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This is an ebook sharing website. You can read the uploaded ebooks for free here. No credit cards needed, nothing to pay. If you want to own a digital copy of the ebook, or want to read offline with your favorite ebook-reader, then you can choose to buy and download the ebook. ks that he did and greater works than these should be wrought through us. These Christian sins, Miss Vaughan insists, must be confessed and cleansed in the blood of Jesus before the fulness of the Spirit can be enjoyed. To have these commandments fulfilled in us is the Victorious Life. And only when this root-condition of unlove and unbelief is dealt with shall we know freedom from lust and covetousness and pride. HOW JESUS LIVED THE VICTORIOUS LIFE Is it true after all that the Lord Jesus was a man as I am? Was not the real secret of his victory over sin the fact that he was God? Is not the secret of my defeat the fact that I am just a man and not God? The answer to these questions reveals one of the richest secrets in the Word concerning the real meaning of the Victorious Life. For we shall find this startling truth, that if we are to live the Victorious Life at all we must live it by the same rule as Jesus of Nazareth lived it. If we wish to know what God is like there is but one thing to do: look at Jesus. So there is no way of discovering what a true man is like except by looking at Jesus. He is the only "man," in the true sense of the word, who has lived since sin entered the human race. Through the fall man lost the image of God, and from that day until our Lord came there was no example of man as God intended him to be. A mistaken notion, encouraged by the poets, prevails quite commonly, that to sin is human; to forgive, divine. Whatever the measure of truth in the little sentiment, the error in it is more dangerous. To sin is not human; it is devilish. Sin is no part of man as God planned him to be. And so our Lord represents in himself what God intended a man to be, and he lived according to that plan. The One True "Man" The name for himself most often upon the lips of our Master was "the Son of man." A notable Greek scholar has recently pointed out that this expression means far more than a son of a human parent. It rather suggests that gathered up into this Son of man are all the qualities of what "man" is. So, may we not say that as the fulness of God dwelt in him bodily so did the fulness of man dwell in him? Some one has suggested that God did wonderful things through the Lord Jesus not because Jesus was God, but because he was perfect man. What does this really mean in terms of our everyday life? Nowhere in Scripture is there such a remarkable setting forth, first of the deity of our Lord, then of his humanity, side by side, as in the first and second chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews. "God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners, hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in a Son." Free books android app tbrJar TBR JAR Read Free books online gutenberg More posts by @FreeBooks![]() : The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure by Holst Helge Kramers Hendrik Anthony Rutherford Ernest Author Of Introduction Etc Lindsay Rachel T Translator Lindsay Robert Bruce Translator - Atomic theory@FreeBooksThu 08 Jun, 2023
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