Read Ebook: Victorious life studies by McQuilkin Robert Crawford
Font size: Background color: Text color: Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev PageEbook has 304 lines and 32168 words, and 7 pagesThis conflict is to have a climax. The sin of man will head up in the Man of Sin. This is he who shall come in the spirit and power of Satan, the false Messiah. Jesus forewarned of his coming, when he said: "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" . The Isaiah passage describes not only the scene in heaven when Satan reached after the throne of God, but it foreshadows the Man of Sin on earth, "the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God ... even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie" . Man's Final Religion The spirit of Satan, then, finds its climax in the worship of man, rather than the worship of God. Here is the heart of all sin. This is the central lie of Satan by which he deceives men. The final religion of man, before the coming of the Lord Jesus to earth again, will be the religion of humanity, the worship of man as the only deity. Paul brings all men who reject God's revelation under this condemnation: "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever." We have been speaking of the great conflict of the ages between Jesus and his Adversary, the conflict that underlies the raging of the nations to-day, as Satan works out his plan to put the creature in the place of the Creator, to send that one, inspired of Satan, who will come in his own name and who will be received because he comes as man. But this same conflict goes on in each individual life. Every man, because God has given him free will, must make his choice as to which of these he will follow, the Son of man, or the Man of Sin. Even the Christian, who has made his choice, will find constantly before him the possibility of serving in the spirit of his Lord or in the spirit of Satan. When the Christian is not serving after the example of the Lord Jesus, let him ponder this well,--that he is serving after the spirit of Satan. How startled must Peter have been when the Lord not only told him he savored of the things of men , but actually addressed him as Satan, knowing that it was the great Adversary he was meeting again in one of his loved disciples. Very often is it true of Christians that "ye know not what spirit ye are of." Is it too much to say that much of the service that is being offered to-day in the name of Christ, by followers of His, is mixed with the spirit of the evil one? Testing Our Service What is that spirit of the evil one? It is written large in the two words that stand out in that Isaiah passage: "I WILL." Set these words against those other words: "Not my will, but thine." Now let us set these words against our own Christian service and answer the question as to whether it is after the example of the Son of man. What is it to have the mind of Christ? Defilement of the Spirit How are we to have the mind of Christ? Not by looking at him as an example and trying to imitate him. There is real hopelessness in singing Trying to walk in the steps of the Saviour, Trying to follow our Saviour and King, Shaping our lives by his blessed example.... For that is just what we cannot do--shape our lives by his example. When we are ready to stop "trying" to do this, and will yield ourselves that we may be conformed to his death, then our trying may be changed to trusting, we can "leave the miracle to him," and returning to the beautiful hymn whose first verse makes a bad start, we can sing with new meaning the opening lines of the third verse: Walking by faith in the steps of our Saviour, Upward, still upward, we'll follow our Guide. THE SECOND COMING AND VICTORY The next great event in God's program for the redemption of the world is the coming again to the earth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The last chapter of the Old Testament points forward to his second coming. The last recorded words of the Lord Jesus are his words of promise, "Surely, I come quickly," in the last chapter of the New Testament. The last recorded prayer of God's people in the Word is the answer of their heart to this promise, "Even so come, Lord Jesus." The last word of the Old Testament is the word "curse,"--"lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." The central word of the last verse in the New Testament is "grace." He will come with the judgments of his curse and with the revelation of his grace. Are You Ready for His Coming? The coming of Christ is the great incentive to holiness that is held before Christians in the New Testament. "Every one that hath this hope set on him purifieth himself, even as he is pure" . Boldness Before Him Then and Now If the coming of the Lord is in God's Word linked so vitally with a life of personal holiness, it is essential that Christians should understand what the Spirit has revealed to us concerning the truth of his coming. It is only at our peril that we neglect it. It is not an accident that most of those who are rejoicing in the Victorious Life are or become deeply interested in the truths of the Word concerning Christ's coming. But how shall we know whether our view of his Second Coming is the Scriptural view? Testing Our View of His Coming There are two tests that will show with certainty to what extent our belief about Christ's coming is a vital heart belief such as the Apostles had. The first test concerns more definitely our personal relation to his coming. Is the hope of his coming a real hope for you that makes it the incentive to be ready and makes it a real event to watch for with expectation, as for the return of a loved one? The second test relates to the whole sweep of God's purposes of redemption and the part that Christ's Second Coming plays in them. A right understanding at this point will determine the general plan of activities of the Church of Christ and of the individual Christian in this present day of Grace. How essential then to know God's thought on this subject, and how idle to suggest that this truth is not of practical bearing on present service. Both the spirit of service and the scope of service are involved, and these two tests show how intensely practical and necessary is the right view of his coming. The first test has already been considered, and it is seen that the Victorious Life truth is vitally linked with the hope of his coming. The second test of our belief regarding his coming is even more fundamental, and again it will be seen to be