kansas University science bulletin Vol. I No. 8 September 1902 by Various Editor
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev PageEbook has 122 lines and 22570 words, and 3 pagesLaying aside for a moment the question as to the occurrence of a longitudinal division, we may well inquire whether the belief that, "In view of this manner of the formation of the chromosomes , it seems absurd to assume that the separation of an individual chromosome by one plane could be quantitative while the separation by another plane was qualitative," is well founded. At the basis of such an assumption lies the implication that any definite arrangement of chromomeres is impossible; for if any definite order were possible, then the supposed argument against the longitudinal disposition of the chromomeres would be invalid. The argument of Wilcox is therefore directed against order in general, and not against order in any one particular, as he would have it appear. For it must be admitted that if it is possible for the scattered chromatic granules of the early prophase to arrange themselves at all , it is equally possible for them to come together in a definite order. That they do this is amply evidenced by the fact that later they appear in definite groups or chromosomes. It is to be noted, moreover, that the later investigations tend to suggest that the apparently unorganized chromatic granules in the first spermatocyte prophase are really bound together and represent merely a diffuse condition of the spermatogonial chromosomes. Wilcox's chief error, however, is not to be sought in speculative theories, but rather in his faulty observations. He repeatedly denies the occurrence of any longitudinal split in the chromatic thread of the first spermatocyte prophase. That he is mistaken here I am thoroughly convinced, both from a study of his own object and from investigations upon many other species of the same family. At the present time, also, practically every spermatologist is aligned in support of the view denounced by Wilcox. For a while Wilcox had some backing, but most of those who advocated only cross divisions of the thread have later been able to demonstrate the longitudinal cleavage in better prepared material. There is general acceptance of the opinion that the chromomeres of the last secondary spermatogonia appear in a linear arrangement to form what is commonly known as the "spireme." Wilcox declared that while in a very fine condition this thread breaks across into segments, which unite by pairs to form the chromosomes of the first spermatocyte. The great majority of other investigators are unanimous in the opinion that this fine thread, made up of granules, becomes double by the division of each granule individually, thus producing a double thread. Thus it is that the two halves of a longitudinally divided chromosome are made equivalent, not by the sifting apart of preexisting granules, but by the division of these after they are arranged in a linear series. It need hardly be mentioned that the formation of the thread has here a reason for existence which is entirely lacking according to Wilcox's scheme. This much space has been devoted to Wilcox's statements, not because they present any arguments against the generally accepted views of his fellow workers, but because he represents a rapidly lessening minority which is content to work in a very limited field and to resort for the explanation of diverse results to the very convenient theory that great differences may be expected in the normal processes of even closely related forms. One needs only to glance at the work of all insect spermatologists to see how closely the agreement now is upon the important points of the process. This accordance of results Wilcox notes, but interprets in his own way, which may be regarded as not exactly complimentary to the skill and judgment of his colaborers. "It is only necessary," he says, "to refer to any recent publication on the subject to find examples of this attempt to force the divergent processes in different species to fit the same formula." This is certainly a very easy and convenient way to dispose of the accumulated observations of the many careful investigators who have come to an agreement upon the important questions under discussion, but I venture to think will hardly satisfy any one except its sponsor. After handing in this article for publication, I fortunately secured a copy of the paper by R. de Sin?ty in which the spermatogenesis of various Orthopteran species is described. I regret that the available time is so short that I shall not be able to bestow upon this contribution to insect spermatogenesis the attention it deserves, but I shall try at least to consider the principal points wherein a difference exists between the results of de Sin?ty and of myself. It is unfortunate that we have here a further complication of the problem concerning the character of the two maturation divisions in insects. At this time it had begun to appear as if there was every possibility of insect spermatologists coming to an agreement with regard to the maturation processes. Indeed, with the exception of Wilcox, who occupies a unique and solitary position in the field, workers upon the subject are committed to a belief in the occurrence of a cross and a longitudinal division of the chromosomes in the spermatocyte mitoses. The sole difference of opinion relates to the sequence of the divisions. We have now to consider in connection with insects the remaining possibility in tetrad formation--that of two longitudinal divisions--which finds an advocate in de Sin?ty. Because of a thorough acquaintance with the