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Departure for the Mines--The Victims--Adventures of a Night on San Francisco Bay--Voyage in a Launch--My Companion Higgins--Resolutions of the Passengers--The Bay of San Pablo--The Straits of Carquinez--Benicia--The Bay of Suisun--The Sacramento--Beautiful Scenery--Montezuma--Monte Diablo--Camp on Shore--Hala-chum-muck--Firing the Woods--Schwartz's Rancho--A "manifest destiny" Man--Involuntary Baptism--Sacramento City--The Embarcadero, 25

Arrival of our Party--The Mountaineer--A "prospecting" Expedition--The Start--California Skies in November--A Drenching--Go-ahead Higgins--"Camp Beautiful"--John the Irishman--The Indian's Grave--A "rock" Speech--The Return--Herd of Antelope--Johnson's Rancho--Acorn Gathering--Indian Squaws--Novel Costume--The Rancheria--Pule-u-le--A Bear Fight, 35

Yuba River--A Clean Shirt an Expensive Luxury--Yankee Pedler--The Upper and Lower Diggings--Foster's Bar--The Gold-Rocker--Gold-Digging and Gold-Washing--Return to the Embarcadero--Captain John A. Sutter--Curious Currency--Sutter's Fort--Sam Brannan and Co.--Washing Clothes--Salmon Shooting--Green Springs--Weaver's Creek--A Teamster's Bill, 49

Mormon Exploration of the Middle Fork--Headquarters of the Gold-hunters--The North Fork--Smith's Bar--Damming--Great Luck of a Frenchman and his Son--Kelsey's Bar--Rise and Fall of the Rivers--Return to Weaver's Creek--Agricultural Prospects--Culoma Sawmill--An Extensive and Expensive Breakfast--"Prospecting" on the South Fork--Winter Quarters--Snow-storm--A Robbery--Summary Justice--Garcia, Bissi, and Manuel--Lynch Law--Trial for attempt to Murder--Execution of the Accused--Fine Weather--How the Gold became distributed--Volcanic Craters, 77

Monotonous Life at Weaver's Creek--Dry Diggings Uncertain--Discovery of a Rich Ravine--Great Results of One Day's Labour--Invasion of my Ravine--Weber and Dalor--The Indian Mode of Trading--A Mystery--Settlement of Weaverville--Price of Gold-dust in the Winter of 1848--Gambling--Cost of Provisions--Opening of the Spring--Big Bar--Attack of the Land Scurvy--Symptoms and Treatment--Lucky Discovery--Progress of Culoma--Arrival of the First Steamer--Broadway Dandies wielding Pick and Shovel--Indian Outrages--Capture and Execution of Redskins, 89

Extent and Richness of the Gold Region of Upper California--Are the "Gold-washings" inexhaustible?--A Home for the Starving Millions of Europe and the Labouring Men of America--Suicidal Policy of our Military Governors--Union of Capital, Labour, and Skill--A Word to Capitalists--Joint-stock Companies--The Gold-bearing Quartz of the Sierra--Experience of Hon. G. W. Wright--Extraordinary Results of pulverizing Quartz Rock--The Gold Mines of Georgia--Steam Engines and Stamping Machines--Growth of Sacramento and San Francisco, 103

The Mexican System of Government--Establishment of the Legislative Assembly of San Francisco--Seizure of the Town Records--Address of the Assembly recommending the Formation of a State Government--Interference of Brevet Brigadier-General Riley--Public Meeting--Organization of the State Convention--The Constitution--The Elections, 113

Growth of San Francisco--Number of Houses erected--Prices of Real Estate--Rents--Wages of Mechanics and Labourers--Gambling--Prices Current--Climate--Churches--Steamboats--Statistics of Shipping, &c., &c., &c., 121

Weber--Sullivan--Stockton--Hudson--Georgetown--Sam Riper--The Slate Range--The "Biggest Lump" yet found in California, 125

Recapitulation--Population of the Mining Region--Average Amount of Gold Dug--Requirements of a Gold-Digger--The Best Season--In what kind of Soil is Gold Found?--Washing Machines--California a Habitable Country--The Learned Professions, 131

The Old Towns of California, 139

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