closely tied up with the heart secret of the Victorious Life, and with the truth of regeneration as well. It is a common thing to speak of the doctrine of Christ's Second Coming as of greater or less relative importance than certain other doctrines; thus, it is pointed out that the Second Coming is mentioned more often in the New Testament than any other doctrine except that of the atonement. It leads to confusion thus to speak of the teachings of the Word as though they could be divided. While it is convenient to study the doctrines separately we miss a great truth if we fail to remember that all these teachings brought to us by the Word of God are connected one with the other and together form a complete unity. The Second Coming Necessary to the Atonement The Word of God presents salvation in a threefold aspect. There is the past, the present, and the future of salvation. "We were saved; we are being saved; we shall be saved." The Three "Appearings" In the three Shepherd Psalms the same truth is shadowed forth. The twenty-second Psalm points to the redemption accomplished on Calvary, and is the Psalm of crucifixion and resurrection; the twenty-third Psalm is a picture of the present resurrection life in Christ; and in the twenty-fourth Psalm we have the picture of the coming King. He is seen in these three Psalms as the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep; as the Great Shepherd who rose again from the dead, who makes us perfect "in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight" ; and as the Chief Shepherd who will appear to give the crown of glory to his faithful servants . This threefold salvation is sometimes spoken of as justification, sanctification, and glorification: first, salvation from the penalty of sin; second, salvation from the power of sin; and third, salvation from the possibility of sin. There are three fundamental errors by which Satan seeks to rob of its power this threefold Gospel, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in his past, present, and future work. Discounting Christ's Past Work Discounting His Present Work The test of the truth of our view as to Christ's Second Coming and the future tense of our salvation is as infallibly certain as the tests of the other aspects of salvation. For salvation is all of grace, and any view which makes salvation for the individual or for the universe a mixture of God's work and man's work, a mixture of God's grace and man's effort, is in error. The Two Views of Our Lord's Return There are two views of our Lord's coming. One is that the Church of Christ through the preaching of the Gospel and by co-operating with other agencies for righteousness, will Christianize the social order and bring in the period of righteousness which the Bible pictures as the Kingdom age. At the close of this period, the Lord Jesus will come to judge the world. This is called the post-millennial view, because the Kingdom age is known as the "millennium," or the thousand years. The other view is that this thousand years of blessedness, or the Kingdom age, will not be inaugurated until Christ himself comes as King to set up the new order on earth. This is known as the pre-millennial view. A well known Christian leader who has been very active in the preaching and working for "social regeneration," gave a message on the task of the Church in the present world crisis, and the problem of the Church in making the world what it ought to be. He announced as his text, "And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new" . One who heard the message remarked that the speaker after announcing his text, "with two swift kicks kicked the text out of the auditorium, and did not allow it to enter again during his discourse." For the opening sentence of his message was this: "Can we, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, make things over?" Discounting Christ's Future Work God's plan for establishing righteousness in the universe is exactly the same as his plan for establishing righteousness in the human heart. It is all of grace, not of works. The pre-millennial view means the Kingdom age by grace, as the Victorious Life means the Kingdom principles in the individual heart by grace. Let each Christian earnestly face these two tests of his attitude toward the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Make the Blessed Hope a Vital Power! If his hope of the coming of the Lord is not an incentive of vital and present power in his life, there is something wrong with his theory. If a Christian believes that it is not possible for the Lord to come for at least a thousand years, or until the period during which Satan is bound has run its course , can he honestly say that the blessed hope of the personal appearing of his Lord is a vital power in the life? The second test of our view of his coming can apply also to every part of our salvation. Have we the blessed assurance of eternal salvation through the blood that gives us eagerness and power to lead others into the same assurance? Are we rejoicing in all the blessed "present tenses of salvation," victory by grace through faith? Are we surrounded by his own light in these dark days because we know that the world's problem is to be solved by grace, by God himself, so that we live "soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ"? CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND VICTORY Christian Science offers a life of freedom from worry or anxiety. It proposes to give the secret of the smiling face in the midst of any sort of circumstances. Christian Science offers complete freedom from the dominion of sin. Christian Science offers to make faith a vital and all-pervading force in daily life. Christian Science offers to give deliverance from the bondage of sickness. It is not wise for Christians to attempt to meet Christian Science by ridicule and sarcasm. Christian Science is offering to supply exactly the things that the hearts of thousands of church members are craving. It is not strange that many should be investigating its claims. If the indication in a single Christian Science center is a fair criterion, there are thousands of church members daily looking into this supposed "new" teaching to see if they can find a faith with a vital reality in it. These things that Christian Science claims to supply are just the things that are offered to every Christian through the sufficient grace of the Lord Jesus. Add to tbrJar First Page Next Page Prev Page |
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