forms upon which this author has worked, I do not hesitate to say that he is entirely mistaken with regard to the character of the second spermatocyte division. I am convinced of this because of the fact that in the early period of my work upon Orthopteran spermatogenesis I was inclined to place just such an interpretation upon the phenomena encountered in the spermatocytes of the Acrididae as does de Sin?ty. I soon became convinced, however, that I was proceeding upon a wrong assumption, and abandoned it in favor of the one which more extended observation taught me is correct. I hope to demonstrate here the ground for my plain statement that de Sin?ty is in error upon the question of a double longitudinal division of the chromatin thread during the formation of the tetrads in insect spermatocytes. It is not necessary, however, to have these gradations in order to disprove the theory under discussion. One needs only to carefully examine one of these crosses to be convinced that the two arms lie in one plane where they intersect, and are not superimposed one upon the other as de Sin?ty shows in his figure 123. Our author clearly realizes the importance of the cross, as may be judged by the following quotation: "La croix est de toutes ces figures celle dont la gen?se peut le plus facilement donner lieu ? des interpr?tations en sens contraire.--C'est pr?cis?ment pour cette raison que nous croyons devoir l'?tudier sp?cialement au point de vue critique, persuad? que, cette figure une fois rattach?e ? une th?orie, les autres doivent en suivre le sort." It is unfortunate, therefore, that he was not able to trace the formation of the element in its very early stages and through the various modifications which connect it with the typical rod already described. As the simplest modification of this basic form, we find the one where it is evident that the change consists merely in a flexure of the rod at the weak spot in its center. Such forms are shown in figure 14 of my former paper and in figures 8, 9 and 11 of this one, but are not illustrated by de Sin?ty. It occasionally happens that in chromosomes of this character the halves diverge widely at the center, producing the double-Vs of Paulmier, as is represented in figure 14 of my paper upon the Acrididae and in figure 8 of the present one. These structures are not shown by de Sin?ty and would be difficult to explain in agreement with his conception of the tetrad. I have consistently placed great reliance upon the frequent ring-shaped chromosomes in determining the structure of the first spermatocyte elements, and have no occasion to change my opinion of them since examining the work of de Sin?ty. This investigator joins issue with me upon my interpretation of these structures, and states his attitude in the following language: "McClung fait grand fond, pour appuyer son interpr?tation, sur une forme sp?ciale, la forme en anneau, qui pour lui d?rive du b?tonnet /, suppos? plac? transversalement sur le fuseau, ins?r? par son milieu et incurv? en dehors jusqu' ? rapprochement et soudure de ses extr?mit?s. "Le chromosome en anneau est en effet tr?s fr?quent chez les acridiens; mais il nous a ?t? possible d'en reconstituer l'histoire, gr?ce ? des d?tails qui ne semblent pas s'?tre rencontr?s dans les figures de McClung. On se souvient que nous avons ?tabli les deux points suivants en complet d?saccord avec la th?orie de l'auteur am?ricain: "1. Les deux moiti?s de l'anneau proviennent de la premi?re division longitudinale. "2. L'insertion est terminale." "Survient le ph?nom?ne exceptionnellement important de la seconde division longitudinale; nous regardons comme un point capital dans notre travail d'en mettre l'existence hors de doute et pour cela nous d?sirons ne faire appel qu'? des images extr?mement claires. Nous consid?rons comme telles les fig. 129 et 130 rapproch?es l'une de l'autre. I am obliged to confess that I have never seen in other species of this genus any appearances that would incline me to place an interpretation upon them such as does our author upon these. I would venture to suggest, on the contrary, that the chromosomes represented in figure 129 have not as yet demonstrated any division, but show merely irregular spaces between chromosomes. At even an earlier stage , I have shown the formation of the tetrads by means of simultaneous cross and longitudinal divisions so clearly that presumed successive divisions, as represented by de Sin?ty, cannot be regarded as occurring. "In the two reduction divisions the chromosomes may split by two longitudinal divisions, by two transverse divisions, by one longitudinal and one transverse division, or by one division preceded or followed by an elimination division. The facts show already that there is no general uniformity in the mode of division of the chromosomes in the reduction mitoses. The long line of observations on different objects show this to be the case, and demonstrates that the expected uniformity does not occur." Paulmier judged the planes of the division by the relative lengths of the chromosome axes, but, as I pointed out, this is not conclusive unless it can be shown that they have not shifted, as it is possible for them to do, during the prophase. The value of the ring figure, which is formed at such an early stage that it would be impossible for the shifting of the axis to occur, is here evident. In view of all these facts, I think it must still be held an open question as to which is the reduction and which the equation division in the Hemipteran spermatocytes, although it is not to be doubted that the probability of the first spermatocyte being witness of the reduction division