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Continuation of the operations in Catalonia--St. Cyr sends Lecchi to the Ampurdan; he returns with the intelligence of the Austrian war--Of Verdier's arrival in the Ampurdan, and of Augereau's appointment to the command of the seventh corps--Augereau's inflated proclamation--It is torn down by the Catalonians--He remains sick at Perpignan--St. Cyr continues to command--Refuses to obey Joseph's orders to remove into Aragon--Presses Verdier to commence the siege of Gerona--Reinforces Verdier--Remains himself at Vich--Constancy of the Spaniards--St. Cyr marches from Vich, defeats three Spanish battalions, and captures a convoy--Storms St. Felieu de Quixols--Takes a position to cover Verdier's operations--Siege of Gerona--State of the contending parties--Assault of Monjouic fails--General Fontanes storms Palamos--Wimphen and the Milans make a vain attempt to throw succours into Gerona--Monjouic abandoned 17

Claros and Rovira attack Bascara and spread dismay along the French frontier--Two Spanish officers pass the Ter and enter Gerona with succours--Alvarez remonstrates with the junta of Catalonia--Bad conduct of the latter--Blake advances to the aid of the city--Pestilence there affects the French army--St. Cyr's firmness--Blake's timid operations--O'Donnel fights Souham, but without success--St. Cyr takes a position of battle--Garcia Conde forces the French lines and introduces a convoy into Gerona--Blake retires--Siege resumed--Garcia Conde comes out of the city--Ridiculous error of the French--Conde forces the French lines and escapes--Assault on Gerona fails--Blake advances a second time--Sends another convoy under the command of O'Donnel to the city--O'Donnel with the head of the convoy succeeds, the remainder is cut off--Blake's incapacity--He retires--St. Cyr goes to Perpignan--Augereau takes the command of the siege--O'Donnel breaks through the French lines--Blake advances a third time--Is beaten by Souham--Pino takes Hostalrich--Admiral Martin intercepts a French squadron--Captain Hallowell destroys a convoy in Rosas-bay--Distress in Gerona--Alvarez is seized with delirium, and the city surrenders--Observations 31

Plot at Seville against the Supreme Junta defeated by lord Wellesley--Junta propose a new form of government--Opposed by Romana--Junta announce the convocation of the national Cortez, but endeavour to deceive the people--A Spanish army assembled in the Morena under Eguia--Bassecour sends cavalry to reinforce Del Parque, who concentrates the Spanish army of the left at Ciudad Rodrigo--He is joined by the Gallician divisions--Santocildes occupies Astorga--French endeavour to surprise him, but are repulsed--Ballasteros quits the Asturias and marching by Astorga attempts to storm Zamora--Enters Portugal--Del Parque demands the aid of the Portuguese army--Sir A. Wellesley refuses, giving his reason in detail--Del Parque's operations--Battle of Tamames--Del Parque occupies Salamanca, but hearing that French troops were assembling at Valladolid retires to Bejar 55

Areizaga takes the command of Equia's army and is ordered to advance against Madrid--Folly of the Supreme Junta--Operations in La Mancha--Combat of Dos Barrios--Cavalry combat of Oca?a--Battle of Oca?a--Destruction of the Spanish army 67

King Joseph's return to Madrid--Del Parque's operations--Battle of Alba de Tormes--Dispersion of the Spanish troops--Their great sufferings and patience--The Supreme Junta treat sir A. Wellesley's counsels with contempt--He breaks up from the Guadiana and moves to the Mondego--Vindication of his conduct for having remained so long on the Guadiana--French remain torpid about Madrid--Observations 86

Joseph prepares to invade Andalusia--Distracted state of affairs in that province--Military position and resources described--Invasion of Andalusia--Passes of the Morena forced by the French--Foolish deceit of the Supreme Junta--Tumult in Seville--Supreme Junta dissolved--Junta of Seville re-assembles, but disperses immediately after--The French take Jaen--Sebastiani enters Grenada--King Joseph enters Cordoba and afterwards marches against Seville--Albuquerque's march to Cadiz--Seville surrenders--Insurrection at Malaga put down by Sebastiani--Victor invests Cadiz--Faction in that city--Mortier marches against Badajos--The visconde de Gand flies to Ayamonte--Inhospitable conduct of the bishop of Algarve 101

Operations in Navarre, Aragon, and Valencia--Pursuit of the student Mina--Suchet's preparations--His incursion against Valencia--Returns to Aragon--Difficulty of the war in Catalonia--Operations of the seventh corps--French detachments surprised at Mollet and San Perpetua--Augereau enters Barcelona--Sends Duhesme to France--Returns to Gerona--O'Donnel rallies the Spanish army near Centellas--Combat of Vich--Spaniards make vain efforts to raise the blockade of Hostalrich--Augereau again advances to Barcelona--Sends two divisions to Reus--Occupies Manreza and Villa Franca--French troops defeated at Villa Franca and Esparaguera--Swartz abandons Manreza--Is defeated at Savadel--Colonel Villatte communicates with the third corps by Falcet--Severolli retreats from Reus to Villa Franca--Is harassed on the march--Augereau's unskilful conduct--Hostalrich falls--Gallant exploit of the governor, Julian Estrada--Cruelty of Augereau 124

Suchet marches against Lerida--Description of that fortress--Suchet marches to Tarega--O'Donnel advances from Taragona--Suchet returns to Balaguer--Combat of Margalef--Siege of Lerida--The city stormed--Suchet drives the inhabitants into the citadel and thus forces it to surrender 144

Reflections on that act--Lazan enters Alcanitz, but is driven out by the French--Colonel Petit taken with a convoy by Villa Campa, and assassinated after the action--Siege of Mequinenza--Fall of that place--Morella taken--Suchet prepares to enter Catalonia--Strength and resources of that province 158

Operations in Andalusia--Blockade of Cadiz--Dissentions in that city--Regency formed--Albuquerque sent to England--Dies there--Regency consent to admit British troops--General Colin Campbell obtains leave to put a garrison in Ceuta, and to destroy the Spanish lines at San Roque--General William Stewart arrives at Cadiz--Seizes Matagorda--Tempest destroys many vessels--Mr. Henry Wellesley and general Graham arrive at Cadiz--Apathy of the Spaniards--Gallant defence of Matagorda--Heroic conduct of a sergeant's wife--General Campbell sends a detachment to occupy Tarifa--French prisoners cut the cables of the prison-hulks, and drift during a tempest--General Lacey's expedition to the Ronda--His bad conduct--Returns to Cadiz--Reflections on the state of affairs 169

Continuation of the operations in Andalusia--Description of the Spanish and Portuguese lines of position south of the Tagus--Situation of the armies in Estremadura--Complex operations in that province--Soult's policy 188

Situation of the armies north of the Tagus--Operations in Old Castile and the Asturias--Ney menaces Ciudad Rodrigo--Loison repulsed from Astorga--Kellerman chases Carrera from the Gata mountains--Obscurity of the French projects--Siege of Astorga--Mahi driven into Gallicia--Spaniards defeated at Mombouey--Ney concentrates the sixth corps at Salamanca--The ninth corps and the imperial guards enter Spain--Massena assumes the command of the army of Portugal and of the northern provinces--Ney commences the first siege of Ciudad Rodrigo--Julian Sanchez breaks out of the town--Massena arrives and alters the plan of attack--Daring action of three French soldiers--Place surrenders--Andreas Herrasti--His fine conduct--Reflections upon the Spanish character 201

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