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when it is ripe containeth small blacke seede: the roote is scaly, or couered with a chaffie matter, hauing many small white fibres vnderneath, whereby it is fastened in the ground.

There is another of this kinde, like both in roote, leafe, and flower to the former, the onely difference is, that this is lesser then the former, and hath no spots in the flower, as the other hath.

We haue also another smaller kinde then the last, both in leafe and flower, the leaues whereof are smaller, but rounder, and more finely snipt or indented about the edges, like the teeth of a fine sawe: the stalke is little aboue a span high, hauing many small white flowers spotted as the first, but with fewer spots.

The Place.

These growe in the shadowie Woods of the Alpes, in diuers places, and with vs they more delight in the shade then the sunne.

The Time.

All these Sanicles doe flower in May, and continue flowring vntill Iune, and the seede soone ripeneth after: the rootes abide all the Winter, with some leaues on them, springing a fresh in the beginning of the yeare.

The Names.

The Vertues.

The name imposed on these plants doe certainly assure vs of their vertues, from the first founders, that they are great healers, and from their taste, that they are great binders.

This spotted Nauelwort, as many doe call it, hath many thicke small leaues, not so broad as long, of a whitish greene colour, lying on the ground in circles, after the manner of the heads of Houseleeke, and dented about the edges; from the middle whereof sometimes ariseth vp a stalke, scarce a foote high, beset with such like leaues as are belowe, but somewhat longer: from the middle of the stalke vp to the top it brancheth forth diuersly, with a leafe at euery ioynt, bearing three or foure flowers on euery branch, consisting of fiue white leaues, spotted with small red spots, like vnto the spotted Sanicle, but with fewer and greater spots, hauing a yellowish circle or eye in the bottome of euery flower, and many whitish threads with yellowish tips in it: the seede is small and blacke, contained in small round heads: the roote is small, long, and threadie, shooting out such heads of leaues, which abide all the Winter, those that beare flower perishing.

There is another like vnto that before described in most things, the differences be these: It hath shorter leaues then the former, and dented about the edges in the like manner: the flowers hereof are white, but greater, made of six leaues, and most vsually without any spots at all in them, some are seene to haue spots also: the heads or seede vessels are more cornered then the former.

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