is much increased when thus interpreted by two independent observers. I have already, in another paper , taken up a comparative study of the accessory chromosome in different insect spermatocytes, and shall not be obliged, for that reason, to enter into a very lengthy discussion of the subject here. The great interest attaching to this structure, however, compels me to consider the work that has been done since the manuscript of the earlier article was sent in for publication. This review will concern, very largely, the investigations of Montgomery upon a considerable number of Hemipteran species, which are set forth in his paper under the pretentious title "A Study of the Chromosomes in the Germ Cells of Metazoa." Upon this point Montgomery now completely reverses himself, and declares that his "chromatin nucleolus" is not a spermatogonial chromosome, but may be noted in the earlier generations as a nucleolar structure, which, however, divides in metakinesis. The most important feature to be noted in this connection is the fact that the structure does not exist as a simple element, but is observed as a number of granules, and that this number varies considerably in different species. These granules fuse during the "synapsis stage," as do the chromosomes, to produce in the spermatocyte half the number of "chromatin nucleoli" that were present in the spermatogonia. In this respect the "chromatin nucleolus" differs radically from the accessory chromosome, which has the same valence in both cell generations. The indefinite number and insignificant size of Montgomery's structures are other characters that point to extensive differences between them and the accessory chromosome. According to Montgomery, also, his "chromatin nucleolus" usually takes part in both spermatocyte mitoses. In this respect there exists an essential difference between his element and that found in the Orthoptera, for, after extended and most critical studies, I have become convinced that only one division takes place in the spermatocytes. In those cases where Montgomery admits but a single division, it is stated to occur in the first spermatocyte, while in the Orthoptera the accessory chromosome remains undivided here and is halved in the second spermatocyte. The noteworthy thing about this "chromosome x" is the fact that in every essential detail it corresponds to the accessory chromosome of the Orthoptera. It is a spermatogonial chromosome that comes over intact into the spermatocyte; it retains its form and staining power unchanged through the prophase of the spermatocyte; it divides in only one of the spermatocyte mitoses; and is a large and conspicuous element of the cell at all times. This "chromosome x" agrees just as closely in its description to the accessory chromosome as do the ordinary ones of the two orders, and, if Montgomery's account is correct, there would seem to be no reason for doubting their identity. In two respects, however, there are differences between these structures. First, it is to be noted that the "chromosome x" divides in the first spermatocyte, while the accessory chromosome undergoes separation in the second spermatocyte. Should Montgomery's observations prove correct, it would yet indicate no fundamental difference in the character of the element, for the result is the same whether division takes place in the first or second mitosis. In either event, one-half the spermatozoa are provided with the odd chromosome while the remaining half are not. A criticism of the degeneration theory as advocated by Paulmier and Montgomery has already been given , so that it would not be necessary to consider it here except in so far as it has been modified since its promulgation. As a rule, Montgomery refers to his "chromatin nucleoli" throughout his late paper as degenerating chromosomes, but in discussing their function specifically he makes important changes in this conception. These are stated as follows: "When we find, accordingly, the mutual apposition of them to chromatin nucleoli, it would be permissible to conclude that the chromatin nucleoli are chromosomes which are especially concerned with nucleolar metabolism. And this, I think, would be the correct interpretation. The chromatin nucleoli are in that sense degenerate that they no longer behave like the other chromosomes in the rest stages, but they would be specialized for a metabolic function; and from this point of view they would certainly seem to be much more than degenerate organs." It is difficult to comment upon a contradictory statement like this; but, fortunately, it is not necessary to do so, since it carries with it its own refutation. The conception of a chromosome specialized in the direction of increased metabolic activity as being in the process of disappearing from the species can hardly be regarded seriously. Taking everything into consideration, it may be said that Montgomery's work upon the Hemiptera has left the subject in a very disturbed condition, and any prospect of a complete agreement between the accessory chromosome of the Orthoptera and the "chromatin nucleolus" of the Hemiptera is made more remote than was previously the case. This, I think, is largely due to the inferior character of the Hemipteran material, which has lead to misconception of phenomena that are clearly marked in Orthopteran cells. It is gratifying to note that the recent work of de Sin?ty practically corroborates the conclusions herein set forth regarding the history of the accessory chromosome. Aside from failure to observe the important spireme condition of this element in the first spermatocyte prophase, de Sin?ty describes the same series of processes with scarcely an exception. His summary contains the following account of the accessory chromosome: A like series of processes is recognized in the Phasmids. We may therefore feel assured that our knowledge of the morphological character of the accessory chromosome in the Orthoptera is fairly well established. This gives us a good base from which to conduct further comparative studies into other groups, and it is to be hoped that our knowledge of this element will rapidly increase. Unfortunately, de Sin?ty has chosen to add another name to the already overburdened list of synonyms, and "chromosome sp?cial" now takes its place in the literature of insect spermatogenesis. The reason for adding this name-- would seem to be at least insufficient, since "accessory chromosome" can scarcely be regarded as implying any more primary or secondary function than can "chromosome sp?cial." In each of my preceding papers I took the opportunity to point out the fact that, even were the accessory chromosome of no other value, it would certainly be worthy of study for the light it throws upon the question of the individuality of the chromosomes. On this point Montgomery has much to say in his late paper . I think it cannot be questioned that we have here indisputable proof that at least one chromosome may be identified through all the cell generations of the testis. While this does not prove that chromosomes are persisting and independent structures, it does evidence the fact that they may be, and greatly strengthens the hypothesis that they are. Considerable importance is attached by some investigators to the nuclear structures, properly called plasmasomes, that occur in the spermatocytes. It is probable that there are marked differences between the cells of various species in regard to the occurrence of these bodies, for in the Orthoptera they either do not appear at all, or, if present, they are minute and inconspicuous. This fact would tend to disprove any theory which would attach a fundamental importance to these structures, such as is conceived for the chromatin. The Orthopteran cells do not allow any observations which would add to our positive knowledge of the nucleoli, and I include this brief statement merely for the negative value it may possess. Observations upon numerous species tend to show that the behavior of the chromatin during the period between the two spermatocyte mitoses varies considerably with the species and even within the species itself. The amount of diffusion would, in some measure, seem to be related to the form of the chromosomes and to vary correspondingly in those individuals where the chromosomes are of diverse forms. Thus, where the elements of the second spermatocyte metaphase appear as short double rods, the amount of diffusion is slight, and the individual chromosomes may be distinguished throughout the telophase of the first spermatocyte; but in those cases where the members of the mitotic figure are much elongated the diffusion is more extensive and the distinction between elements is made difficult or impossible. Since these two conditions may prevail in the same testis, it is probably only a question as to the extent of elongation on the part of each chromosome. In those cases where the elements become very much extended the appearance of the resting condition would be simulated closely, while, on the contrary, chromosomes consisting of spherical or short cylindrical chromatids would never give a suggestion of such a stage. In this we may find, I think, an explanation for those cases in which a rest stage is described as occurring between the spermatocyte generations. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. FIG. 1. Pole view of spermatogonial metaphase, showing the thirty-three chromosomes. It will be observed that the chromosomes are of unequal sizes, and that the large ones arrange themselves in a circle on the outside of the figure. FIG. 3. Early stage in the formation of the spireme. In the cytoplasm the remains of the spermatogonial spindle. The cell has entered upon the growth period. FIG. 4. A later stage in the spireme formation. The accessory chromosome larger and more flattened. A surface view shows it as an apparently fenestrated plate. The remains of the two spermatogonial spindles still persisting. FIG. 5. First appearance of definite chromosomes. One shown entire with longitudinal and cross-divisions marked. The accessory chromosome is here seen to be in a spireme condition. FIG. 6. Condition of the chromosomes after further contraction of the early segments. As here shown, they are more granular than is usually the case. FIG. 7. Common types of the prophase chromosomes. FIG. 8. A cell in which one of the chromosomes has its halves widely separated along the longitudinal division, forming Paulmier's double-V figure. FIG. 9. In this cell may be seen the variation in form and size of the early spermatocyte chromosomes. FIG. 10. Two cells of the late prophase, with the chromosomes at almost the extreme degree of concentration. FIG. 11. Chromosomes of cells in the stage shown in figure 10. These represent the different types of rings, crosses, etc., commonly observed in first spermatocytes just before the formation of the mitotic figure. FIG. 13. Metaphase of the first spermatocyte. The accessory chromosome is seen at one pole of the spindle, to which it has moved before the separation of the chromatids of the remaining chromosomes. FIG. 14. Another cell in about the same stage as that represented in the preceding figure. Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev Page |
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